But Ling Yan, who has rule creation, can create a variety of low-level professions that can be superimposed on each other with extremely cheap rule points.

This caused Ling Yan's strength to explode directly.

Sure enough, Lin Xiaotian's expression changed rapidly after hearing Ling Yan say that he still had professional talents in combat skills.

Even as the strongest genius in Yanlong Star, his expression management was out of control at this moment.

"And a talent for combat skills? Does that mean talent stacking can be achieved?

Hahaha, he is indeed my son, Ling Xiaotian, and he actually has the same talent as me."

Ling Xiaotian couldn't help laughing.

He almost trusted Ling Yan unconditionally, and Ling Yan also showed his talent for fire. Even without combat enhancement, he is still a B-level genius. With him, I will definitely be able to train Ling Yan into a war-god-level warrior. Then I won't have to worry about Ling Yan's future.

"Good son, if you want any reward, just tell me directly. If you don’t say anything else, I will definitely take care of the resources!"

Ling Xiaotian smiled slightly.

When Ling Yan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He really needs something. The source stone also contains something that contains source power.

No, not just source power, as long as it is high-level energy!

That's right, The corpse of the star beast has a lot of source power. There is a kind of beast core in the star beast's body, which also contains source power. Unfortunately, compared with the source stone, the source power in this beast core cannot be directly absorbed.

It has to be refined into potions.

Therefore, the price is much cheaper than the source stone for the same amount of source power.

Moreover, the star beast's corpse itself also has a lot of source power, but we don't know how much source power the star beast still has after death!

"Dad, I need some star beast corpses and beast cores!

The higher the level, the better! Of course, low-level ones in large quantities are also fine!"

Ling Yan didn't hesitate and spoke directly to his father.

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Ling Xiaotian was stunned for a moment.

But then he smiled

"If you want to say something else, it’s not easy to handle!

However, this beast core also has the star beast corpse of the fifth level and within the fifth level, which is definitely enough! After I have dealt with all the recently emerged star beasts in two days, I will find someone to send you a batch first!"

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Ling Xiaotian immediately smiled.

As a strong man guarding a star beast's rift, there are simply not too many star beast corpses.

Although most of them will be sold and used to comfort the families of the dead martyrs.

But he The corpses of the star beasts he killed are all his, so he has a lot of fifth-level star beasts.

As for what Ling Yan wants, he doesn't care at all. Why should he give it to him? Ask what to do?

"Hehe, thank you dad!"

Ling Yan sighed, these calls of dad are indeed not in vain, the life of this second generation is really happy.

"Okay, you have been recovering well recently. I will ask Uncle Wu to send you some resources for cultivation first!

You have just awakened your profession. It is best to wait until your level is upgraded to a warrior before going out. There are still many dangers in this world!

It doesn’t take long, a month at most is enough!"

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Ling Xiaotian couldn't help but smile and give instructions.

To be honest, for the past three years, he has been waiting for the day when he would give Ling Yan materials to practice well.

After all, raising a son is like a full-level master. It's like opening a small account to practice, it has a special feeling.

But this small account was blocked just after it started. Who do you think will be successful?

Now that the account is unblocked, he must be bragging about his experience. Smash it down.

Ling Yan sighed with emotion when he heard it. It's really good to have a backing. A warrior that ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime can achieve this in a month.

In fact, this is still afraid of damaging Ling Yan's foundation. , otherwise Ling Yan can feed the warrior in one day, but in that case Ling Yan will be considered useless.

After a few words of greeting with Ling Xiaotian, Ling Yan hung up the video.

"I wonder what happened to Lin Feng. If my guess is correct, he seems to be still being beaten now, right?"

Ling Yan was a little confused.

Speaking of Lin Feng, Ling Yan almost forgot.

Because of the attempted murder and the prestige of the Ling family, Lin Feng was directly imprisoned in the highest prison in the imperial capital!

At the same time, he was directly sent to a high-risk prison. The lowest-ranking prisoners there were all war generals. Because this kid felt that he was not the same kind of person as these prisoners, he was treated well by other prisoners since he entered.

With the money, he bought Lin Feng a private room.

He also knew if Ling Yan stopped his credit card, he would be beaten to death!

Ling Yan couldn't help but feel curious when he thought about this.


"Didi didi!!!"

However, at this moment, an urgent call notification sounded.

Ling Yan took a look and saw that it was Murong Xue.

Ling Yan, who roughly guessed what was going on, also opened the video directly.

"Ling Yan, what's wrong with you? Why did you stop my card?"

However, what was waiting for Ling Yan just after he opened the video was Murong Xue's yelling.

Ling Yan ignored her and followed the picture behind her video.

Murong Xue was indeed in a prison formed by energy beams.

In the prison, a group of powerful prisoners violently beat Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng was violently using his telekinesis, the difference in strength was too great. His telekinesis could not hit these heavy-duty criminals. It was of no use.

Instead, it angered these people and made them fight even more happily.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lin Feng seems to be very comfortable being beaten. Looking at him like this, he quite likes it here."

Ling Yan started teasing with a smile.

"Ling Yan, you haven't answered my question yet, why did you stop my card!"

Murong Xue was almost furious when she heard Ling Yan's teasing.

Every time she came to see Lin Feng in the past two days, she found that he was beaten violently. Just now, she finally negotiated the price with the cell boss and the prison guard. No. Lin Feng took action.

Unexpectedly, when he swiped the card, there was no money left.

Therefore, the angry prisoner just pressed Lin Feng and beat him wildly.

As for the prison guards, they didn't care at all. These people were just beaten to death. Just to save manpower and material resources for the federation

"Your card? Murong Xue, is there something wrong with your brain? Isn't that card mine? When did it become yours?"

Ling Yan also withdrew his gaze and looked at Murong Xue as if he was mentally retarded.

As soon as these words came out, Murong Xue was so angry that she was shaking all over.


However, at this moment, a loud noise came, and Lin Feng was hit hard and hit the wall of energy beam.


The powerful impact directly caused a large mouthful of blood to spurt out from his mouth.

"Brother Lin Feng!!"!

When Murong Xue saw Lin Feng like this, she screamed and ran over.

"Cough cough cough!! I! I'm fine!"

Lin Feng coughed a few times and spoke in a low voice across the beam.

His eyes looked at these serious criminals in front of him angrily.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Feng, it seems you are quite comfortable here!"

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