The human powerhouse was trained into his own weapon by the evil god as a support to kill Lu Fei'er!

"Damn it!"

Lu Fei'er was stabbed by this white cold bone spear and rolled backwards again and again!

There was an angry killing intent in her eyes, she didn't expect that at the last moment, she would be forced to retreat by such a cold bone spear!

"I can't catch the fox, I'm in trouble!"

Seeing this Sen Bai cold bone gun killed, there was no fear, but a smile appeared on his face.


Sen Bai sneered, looking at Lu Fei'er as if she was familiar, her eyes reflected the moon, her face was jade-colored, and the pseudo-god vein was very mysterious and even stronger!

But the number of people is smaller, and if you kill it, you will kill it!

"Little girl, she actually came to my territory to spread wild, even if your sister Luqin Youmiao came, it would be useless, I will accept you today!"

"Then give it a try!"

Sen Bai Leng Bone Spear was not afraid at all, his hands were put together, and the black wings on his back gradually expanded.


In the blink of an eye, a huge black crow stood behind him, with a head exactly like that of Rufeier, but with a different divine body!

"It turned out to be the true God. "

There was a hint of surprise in Sen Bai's cold bone spear's tone, and he said, "Although your realm is already similar to mine, I want you to know what an evil god king is, and the ancient god behind you may not be even older than me!"

As soon as the words fell.

The body of the cold bone spear flashed with a series of difficult, arcane ornamental light.

The white bones on Sen Bai's cold bone gun writhed wildly, and it turned into a huge snake python!

It's just that the head of the snake python is still human, and the bloody light in the eyes spews out divine fireworks!


Lu Feier was not afraid at all, and her huge wings spread like a mountain, slamming down towards the front!

The black feathers in the sky turned into a raging storm and surrounded and killed Sen Bai with cold bone spears.

In the sky.

The warring Rufiel was like an evil one, and when the feathers fell, half of the sky was still dark!

The Senbai Cold Bone Spear was different, and the two rays of light that turned out were bright red and bloody, and a fight ensued.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom ......"

The violent explosion turned the surrounding mountains into plains, and the clouds above the sky were gone!

"What are you still doing in a daze?

Sen Bai coldly rebuked the ten evil gods under the earth.

He's just a weapon, turning into a serpent to fight against Rufeel in the sky!

The ten evil gods sitting on the ground seemed to have another look in their eyes!

The evil gods on the ground were about to cry, and now they were all turned into slaves of Lu Yu.

The reason why the Senbai Cold Bone Spear was summoned was just for Lu Yu's conquest!

A figure of Lu Yu slowly descended from the sky, followed by more than a dozen evil gods, and three true god powerhouses!

"Little girl, I'll give you a taste today, if you don't take out some of your hole cards, I'm afraid you're going to end up here today!"

Lu Yu sneered, and with a wave of his arm, the brilliance of the many evil gods behind him turned into a killing light in the sky.

The red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple divine light directly surrounded Lu Fei'er's body!

"Damn it!"

Lu Fei'er has to deal with both Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun and Lu Yu!

Although the Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear was quite aggressive in her eyes and was nothing, Lu Yu was like the last straw that crushed the camel, and he actually attacked behind her!

"You and I are both human beings, and now that I am fighting with the evil gods, you are actually sneaking up on my back, shameless!"

She looked at the vastness of Lu Yu's angry voice, and slashed at the back of a huge black long sword in her hand!

The black sword grew, and slender eyes floated from the black sword.

Suddenly, the dark light in the sky pierced through the mountains, and the slopes of the mountains were riddled with holes.

Lu Yu watched so many black lights attack him, and he picked up a Chaos Revolver on his arm.

"Bang bang ......"

A burst of intense light flashed in the muzzle of Lu Yu's gun, and it was launched with the full force of the divine divinity.

Collided with the black light emitted by the pile of black swords.


Sen Bai's face in the cold bone spear laughed, he didn't expect Lu Fei'er to be besieged by Lu Yu!

He was in front, Lu Yu was in the rear, and he happened to do it with him!

"Boy, this time you will take down Lu Fei'er, and join the Evil God Temple with me! But if you believe in me, I will give you great benefits, at least the pinnacle position beyond the human race, what you want to fight is the sea of stars!"


A trace of excitement appeared in Lu Yu's eyes, and his fists were clenched tightly, looking like he was going to fight for the evil god, looking at Lu Fei'er with hatred and itching teeth.

The many evil gods who followed behind Lu Yu smiled bitterly, Lu Yu, this guy didn't know if it was evil!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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