Lu Yu's divine thought was transmitted.


The ten evil gods did not dare to slack off, and immediately rushed into the realm.

The black fine lines exposed around their bodies can bless the power of this Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear!


Listening to a roar, clusters of purple light flames accompanied countless human faces, and the Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear flew directly towards Lu Fei'er!


Lu Fei'er was not afraid, and noticed that the energy on Lu Yu's Chaos Wheel Gun was getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding Chaos Qi was becoming more and more empty!

"Wushen, Kone!"

Her palm slapped her heart violently, and in an instant, the meridians on her arm floated, and her muscles were tense!

A beautiful woman with a slender figure turned into a violent muscular girl!

Lu Yu was almost stunned!


With a vigorous exhalation, there was no divinity on her fist, just an empty punch!


In an instant, with the strength of his fist, he actually broke the void.


The powerful divine brilliance, under this punch, actually retreated, and a burst of air exploded!

"What kind of strength is this!"

Lu Yu was stunned, he could fight the gods!

Such a power can defeat the divinity, just with that pair of flesh fists?

Is it possible?

How could human beings reach such a limit, without this trace of divinity, it seems to be back to the basics!

Yes, back to basics!

"Damn the Old Gods!"

Sen Bai scolded angrily, and shook his arm.

The bone had been powdered, but he repaired it very quickly, which caused him not to turn into powder immediately.

"Boy, your energy hasn't gathered faster, just use my chaotic qi! I dragged her, and you shot her to death in no time! If it drags on, I'm afraid that if Gu Fa comes out, my wisp of distraction will definitely die!"

Said urgently, and there seemed to be some hesitation on that face


Lu Yu's eyes must have been solemn, but his heart was already happy.

For the regulation of the chaotic qi around him, he didn't need his strength, he had already watched all the chaotic qi around him surging towards his chaotic wheel gun!

The chaotic qi above the Chaos Wheel Gun is getting stronger and stronger!

"If you want me to be a slave, you go and die, you forced me to do all this today, and you brought it on yourself!"

Between Lu Yu's every word were words that popped out from between his teeth, but his eyes blinked slightly!

Sen Bai Leng Bone Spear didn't have time to look at Lu Yu's face, and after listening to Lu Yu's words, he knew that Lu Yu must be in the same camp as him!

His whole body swelled up, turning into a huge bone ball and smashing it over!

Rufeld stepped back quickly!

What the hell is that bastard doing in Lu Yu?

"Is this teasing?"

She muttered to herself, and a black wing glow flashed out from her palm!


When a word came out of his mouth, the golden lines flowed, and the blood flowed with gold.

Huge words floated behind him, and strange lines slowly emerged from the words.


A dark portal poured out from behind her, and the word was fixed in the center of the portal!

"Don't do it yet! she's going to have the power of the Old Gods! It's a lot of consumption for her, but she's dying with us now!"

Sen Bai Leng Bone Spear looked at Lu Yu and reprimanded angrily, the Chaos Qi had already reproduced Lu Yu's Chaos Wheel Gun, but this kid was stunned!

"All together!"

Only then did Lu Yu know why he had the power of the ancient gods so strong! He could be punched by her flesh fist, and the light of divinity retreated directly, it turned out to be this!

Rufeel already has the will to die!

"Get out of the way!"

He watched as Rufeel yelled loudly and pulled the trigger.


Like a divine sun, the Chaos Wheel Spear was lying between heaven and earth, crushing towards the back of Sen Bai's cold bone spear!

"Damn human, you dared to fuck me at the last moment!"

Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily, there was an undetectable will of his on one of his weapons to control this Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear!

However, Lu Yu actually dealt with him directly at this last moment!

The most regrettable thing is that he automatically cooperates, which means that Lu Yu sold him, and he also counted the money for Lu Yu!

Lu Fei'er knew Lu Yu's intentions, and hurriedly put away the portal behind her, if she made a move, she would definitely be wiped out with Lu Yu and Sen Bai Leng!

Lu Yu's attack on the Sen Bai Cold Bone Spear, but there is no need to do it again!

"Black God, Wing Scatter, Escape!"

Her whirling wings turned into a black glow and rushed straight into the sky!

"Claws of Time and Space, go. "

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and the entire space was detonating!


A ripple emerged.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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