Alos's one hundred and eight eyes turned black, and there was no longer the golden eye artifact of the past.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "That idiot thought that I had hid in this long river with the ability of the long river of time, but what he never expected was that this was my system space, you see an interesting one." "

Lu Yu's expression turned into a smile, and the long river of time slowly flowed out, floating above the river.

The long river of time has no head and no tail, and it is precisely in the middle of the long river of time that Lu Yu used the means of the claw of time and space.

Ring of Morbius!

Luqi will be eternally repeated on this ring!

And when every part of his combat power expended rushed out of this long river of time, it was when the Ring of Morbius turned.

He is always rushing up under the long river of time, and the cycle repeats itself, and the cycle is endless.

And Lu Yu can get the offensive power of the God of War from it!

If he wants to escape from this ring, he can only follow the river of time, at least through this section of the river basin.

However, the most tragic thing is that Lu Yu has the claw of time and space in his hands!

"This ......"

Aloston came to his senses and jumped off Lu Yu's shoulder.

Looking at the huge ring in front of him, Lu Qi Yannian rode a purple and gold war horse in it, and circled back and forth in the water with high spirits.

From the beginning of the excitement, began to be impatient, became irritable, and finally began to be furious, the divine attack of the god of war wielded in his hands!

Eventually, the god of war that he had conceived of began to churn in the long river of time!

"Damn, you kid cow!"

He couldn't help but give Lu Yu a thumbs up, Lu Yu could think of such a way, and it was really a loss!

"Don't worry about him, but it's a fluke, fortunately, it's for the Claw of Time and Space to be promoted, and this is my home field again, it's strange that he doesn't suffer. "

Alos smiled and suddenly remembered something terrible.

Lu Yu just seemed to be laying out layer by layer, leading Lu Qi Yannian into his dangerous end.

"Did you just run away?"

??? One hundred and eight eyes machine-turned and stared at Lu Yu, as if watching the birth of a scheming and extremely evil Great Demon King!

Even he was lied to just now!

Lu Yu's decisive retreat, coupled with the incomparable courage before the desperate battle!

He put an end to all his beliefs and consumed his godhead!

All of this seems to be an innocent person who roared helplessly before being chased and killed by humans, causing Lu Qi Yannian to recklessly chase into Lu Yu's system space and kill violently!

However, on the contrary, he was indeed trapped in the system space by Lu Yu!

"It's not. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, that kid is indeed cunning, if he doesn't throw a little meat, he won't take the bait at all.

"Lu Yu, it's obviously it!

Alos looked at Lu Yu and said viciously, his godhead is gone!

Lu Yu gave him two godheads, but the efficiency of using them was extremely strong.

gave him the godhead, but before his hand was hot, he was already pitted back by Lu Yu, which was simply a good price, this guy is really bad.

"Why, though, when you talk to me, it's best to pay attention to your tone, a godhead who doesn't have a godhead. "

Lu Yu turned his head, and a pair of bright eyes flashed with kindness.

Smiling slightly, his crystal white teeth flashing with a friendly light, he seemed to be deliberately flattering to Allos's eyes.

Alos shuddered, and stepped backwards, almost falling off the clouds.

"Hehe, it was just a joke just now, why take it seriously, let's go, let's go......"

in the human camp.

"Oh no, it's not good, Lu Qi Yannian seems to have cut off our communication, and the godhead in his body is continuing to weaken, what can I do?"

The big man with a sloppy face roared urgently beyond the ice.

He had long expected the danger of Lu Qiyannian, but he didn't expect this guy to really have an accident.

The ice cube burst quickly, and the icy blue divine brilliance of Shi Jin Yunyan's whole body seemed to be dressing her with divine armor, and the curve of the shape and earth made people's blood gush!

She held an ice-blue spear in her hand, and infinite killing intent appeared in her eyes!

"Damn! I don't know if it's a human or some evil god, he dares to hide his brother, in that case, let's go meet him for a while!"

"Okay, however, you must not break the agreement between the two sides, the excessive reproduction and sacrifice of human beings are inevitable, as for the evil gods being hunted by us at the same time, as our cultivation regulations, this is all parallel to both sides, although the people below don't know, but at least we have to abide by it!"

opened his mouth and told a shocking secret, and the look in De Seang's eyes was jealous of whether Shi Jin Yunyan would turn the evil god region upside down.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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