As for you!" There was disdain in Yunil's eyes!

"I'm afraid that human beings are not the fifth group of creatures, so are you close to this righteous God, or are we close to the righteous God?"

"You are just reptiles living on the earth, and it is these gods who give you strength, and we seem to be like old age in their eyes......"

A cold voice knocked only in Lu Yu's ears.

It was as if the rolling thunder of the nine days had slashed into Lu Yu's mind, and his heart was shocked for a while!

The goddess of light they believe in still has a little divinity.

Which side are they defending to protect the interests of the evil gods, or are they defending the interests of mankind?

The evil gods and the so-called true gods have made a pact, and they seem to be neighbors, closer than humans.

And it is simply impossible for ordinary humans to chat with such an ancestor.

However, judging from this alone, the evil god seems to be in the limelight.

"Not true. "

Lu Yu's eyes must be.

"If you had the power of the righteous gods, then this world would have been ruled by you a long time ago, and it must be because the sins of your evil gods have been exposed, but you have a part of the power, and you have not been completely deprived of it. "


Yun Nierde's eyes burst out with an astonishing killing power, and his body turned into a streamer, leading the thundercloud left in the sky to kill!

The ancient, solemn, fierce, expansive, and distant aura rushed towards Lu Yu one after another.

"Click, click......"

Where the thunder and lightning went, it split the heavy space-time space.

Even Lu Yu's speed didn't seem to be as fast as the thunder and lightning behind him.

"Puppet Dragon. "

A colorful puppet dragon swirled around its body, radiating colorful rays of light.

As if crystallized, this lightning began to emit branches and buds from their turning point, dividing into countless parts and radiating towards the surroundings!

Lu Yu was reducing their power.

"Hmph! It's useless for you to do this, in the end you will only be waiting for death, I advise you to be taken and taken as my slave. "

Yun Nier saw that Lu Yu's body was like lightning, and he fled quickly, but he had a trace of thinking of taking Lu Yu as a slave in his heart.

However, now that I see Lu Yu so stubborn, I'm afraid it's difficult.

"Don't think!"

Lu Yu's figure seemed to be an aurora through the mountains of the west, rushing towards the human camp!

Now that the human race is rushing to attack, and there is such a big divine power thunderbolt, he unfortunately does not have the corresponding strong person in the human war!

It's not that Lu Yu didn't dare to take such a blow, but because the divinity in his body was almost consumed!

He can only run for a while now and wait for the divinity to make up for it, and he can still ask for the life of this Eganibul.

Eganipur chased after Lu Yu, gritting his teeth and never letting go!

If Lu Yu is not slaughtered, then there will be even greater trouble waiting for him!

"Hey, if humans see the statue of Thor, they will get some power if they believe in it, right?"

Lu Yu echoed his head and smiled indifferently, the Demon Hell Dragon King flashed Lu Yu's speed was incomparably fast!

"I'll kill you!"

Eganipur felt more and more that Lu Yu was a threat......

in the human camp.

Tu Delin was talking with a few old men, watching the map being recovered, and he couldn't close his mouth.

As long as this group of evil gods in the western world is taken away, then the evil gods in the three places in the south, east and south will not take advantage.

If you want to catch them all, you can have three more strong people of the true gods.

"There's an unknown object coming towards us, have you shot it down?"

An eager voice shouted from outside the door.

A wisp of suspicion appeared on Tu Delin's face and took over the picture.

Just looking at the two lights in the sky, they were rapidly approaching them, as if they were supersonic missiles.

"This shouldn't be a missile, it's not an airplane, it's a person! Now give me the order, anyway, the sky is flying towards us, and all such things will be destroyed." "

He clenched his fist, whoever dared to come out of their camp must be their enemy.

"Woo Woo Blah ......"

Pillars of light in the human camp began to shoot towards the clouds in the sky!

They are attacking all the divine light cannons, in order to fear the counterattack of the evil gods!

Once the Evil God's figure appears, then they will pull out an electric projectile!

This bomb is powerful, and there is also a high-energy divine capacitive network.

The method used is to hit the coordinates one by one in the sky, which can better determine the range of attack intelligence, and kill with one hit!

It's their experience in their quest for efficiency.


Above the sky.

Lu Yu was dodging the distant killing machine in the sky.

He came to the human camp and found that several powerful breaths were being launched at him.

Undeterred by his footsteps, he took two steps in the sky, flipping sideways over the divine bomb.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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