Hell Flames!"

Lu Yu's palm swung out, and countless flames seeped down from the surrounding walls, and the burning surrounding arms turned into ashes and scattered in all directions.


Controlling the Utos Demon Blood God, he rushed into the huge portal in front of him, and saw the power of the godhead spin and increase!


"Boom ......"

Inside the portal, a solid wall composed of a black flesh wall was suddenly opened by Lu Yu's punch!


As soon as the portal opened, a huge red eye suddenly rushed out and slammed into the body of the Utos Demon Blood God!


Utoth's Demon Blood God's body spilled out, and countless blood flowed out along with the purple blood in his mouth.

The Utos Demon Blood God was smashed straight out of the treasure space like a cannonball!

"Ahem...... Damn, just fought, he didn't take out his body at all, and the current body is hiding in his treasure vault space......"

Halfway through the conversation.

A trace of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the surrounding mountains suddenly rose up, and pieces of flesh and blood fell from the surrounding clouds and mist, and said, "Hurry up, this guy is about to go berserk, he is an evil god king who is favored by the outer gods, and he may be a relict god left before the outer gods left!"

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Lu Yu's eyes must have been, but he just saw the surrounding peaks composed of red blood clots, pulling up layer by layer!

"I ......"

Utos Demon Blood God was just about to respond to Lu Yu, but was glared at by Lu Yu's cold eyes.

Lu Yu looked at all directions, it would be useless for this guy to say otherwise, it seemed that this Utos Demon Blood God was also secretly trying to murder him.

That's what happened in front of you!

"All have to die!"

A huge roar came from the surrounding Roshan, which was not a realm or a realm, but a real world, blocked with everything around it!

He is a world made of flesh!

"Hey...... Utos Demon Blood God, I have long seen that you have a problem, listening to the heartbeat in your body, how can I not be familiar with it, and the power of your divinity is too fake, mottled and messy, it's not you at all, come out, even the two of you will clean up today!"

Lu Yu's face was cold, and a flash of light flashed Lu Yu walked out of the head of the Utos Demon Blood God.

Lu Yu held the Chaos Revolver in his hand, a bone claw in his right hand, and a colorful dragon floating above his shoulder.

"It's you!"

The strong man of the iron tower was stunned for a moment, looking at Lu Yu's familiar appearance, and Lu Yu's qi seemed to be equivalent to his divinity, and said, "Let's act together, I'm Kegnidos, the left staff member of the combat headquarters." "

"Kgnidos, well, looks like it's going to be played now. "

Lu Yu nodded at all times, and before he could talk more, the Chaos Runner Gun in his hand turned and bombarded out with a huge red flame!

"Boom ......"

The blood-colored giant wall around them jumped down, and pieces of flesh splattered with blood!

"This is useless at all, it is very likely that it is the meat essence of the outer gods, and it has become such a large scale today through insole irrigation and artificial momentum, and now he can't be destroyed at all by means alone!"

Kgnidos had a large hand, two long swords back at his waist, and a sledgehammer in his hand on his shoulder.

A pair of eyes were looking seriously at Frisrock in the sky.

"Then you have a battle plan?"

Lu Yu turned around and asked, a round of divine sun-like brilliance behind him became brilliant, and said, "Come out, Thousand-Handed Demon God!"


The Thousand-Handed Demon God walked out of Lu Yu's visualization.

The sparkling brilliance of the whole body lies in this fleshy peak.

All the flesh and blood of the evil god hit the body of the Thousand-Handed Demon God, trying to assimilate the Thousand-Handed Demon God into pieces of flesh.

But his body is a diamond crystal, and it is impossible to assimilate it at all!

"No, you ......"

Kegnidos turned his head to look at Lu Yu, and in an instant, he found the Thousand-Handed Demon God behind him, and when he looked at it, he said, "You haven't become a Genshin yet, I didn't think that your Visualization God has already become?"

"Let's go, rush out with me!"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and the claws of time and space in his hand trembled, causing ripples to float in the space around him, and the two people appeared in the body of this thousand-handed demon god.


Flyisroe's huge head suddenly descended from the sky, and flesh-like flowing liquid floated around Lu Yu, like a giant python wrapped around the gold and silver Thousand-Handed Demon God!

"Boy, I didn't expect that the Utos Demon Blood God was defeated by you, and recognized you as the master, since this is the case, then I will swallow you, and you humans will die in thousands of years, and I can still afford it!"

He looked at Lu Yu and sneered.

Rolling countless flesh and blood, he rushed into the treasure house with the Thousand-Handed Demon God.

The lifespan of human beings is generally very shorter than that of evil gods, and as long as this time is consumed, this thousand-handed demon god will naturally be destroyed without an owner.

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