Antia's forehead is exactly the muzzle confrontation of Lu Yu!

Lu Yu walked slowly and put the muzzle of the gun directly on Antia's white forehead!

"Shout, why don't you shout!"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth hooked a sneer, and his fingers slowly put on the trigger.

"Help. Antia muttered from her mouth!

She didn't know that Lu Yu already possessed a powerful White Bone Claw and controlled the space around her!

Directly locked her in this piece of time and space claws!

As long as it is within the range of strength set by Lu Yu.

They were all caught by Lu Yu's time and space claws!

Moreover, Antia's strength can not surpass Lu Yu.

Therefore, no matter how much Antia wants to escape, it is impossible for her!


Alos smirked, only to see that his severed leg had grown rapidly.

The golden eyes of one hundred and eight kept shaking.

"You little thief snake, I didn't expect you to have today! I had a good discussion with you just now, but I didn't expect you to dare to hurt me in the end, I'm really angry!"

He looked at Antia and sneered, and two long knives turned out of his hands, and the eyes of one hundred and eight turned golden light!


Antia spat at Alos.

"Since you are Lu Yu's slave and call him the master, you still want to betray him and divide his interests when it comes to the critical moment!

She coldly rebuked.

This Alos didn't guard the interests of the evil god in the first place, and he actually worshipped a human being, Lu Yu as the master!

"I'm ......!" said Allos, who blushed and didn't know what to retort for a moment.

"Don't be verbose!"

A trace of cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes, and the Chaos Wheel Gun slowly moved downward, directly hitting Antia's heart.

The red light flickered in panic!

The Godhead is here, and under one shot, the Godhead, the Divinity, and her soul are all hidden!

"Do you need to be so ruthless, can I surrender?"

Antia said softly, her jade eyes were full of tears, a pair of jade fingers were attached to the muzzle of the gun, and her face had a little charming smile!


Lu Yu was a little surprised, and said, "You are not impassioned, because you are a person who swears to the death." "

"Why, my lord, you misunderstood, everyone is just trying to live, so they are struggling, you don't know, I am in that evil god......"

"That's it!"

Lu Yu waved his hand and interrupted Antiya's miserable sale.

"I'm not here to hear your story, now be my slave, and if you don't want to, then die!"

Lu Yu's voice was majestic and extraordinary, incomparably mighty, and irresistible!

Antia's red lips pursed slightly, fortunately saving her life, and glanced at Lu Yu softly.

However, the energy above the muzzle of the Chaos Wheel is getting bigger and bigger, and as long as it is shot down, it will inevitably be wiped out.


In the end, there was nothing to be done.

can only agree to Lu Yu's conditions, and use the blood alliance to prove that the people who follow Lu Yu are slaves!

Lu Yu once again obtained an evil god slave.

"By the way, when did you say that the son of the evil god king will come back?"

"It's coming!"

There was a sudden hint of horror in Antia's eyes.

She jerked behind her, and the space around her must have shaken, it was obvious that Eganibul, the son of the evil god, had returned!

"Eganipur is coming back!"

There was a hint of excitement in Lu Yu's eyes, and his skills were shocked.

A black mist surged all around.

A long dragon the size of an arm slowly floated on Lu Yu's body.

This is the evolutionary stage of the puppet dragon!


The wooden dragon also has a snake tail that can circ and turn into a huge dragon-shaped spaceship, enough to carry them here.

The material composed of the puppet and this Chaos Stone is suitable!

"Yes, if that's the case, let's kill them, but before I do that, I'll see what these sons of the Evil God King are capable of. "

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and made a move.

The radiance of divinity has collected all the treasures obtained by the old rulers in the hall into the system space!

Outside the base.

There was a hint of surprise in Eganipur's eyes.

His eyes closed slightly, and he found that his treasure hall had become empty!

"Damn it, who's stealing my treasure, get out of here!"

He looked around and yelled.

There were black clouds intertwined in the palms of his hands, and between the clouds, there were countless people's faces biting and crossing each other.

The black clouds and mist around him swallowed the surrounding demon beasts into their bodies, turning into giants the size of ten zhang!

shouted for a long time, but there was no one to answer him!

"Not yet!"

Eganipur's eyes showed a chilling murderous intent, and his fists clenched violently!


Listen to one of his roars!

A purple light above the fist suddenly turned into a fire dragon, and rushed into the tunnel of the treasure hall in front of him frantically!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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