"However, I heard them say that you can use your own ability to change the monster, in that case, why don't you try to change the bloodline, use the blood of the human strong to exchange with the bloodline, so as to visit, if the changes in them are beneficial to you, then accept them, if they are unfavorable, you can completely refuse ah." "

"You're smart. "

Lu Yu was not stingy with his praise, and what Lu Fei'er said was somewhat referential for him.

"That's it. "

Lu Fei'er proudly raised her delicate little face, stretched out her palm and spread it out to Lu Yu, and said, "Tuition!"

"Learn from your size, it's good enough for me to take care of you. "

Lu Yu chuckled, this little girl will start talking about the price with herself.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go, let's rescue those humans first, and then say, the Utos Demon Blood God should know where they are!"

Lu Yu turned his head to look at the Utos Demon Blood God, the Utos Demon Blood God was a kind of evil god king.

As for where the other evil god king is, I'm afraid that the psychology of the evil god king is understood.

"Knowing is knowing, but ......"

Utos Demon Blood God was a little hesitant, especially looking at the light in Lu Yu's eyes.

If you want to use him, it is very likely that it will have a detrimental effect on your fellow evil gods.

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he walked towards the Evil God King, putting it on the Evil God King's shoulder.

"I wish you could be smart now, as I hoped, and tell me everything you know, and we're just just getting started, aren't we?"

The Utos Demon Blood God could only nod helplessly, and stepped into the endless black mist space.

"The spatial folding we presented just now is absolutely impossible to appear above the ordinary realm, unless your realm level is higher than mine, or at the same level as me, it can be folded, but why did I fall into the long river of time just now?"

The Evil God King asked softly, wondering what the reason was? He was the Utoth Demon Blood God!

Unlike Lu Yu, he is a natural evil god, and another theory is that he was taken care of by heaven and earth, but now that he has indeed been defeated by Lu Yu, it is normal to be unwilling.

Lu Yu chuckled lightly and shook his head, there is no question of the king.

"You ought to know all the dangers and the road ahead, which of us are there? Come here, Josanif, and want him to see what those men look like? "


Josanif hurried away from behind him.

Fiddling with the dark green tablet in his hand, he still felt a little horrified in his heart when he saw this evil god king standing in front of him!

The Evil God King's combat power is known to the world, but in front of Lu Yu's eyes, it seems to be a little minion who is not worth mentioning.

This made him feel even more afraid of Lu Yu, inexplicable worship, if you follow Lu Yu, you can become gods!

"Have you seen it?"

The Evil God King fixed his eyes on the slab.

He shook his head slowly, and the radiance of divinity displayed around him, and said, "I've only seen these people so far, and the few people you are talking about are just small minions on the periphery......"

A figure reveals the divinity in front of him.


Lu Yu's eyes turned his head to look at the Evil God King with a cold murderous intent.

"Ahem...... Utos Demon Blood God coughed dryly twice, "I don't mean to slander them, but in terms of our combat effectiveness, this is true, and I have only seen a few people. "

As soon as the words fell, several gray-haired old men suddenly came out from the divine brilliance on his body.

Frozen in frame, it is undoubtedly not a gentleman in a suit and dress, above their eyeballs, with a golden sheen, it looks as if it does not look like a human being.

It looks like the ancient gods carved among the Thousand-Handed Demon Gods.

"Oh my God! This is Grand Duke Dilyuk! He is known as the economic pillar of the human system, I didn't expect you to disappear a few months ago, and you tied him up!"

Josanif exclaimed, and the Grand Duke of Dilyuk turned out to be a huge tycoon worthy of his name.

I don't know why he suddenly disappeared! This is just the most taboo thing for the Dilyuk family.

They knew it secretly, but they never heard of it!

Lu Yu's eyes lit up slightly as he listened to the information told by Josanif.

If this guy is really rich, then wouldn't it help him on a ride? As for the bloodline things, they may not be in his home without a collection!

Utos Demon Blood God quickly pushed back two steps, looking at Lu Yu's eyes with almost fire, if Lu Yu was suspicious, I am afraid that he would have to be dissected.

Go find out the whereabouts of this human!

"Not me! I have no interest in this old man, and this Duke of Dilyuk is of little use to me. "

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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