Physroth's golden feathers slowly flowed from his blood-colored space!

Kegnidos and Lu Yu occupied a side by side, and there was solemnity in their eyes.

The twin swords in Kgnidos' hands swirled around him, a giant hammer resting on his shoulder.

"Be careful, this guy has surpassed the realm of Genshin Impact, and with that horn on his head, he has a good chance of killing us in an instant!"

"Got it. "

Lu Yu nodded, and he had a tacit understanding with Kegnidos, and surrounded the left and right sides of this huge current!


Flysrock glanced left and right, flapping his wings, and the first one was to attack the landing feather!

If Lu Yu hadn't come, I'm afraid that his great cause would have been successful a long time ago, and the person who spoiled his good deeds would definitely die without a place to be buried.


A scream rang out from the huge wings, and countless feathers were painted into countless blood birds, rushing towards the landing feathers!

"Bang ......"

Lu Yu rotated the Chaos Wheel Spear Ground Spear Wheel in his hand, and the divine brilliance of the Genshin Impact Realm hit the blood birds one by one and fell to the ground.


Phyrysrok sneered.

A black light appeared behind Lu Yu, turning into countless ropes with spikes and stabbing down on Lu Yu's body!


A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, and in an instant, his strong muscle lines suddenly became crystal bright, and the glorious power was visible all over his body!


Rays of light shone from the surface of Lu Yu's skin, and they shone brightly.

Lu Yu suddenly felt out the dagger on his waist!


A stream of red blood was pulled over the dagger.

Then I saw an immortal flesh bird smashed under the ground like a mess of flesh.

Quickly rotten and stinky, and no longer alive!


In the midst of the huge flock of birds, Flyis Rock seemed to be a little frightened.

A group of huge balls of flesh flying in the sky.


Quegnidos has already been killed, by no means

The two long swords in his hand were coated with the ashes of the ancient gods, and in an instant, the two long swords were directed at the huge ball of meat, and at the same time, the silver long net was blocked in the sky, and the ancient gods were embers!

The huge ball of flesh rolled like a ball of flesh with spikes and spun down to the ground, and at the same time, countless stone spikes flew out of the ground!


Lu Yu roared urgently, and his big fist slammed down on the ground!

A tunnel was opened by Lu Yusheng with the divinity on his fist, and his feet rushed into this tunnel, chasing behind the meat ball!

"Lu Yu, this guy is very likely to move the rescuers, be quick!"

Kegnidos looked at Lu Yu and roared hurriedly, a blue light lit up around him, and using Lu Yu's tunnel, his speed was actually on par with Lu Yu!

"I know, but now it's about catching him, isn't it?"

A hint of a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, looking at the direction of Frithroe's escape.

In the palm of his hand, he silently took out the claw of time and space!

"With it, is it possible?"

Kegnidos looked at this white bone claw, at most, he had a true god-level combat power.

If it wants to be higher, I'm afraid it can't contain the divine power anymore, and the power of such a strange space-time claw may not be of much use!

And it was the first time he had seen such a strange usage.

"Just look at it. "

Lu Yu smiled indifferently.


The surrounding land began to become straight and solid, and suddenly there were as many as five or six tunnels in front of me!

"This ......"

The man of Quegnidos was like a magician peddler.

Looking at the changes around me, my brain suddenly lit up!

"I see. "

He tacitly took out a huge silver net from his hand, and on top of this net, it was almost covered with the embers of the ancient gods!

"It seems that you have selfish intentions, you didn't take it all out to kill him just now, otherwise you wouldn't have to chase him. "

Lu Yu looked at his current state, and the bone claw in his hand appeared with a white glow.

The realm has reached Genshin Impact, and under the earth, it can be skillfully transformed!

Even if Philislok escaped in space, sometimes into space, sometimes into the earth, so that he could not track.

But the claws of time and space in his hand can be taken care of!

"Ahem...... Let's hurry up. "

The state is a little embarrassing, who hasn't had a selfish time, and it's the time to struggle.

If you unilaterally believe in people, I am afraid that you will be eaten by others and there will be no bones left, but it is true that he did not believe in Lu Yu, which made him a little embarrassed.

"It's coming!"

Lu Yu turned the claw of time and space, and in an instant, the surrounding land collapsed.

Everyone pulls one side is a giant net!


The light on the claws of time and space moved, and the surrounding land was hastily solidified.

Beneath this smell of decay, it seems that the new soil has never been changed!

Deep underground.

"Damn two humans, wait until I get reinforcements, see how you two fight me!"

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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