At this moment, a notification sound also reached Ling Yan's mind.

For a time, the number of Ling Yan's rule points skyrocketed to more than 2 billion.

There are more than 2 billion rule points in total!

I don’t know if I can kill the dog in front of me after using it.

Suddenly, Ling Yan looked at Luo Xiao, who was about to faint.

This person is a strong person from the fourth level of the planet of the Luo family. After killing him, even if he only absorbs the power of life and blood, he can gain at least 800 million rule points.

And it may also damage Luo Changge's luck.

Previously, a God of War-level guard could have a fortune of 100 million, so wouldn't someone from the fourth level of this planet have a fortune of at least 500 million or even higher?

"The supreme will creates a rule that can ignore the enemy's defense! It's best to be able to break through the defense of the dog in front of you!"

Ling Yan didn't hesitate and spoke directly to the Supreme Will.

【Ding...create rules: armor breaking rules have two directions!

Direction 1:

LV1: (Can break all defenses of enemies of any level not exceeding the host! No restrictions on use! Creation requires rule points: 1 million)

LV2: (Can break all defenses of enemies of any level not exceeding one level of the host Power! No usage limit! 100 million)

LV3: (Can break all defenses of enemies with any level not exceeding the host's two realms! No usage limit! 1 trillion)

Direction 2:

LV1: (Can break any level not exceeding the host The enemy's total defense power! Limit of use: 10 times per day!

If the level exceeds the host and is below a major realm, use per day: 1 time!

If the level exceeds a major realm, the armor-breaking effect will be up to 80%! , the weaker the effect!

Requires rule points: 1 million)

LV2: (Can break all defenses of any enemy whose level does not exceed one realm of the host! Limit use per day: 10 times!

If the level exceeds one realm of the host and is in two realms Below the realm! Limit of use: 1 time per day!

If it exceeds two realms, the armor breaking effect is up to 80%! The higher the level, the weaker the effect! Requires a series of sound prompts

: 100 million) into Ling Yan's mind.

Hearing this, Ling Yan raised his eyes.

This armor-breaking direction two is definitely the most suitable rule for me so far!

"Supreme Will, if I reach the first level of the War Emperor, and add the armor breaking LV2 in direction 2, how much can I reduce the armor value of the person in front of me?"

Ling Yan asked directly.

If he doesn't hurry up, this bitch will recover.

【Ding...can break 40% of the armor]

The supreme will is instantly restored

"Only forty? It seems that this old thing is still too powerful!"

Ling Yan frowned. After breaking through 40% of the damage, doesn't it mean that there is still a full 60%? Although the strength of the opponent's soul is far less powerful than the martial arts realm, it is still better than the ordinary planets. The spirit master's soul strength must be stronger, otherwise Liu Yan's soul self-destruction will definitely kill him! It is still difficult for the War Emperor's first level to break through his remaining 60 defense power!

【Ding... breaking 40% means that your attack will cause real damage to it with 40% power! 】

However, the Supreme Will, which knew that Ling Yan had misunderstood, corrected Ling Yan in an instant.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yan's throat shrank instantly.

Damn it! Forty percent true damage?

Real damage, but it ignores the opponent's armor!

Ling Yan smiled for a moment.

Even if the damage is only 40%, it can definitely cause substantial damage to the opponent.

If one move doesn't work, use ten moves; if ten moves don't work, use a hundred moves!!

"In this case, the supreme will, upgrade passive: soul growth and physical growth! Let my soul strength and physical strength reach the level of a war emperor every day!

In addition, create armor-breaking LV2 in the second direction!"

Ling Yan gave the order directly!

【Ding...accept the order! Passive: The rules of soul growth and physical growth are upgraded to: LV7!

The physical body gains: 100 million kilograms of strength every day! Soul strength increases every day: 1 million! Rule points consumed: 1 billion!】

【Ding...create passive: Armor Breaking LV2! Rule points consumed: 100 million! 】

For a moment, two notification sounds reached Ling Yan's mind at the same time.


In an instant, a terrifying force was transmitted into Ling Yan's body out of thin air.

At this moment, Ling Yan's strength, which had already reached 8 million kg, began to increase crazily.

The strength of his soul also skyrocketed at this moment.

In just an instant. Ling Yan's physical and soul strength has increased by more than ten times. It would have taken at least a hundred days to reach the current level, but now it only takes a moment after upgrading the rules.

For a moment, the terrifying power of the War Emperor's first level filled Ling Yan's body.

He directly opened his attribute table.


Name: Ling Yan

Martial Arts Level: War Emperor First Level

Soul Level: War Emperor First Level

Qi and Blood: 1.08 million (100 million kg)

Soul: 1.08 million

Occupation: Rule Creator (Only) Pharmacist (Fourth Level Best)

Skills: Red Flame Golden Body Art (Fifth Level, Supernatural Transformation) Divine Soul Condensation (Fifth Level, Supernatural Transformation)

Martial Arts: Heavenly Fire Mahamudra (Fifth Level, Supernatural Transformation) Red Flame Golden Body (Fifth Level, Supernatural Transformation) Yan Tiao Jiutian (Fifth Level, Supernatural Transformation) Nian God Cone (Level 5, Supernatural) creation rules: physical growth lv7 (100 million kg/day! 0/10 billion) soul growth lv7 (1 million soul strength/day! 0/10 billion) automatic epiphany lv3 (automatically gain 100 per day) Years of training experience! 0/2 billion)

Teleportation LV4 (within 10,000 meters, 1,000 times/day! 0/1 billion)

Feitian LV5 (1500%, 0/1 billion)

Mind control LV5 (1500%, 0/1 billion)

Flame Control LV5 (1500%, 0/1 billion)

Combat Genius LV5 (1500%, 0/1 billion)

Automatic Refining Medicine LV3 (100 years/day, 3 billion)

Eye of Truth LV2 (1 trillion)

Integration into Heaven and Earth LV2 ( 1 trillion)

Armor-breaking LV2 (1 trillion) rule points: 280 million


Looking at his attribute table, Ling Yan was full of confidence at this moment!

"I can’t believe that this bitch is not going to die!"

Ling Yan snorted coldly, and then used teleportation to disappear into the void.



"Damn it, I didn’t expect to get caught in such a small place! If other people in the family knew that I was seriously injured by a god of war, how many people would laugh their teeth off!"

At this time, Luo Xiao was twitching on the ground in pain.

Under the severe pain, he could only think of other things to distract him from the pain.

"As expected, the Luo family was so generous that they even brought in powerful men from the fourth level of the planet!

What a pity, what a pity, I am going to die here today!"

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