Natsu agreed, and Makarov didn't say any more, although these guys in the guild liked to fight.

But I still understand the big things, and I won't make myself embarrassed.

As for the destruction west of Magnolia, Fairy Tail has done too much.

Now there is no Senate, no one can control it, and the magnolia officials can do whatever they want.

If the Fairy Tail guild is afraid of these things, it cannot stand in Fiore!

And the Laxus thing...

Although he was beaten badly by Natsu, he was to blame in the end.

The battle situation Makarov sensed the whole time, and if Natsu hadn't held back his magic, Laxus would have turned to ashes!

No wonder Natsu was injured so badly!

Without his provocation, where would Natsu's counterattack come from?

How could it be so miserable?

Most importantly, what Laxus does touches Makarov's bottom line.

Everyone in the guild, Makarov regarded him as his own child.

He absolutely does not allow things to hurt children!

Even if it is a relative who does something that hurts the child, he will still punish him severely.

Natsu is helping himself punish him by beating him like that!

"President! is he?" Erza asked softly.

"Alas!" Makarov sighed, not wanting to say anything.

His biological son awarded Fairy Tail and established a guild specifically for Fairy Tail.

Grandson did the same thing.

He has no face to face Fairy Tail's children.

Staring at Erza: "Erza! I accept you as the fourth president of Fairy Tail!"

"Huh?" The sudden words made Erza completely at a loss.

She never intended to take over as president of Fairy Tail.

Although she can control the disobedient guys like Fairy Tail, she has never thought about the position of president.

Makarov will continue to serve as Fairy Tail president no matter what.

magic level.

magic level.

management ability.


No one in the entire guild is more suitable than him.

Erza knows himself, the magic is still in the past, and the prestige is okay.

In terms of management skills...

She is very good at beating up these disobedient guys in the guild.

Nothing else works at all.

"President! It's just to beat Laxus, you don't need to give up the position of the president!"

Natsu said with a bitter look on his face, he probably knew some of Makarov's thoughts, but he didn't want Makarov to leave his post like this.

This wretched old man, if he leaves the guild because of Laxus, he will have a lot less fun!

Hearing Natsu's words, Makarov glared at him and growled.

"Would it be necessary for me to leave without the things you did?"

"Every day I don't make trouble like this, or I make trouble like that. Dealing with the troubles you have caused my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will explode!"

"If it goes on like this, I will be scared to death by you sooner or later!!"

"Hahahaha!!" Everyone in the guild gave Natsu a good laugh.

Accident or something!

As long as Natsu can move, he will definitely keep going.

One day Natsu doesn't get into trouble, there must be something wrong with his body.

For example, in a state of being too hungry and powerless, he will not go into trouble!

Natsu scratched the back of his head with embarrassment on his face, and Rao also felt a little embarrassed: "Sometimes I don't do it on purpose!"

"Remove your breath! Continue to be your president, my little thing is nothing!"

Makarov glared at Natsu so angry he was speechless.

Not a big deal?

Destroy a city at every turn.

Destroy a mountain at every turn and change the landscape for a few kilometers.

Is this all right?

So what else matters?

"I won't take over as president! I will take care of Natsu and the others, and I will never cause you trouble again!" Erza said with certainty.

"You guys, don't you know to let me rest?" Makarov yelled.


Dealing with these guys in the guild every day is really exhausting.

Friend Yajima has left the council.

His present life, Makarov envies, and wants to live his life.

Why don't these guys in the guild know how to respect the old and love the young?

Natsu walked up to Makarov with a smile and pressed his head: "You are still healthy, you don't need rest."

"Rest or something is not suitable for you, the people of the Fairy Tail guild, no one can really rest!"

"Crack!" Makarov's right hand became larger and slapped Natsu's head, bringing him into a close contact with the ground.

Staring at Natsu, who was lying on the ground unable to move, he shouted, "I have endured you for a long time!"

"The person I want to fix the whole guild is you!"

With one violent beating, Natsu's nose was bruised, and Makarov's anger subsided.

The person who can cause trouble to Fairy Tail the most is Natsu, and Makarov will not be able to get rid of his anger unless he beats him up.

When his anger subsided, Makarov did not mention his resignation.

behind the guild.

Bolusika watched Laxus' injury carefully.

Although he was beaten badly this time, Laxus was not without success.

A part of Natsu's magic power is absorbed by the dragon slayer magic crystal in his body, although it is not much, it can have a great influence on him.

As long as this disaster is successfully passed, Laxus' strength will be greatly improved.

I don't know how Laxus knows what this thing will be like.

After being beaten, his strength even improved!

"However! It's thanks to Laxus that he was able to withstand such an injury. He was replaced by another who was not strong enough, and died before he was sent here."

"Dragon Slayer's body defense is really strong!"

Pay close attention to Laxus' injury, and if something changes, he will prepare a potion to treat him.

Half a month later, Laxus' injury basically recovered.


Laxus woke up, but his eyes were blank.

He felt Natsu's final blow very clearly, and if Natsu didn't hold back his magic at the last moment, it would have been over on the spot.

I have always considered myself to be the strongest candidate for Fairy Tail.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Natsu has surpassed himself.

Fighting him requires his mercy to survive.

So embarrassing!

The dignified Fairy Tail's strongest candidate still needs mercy from the opponent to survive!

It's so embarrassing!

"Wake up?" Pollyushika looked at Laxus who opened her eyes and continued to prepare her own potion.

"A magic potion has been prepared for you, and after taking it a few more times, you can fully recover."

"Humans are the most annoying, and they are always fighting and killing!"

"The magic potion is ready for you, and the time for taking it is also written on it. Take the medicine on time for up to five days, and you can move freely."

"It will take some time to recover the magic power. Don't do strenuous exercise recently, and don't fight with people!"

"I hate humans the most!"

Putting those words down, Bolusika turned and left.

"Thank...thank you!" Laxus said with a bit of difficulty.

Pollyushika paused and sighed: "If you want to thank you, thank Natsu, if he didn't end up withholding the magic, no matter how strong I was, I wouldn't be able to save a dead person!"

"One more... The dragon slayer magic crystal in your body has absorbed Natsu's magic power and produced some subtle changes."

"You can experience it yourself later!"

Laxus was stunned!

Borusika said that the change of the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal must be developing in a good direction, which will be of great benefit to her future.

Was almost killed by Natsu, but has his strength improved?

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