Although Klockdahl didn't know what Lu Yu was going to do, it didn't matter to him.

"Between you and me, it's just a temporary cooperation, but I warned you not to reveal my news to the Evil God King, and if it's okay in the future, it's gone!"

"Okay, then you should know what you have to pay so that the Evil God King doesn't suspect it!"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and the divine brilliance between his body was accompanied by the rise of divine power, and he grabbed Lu Fei'er straight from the sky, this girl was very noisy.

"I know, I don't need you to teach me!"

Klockdahl laughed angrily and screamed, and the godhead disconnected, and the divine light flickered and flickered.

Lu Yu grabbed it in his hand and drew out a holy light!


Klockdahl spat out a mouthful of purple divine blood, and his eyes were full of hatred and smashed into the ground!

"Klockdahl, you're a coward, and if you let it go of me, I'll definitely have a chance to kill you in one blow. "

Alos said with a grin in Lu Yu's ear.

"Hmph, stupid, if Klockdahl deals with me now, I will definitely be in the same camp as Lufeier, and Klockdahl will die without a place to be buried!"

"Now Klockdahl can only get a way out by cooperating with me, and at the same time he has formed a blood alliance with me, which is only good for him, not harmful. "

Lu Yu had already grasped the power of Klockdal's psychology, mental arts, and blood alliance, and they had just fought against the Evil God King, and there was still a moment of residual power!

"You ......" Alos's mouth opened, and sure enough, Lu Yu had already thought of the way!

"Damn it!"

Lu Fei'er struggled frantically under Lu Yu's big hand, and the black sword in her hand was just a wave of air.

"You bastard, if my sister knows, if you dare to do this to me, you will definitely die without a place to bury!"

kicked on the invisible divine brilliance of the eyes, but no matter how much she struggled, with the dissipation of the divinity in her body a little bit, she couldn't break free.

"Uninteresting. "

Lu Yu put her on the ground, not wanting to consume more divinity, and walked forward.


Lu Fei'er hurriedly stepped back, unable to exert any of her divinity in her hands.

"Honestly, I've got to find a rope to tie you up

"Don't!" Lu Fei'er said with tears in her eyes, her red lips squirming, "If you dare, I'll die for you!"


Lu Yu had a black line on his face.

"Si Yan, this girl is a narcissist, go ahead. "

Si Yan covered her red lips and chuckled.

"Come on. "

She spun with divine brilliance, untied a strap and reached for Rufeld.

"Sister, can you not tie it up, it's a shame, everyone is a pseudo-god~ Please......"

"No!" Lu Yu replied coldly, and would be coquettish to Si Yan, and said, "Hand over your evil god, anyway, you have reached this point, and it will not be difficult for you to hunt the evil god." "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and the spiritual realm around him suddenly expanded, and he disappeared into this area with this group of people.



Above the mountain peaks.

Stone by stone shook.

The trembling sounds of the demon beasts around him sounded.

Many strange-looking evil gods suddenly rushed out of this space-time cave!

"Lord Evil God King!"

More than a dozen evil gods screamed and knelt on the ground, black lines flowing from their fingers.

"Hmm. "

A sigh rang out from the space, and his eyes swept around.

"Klocodahl. "

As soon as the words fell.

Klockdahl slammed out from under the ground, half of his body had been broken!

"Lord Evil God King, you're here, that guy's combat power is simply beyond my imagination, even if your Senbai Cold Bone Spear is here, under his hands, it seems to be vulnerable!"

He looked at the Evil God King and said with a cry and howl, if Lu Yu is here, I'm afraid he will give Klockdahl a thumbs up for his acting skills.

"Hmm. The projection groaned, and its huge, dark green eyes, like portals, emitted a faint light that shone on Klockdahl's body.


Klockdahl screamed, and the pain that burned his soul made his main body curl up!

Death was so close to him that it was going to be destroyed now!

"This king asks you, is it the collusion between you and Lu Yu that harmed my treasure gun!"

"No, it's not, Wang! Lu Fei'er and Lu Yu came together to attack your master, and this is what led to the big defeat! Didn't you personally cooperate with Lu Yu just now? What does this have to do with me? If you don't believe me, you can check the prologue of the battle just now!"

Klockdahl was in great pain, and he had not lost his sanity, and if he had admitted it, he would have been truly doomed.

The Evil God King nodded slowly.

I saw a phantom shadow that turned out of his body swept out a black mist in all directions, and everything around him began to return to its original state.

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