The moonlight shines obliquely.

A rosy lip was revealed, and under the shadows, I could only look at her eyes that could not be hidden in the darkness, as if she was looking.

"Of course. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently and looked at the full moon in the distance.

"So what do you want? I'd like to hear it. "

Luqin Youmiao chuckled, that stupid sister was caught by Lu Yu, and she didn't worry about it being fake.

However, seeing that Lu Yu's lesson was not too excessive, he didn't appear, and the corners of his mouth were curled, as if he was laughing at Lu Yu's behavior of holding her sister hostage.

"Not very well. "

Lu Yu turned around.

"I think that the second advent of the Evil God King of the White Sun has been repelled by you, and as for the divinity left behind by the repulsion, I think it can be exchanged. "

Lu Yu slowly raised a palm, and the smile on his face was indifferent at this moment.

"You're smart. "

Luqin nodded slowly.

However, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and he said, "But the divinity of the Evil God King has already been withdrawn by us, and it is almost impossible to get the divinity of the Evil God King." "

"Then I can't suffer unilaterally. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, that little girl had brought him a lot of trouble.


Luqin nodded gracefully.

"How about the 20 evil gods?"

"30 evil gods. "

"2 evil godheads. "

"25 evil godheads. "


Lu Yu smiled indifferently, the bid of the two was only between these 25 evil god godheads.

That little girl only has 20 evil gods on her body, and the evil god godhead has already been exceeded.

Lu Qin's beautiful figure walked on the top of the mountain peak, and looked at the full moon in the sky with Lu Yu.

The soft cheeks slowly emerged from the moonlight, which was beautiful and moving, and the eyes were as cold as the cold world, as if they were absolutely inhuman.

A purple hair fluttered in the wind, faintly fragrant and refreshing.

"I could have taken her, but now I've agreed to your terms, do you know why?"

Lu Yu shook his head, this was not considered.

"It's okay to guess. Lu Qin Youmiao's expression was indifferent at this time, and she looked at Lu Yu gracefully in her eyes, and she couldn't be malicious.

"First, I didn't kill her, and it was delicious. "

"Second, you want someone to educate him, after all, his character is too naughty. "

"Third, maybe you don't have much chance to take care of her at all, so you want to give me a settlement fee to take her. "

"Isn't it?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently.

Luqin Youmiao is stronger than him above the realm, and he can faintly feel that Luqin Youmiao is an evil god king!

Even if an evil god king came, she would still be able to repel it.

The oppressive force in front of her is stronger than that of the Evil God King, with such power and absolute rationality, these twenty-five Evil God Godheads will definitely not give it to him easily.

Luqin's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and her beautiful cheeks turned sideways.

The moonlight and Luqin's delicate cheeks shone on each other, as if softly reflecting the light of the water and moon on this face, and the thousands of flowers and powders could not compare to the thin powder, just one face.

"Sure enough, it's a smart person, we're about to start a divine war against the evil gods, but all of them are dispatched, this little girl's realm is not enough, and it's still small, so we don't plan to take her there. "

Exhaling a breath, Luqin Youmiao seemed to release a lot of depression in her chest.


Lu Yu smiled indifferently, God War? Sure enough, this group of people is doing great things, and said;": If you really expect me to take her, then I'm afraid ......"

"Plus five more evil godheads. "

Lu Qin smiled and said, "Mr. Lu Yu, if you go too far, you won't be a gentleman, so you should do me a favor." "

"Deal, but I didn't bring that child. "

Lu Yu agreed directly, as if all this had been expected by him.

"Hehe~ Interesting.

Lu Qin Youmiao covered her red lips and chuckled, looking at Lu Yu with her eyes.

"Is it too much?"

"It's too little, don't believe you go and see for yourself. Lu Yu turned his head at this time and stepped towards the cave.

Lu Qin Youmiao's eyes were hesitant, but she followed behind Lu Yu.

The black flames burned the cliffs and rocks of the mountains, and also ushered in the tranquility of the night.

The evil gods on both sides saw Luqin's wonderful arrival, and they hid in the corner in fright.

The aura on Luqin's body is too strong, and she has the resentment of the fall of the Evil God King!

It can be seen that this Luqin is wonderful enough to kill an evil god king, and he didn't expect to come here.

Inside the cave.

Lu Fei'er was already asleep, and the corners of her mouth were sparkling with saliva.

Si Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, this Lu Fei'er had to listen to the story before she could fall asleep, and it was clear that she was a child.

"That bastard, big idiot, I'm not going to let him go......"

Lu Fei'er was still talking stupidly, and she was scolding and happy at Lu Yu in her dreams.

Lu Yu didn't care.

"I'm taking her with me, but you're going to have to make her listen to me. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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