Phyryslok transforms into an entity with light, and when the entity is dispersed, it turns into an entity.

Lu Yu has never experienced it before!

"Fear Realm, Long River of Time!"

Lu Yu knew! If they didn't go out for a long time, I was afraid that several of them would turn into blood!

With a bang, a long river of time swept around Lu Yu's thousand-handed demon god.

It protects them, but also blocks their way from front to back.

At the same time, it prevents a huge blood-colored light from shining in!

"Siege him! This evil god king doesn't have any so-called evil core at all, I think this is his essence!"

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, the Chaos Wheel Gun in his hand, the brilliance of the turn!


Quegnidos apparently did not believe Lu Yu's conclusions.

However, a sledgehammer in his hand slammed into the huge sarcoma!


Blood splattered, and in one sarcoma it became ten pieces, sprinkling in all directions.

"It's useless, it's useless!"

The flesh around them squirmed again, and the voice was sharp and piercing.

"As long as I don't want to die in this realm, no one can let me die, and you kid has a long time, then it is very likely to be more powerful for me!"

As soon as the words fell.

In the long river of time, a little bit of blood light began to roll up.

The blood light turned into a small snail-like power, and began to attach to the entire thousand-armed gods and demons.

"Come, Gulais, Hades!"

The space pressed by the power of the outer gods exploded in a while!

The red horn squeezed outward from this long river of time, and it could be transferred across the long river of time, as if the past had come to an end, and it was extremely terrifying!

"O outer gods, the glory of evil gods, I will call thee ......"

"Do it!"

A hint of resoluteness appeared on Lu Yu's face.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the long river of time, he summoned the outer gods back, which was a great disadvantage for him!

The divine brilliance above his body smashed towards the blood mist all over the ground!

"Hurry up and put away your long river of time!"

Kegnidos looked at Lu Yu and said urgently.

He felt a faint sense of malaise, Yu this long river of time is the power of the god's attack!

If this continues, then they will surely die.

"No!" Lu Yu nodded and said, "If time is harvested, then so much flesh and blood will all be turned into sacrifices, you and I too, it's too late now, lend me your power!"


Quegnidos was slightly stunned.

When his eyes swept to Lu Yu, he found that Lu Yu's current body had turned a shadow of blood red.

Under the light of this red light, it was even more powerful than Lu Yu's colorful light, assimilating their own flesh and blood!

"It's too late, although it is very likely that he will be a slave of the ancient gods, but I have a way to deal with him!"

Lu Yu said urgently.

The divine brilliance around his body drove away the crimson blood-colored light, and the power around him suddenly appeared!

"Thousand-Handed Demon God!"

A visualization image behind him resurfaced, and a golden light was only a palm's height, slowly standing up from the top of Lu Yu's head.

The essence of the Thousand-Handed Demon God is also where the faith lies!


Quegnidos nodded rapidly, and a ray of light appeared around him.

A man with wild hair dancing wildly, muscles flowing from top of his arms, a giant hammer in both hands, two long swords at his waist, and a pair of gods of power with eyes like the sun and moon stood out!


Lu Yu didn't have time to wait too much, and the ancient gods above his head melted up!

To defeat Phyrysrok again, it must be a part of the sacrifice!

If he can't rush out and can't take Flyisrock, I'm afraid it will hinder his later actions!

"It's late!"

Phyrysrok laughed sharply, and the flesh and blood in this space suddenly swelled up in the body of the Thousand-Handed Demon God!

"Woo Woo ......"

One by one, the red spears in the huge ball of flesh pierced at the round of visions!

"I'll help you!

Rufeel knew they were already dangerous.

couldn't just care about himself, and fought fiercely behind Lu Yu.

Suddenly from her brow, a crow with golden paws.

A shrill cry rang out loud from above her forehead, spreading her black wings!


A golden crow in his hand was released into the sky by him.

The golden-footed black god came to life, and a pair of sharp birds suddenly opened their mouths!


The golden light and the light of the flesh orb turned against each other!


A huge explosion exploded from the body of the Thousand-Handed Demon God.

Although the Thousand-Handed Demon God has the body of a diamond, it is crystal bright, but under this huge energy, there are even white traces!

"Who's calling me?"

A grand voice rang out from the river of time.

The blood-colored waters turn a single horn.

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