Lu Fei stomped her feet angrily, Lu Yu was a little selfish.

If she and Lu Yu do it together, it is possible to take down this evil god king in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm the Utos Demon Blood God......"

Utos Demon Blood God laughed and looked at Lu Yu's proud appearance.

The Utos Demon Blood God already felt that he could eat Lu Yu without any left.

"Boy, your divinity is strong, but divinity is not the only criterion for combat, and now it seems that I am going to teach you a lesson. "

As the words fell, a brilliant light bloomed from the magma's face.

The earth around it contracted wildly, like dehydrated fur squeezing together like a frenzied squeeze.

The Chaos Runner in Lu Yu's hand did not hesitate, and one shot was stimulated.


A huge explosion sound rose in this gray mist space, hitting a crystal bright magic mountain on the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey...... It's useless, it's useless......"

Evil voices rang out all around.

The smoke cleared.

The ten-foot-tall little giant's whole body is crystal clear, as if it was made of diamonds.

The whole body was unusually strong, and he actually blocked Lu Yu's Chaos Wheel Gun attack with one palm!

"Just now, that An Ruiqin didn't dare to ask me to fight for a while, if you stay, then let's take you to the knife!"

"King Kong Realm. "

As soon as the words fell.

Lu Yu's surroundings suddenly changed greatly, and high mountains rose one after another, revealing a crystal bright and indestructible light.

The sky was layered on top of each other, like the carapace of a turtle, repeating layer after layer.

There was a hint of solemnity in Lu Yu's eyes!

The Utos Demon Blood God is the Uthos Demon Blood God!

Unlike ordinary powerhouses, if all the power of the evil gods is distributed on their bodies, even if they are dragged into the realm, the claws of time and space can go out at any time.

But this diamond world is different, every place is sealed, and he feels as if the power is in this dark world!

"The Body of the Dragon. "

Dragon scales floated above Lu Yu's arms, and in an instant, the blood around him swirled like flames, flowing under his skin.


The fist slammed forward.


The Utos Demon Blood God roared angrily, strode into the mix, and turned into a punch that turned into Lu Yu below and hooked over.


Lu Yu actually broke a part of the divinity between his hands, and one of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out in a straight line.

The strength of the Utos Demon Blood God is really scary!

Under this diamond state of the Thoth Demon Blood God, it seemed to be invincible, and it was undamaging with his full strength, and it could knock him back and cough up blood.

"The realm of fear. "

A terrified realm suddenly spread out in all directions, and light waves in the middle of the realm spread out towards the surrounding diamond space.


The coercion of the spirit sounded from all around, and the spiritual power emitted by the realm of fear elicited a wave-like echo from all around, launching spirits to attack each other.


A crisp sound sounded over the body of the diamond.

The Utos Demon Blood God looked at the dense spiritual power attacks around him, and waved his hand casually.

On the light of the diamond, in an instant, the spiritual power melted away!

"Boy, maybe you don't know what Utos Demon Blood God is, or maybe you won't have a chance to know it in the future. "

One of his huge fists clenched slightly, and in an instant, the space changed abruptly.

Countless fists stretched out their huge arms from the diamond wall, and the brilliant crystal light above the fists instantly strangled towards the landing feather.

"Not bad. "

Lu Yu looked at the brilliance of twilight around him, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


Layers of brilliance floated between Lu Yu's whole body, and with the extremely different godhead of the Evil God King, it spun up, and the power around him became stronger and stronger.

"Give it to me!"

The Utos Demon Blood God looked at the diamond fists around him and wanted to stop, and gave an order.

"Woo Woo ......"

The countless diamond arms on the wall suddenly turned into lasers, twisting wildly in the space.

At this moment, the space was narrowed and Lu Yu was rounded up.

"Puppet Dragon ......"

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, and a colorful puppet dragon circled out from his waist, and a dragon head was placed on his shoulder.


Listening to a sharp roar, a seven-colored light was released from the dragon's head, radiating towards the already transparent diamonds around it.


On top of diamonds.

The lines of the splitting began to glow white, and the diamond's Fengzhi had lost its directionality, and it crystallized faster here!


When the Evil God King saw such a scene, instead of showing any anger, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Call you stupid, you're really stupid, as long as this realm is filled, then you will die and have no place to be buried. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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