Hiss!" Natsu snorted in enjoyment.

As expected of Seilah!

This spell is awesome.

The one thrown out casually is much stronger than the spell that Silver gave him.

Take a few more sips, and you don't have to worry about the lack of magic power in the next year.


This is Seilah who has been waiting for a long time.

Definitely not wrong!



Strong spell!

Also very good at talking.

Such an unreasonable move to hook her shoulders.

They didn't resist themselves!

He also gave the mantra to himself to eat.


This is what Seilah wants!

Regardless of whether Seilah agrees or not, he hooked her shoulders and led her into the guild.

"Come on! Introduce you to a new partner!"


"Join the strongest team of Fairy Tail, my favorite partner from today!"

The people in the guild were dumbfounded.

All looked at Seilah.

Except the two horns on the head are a bit weird, everything else is fine, giving people an intellectual feeling.

"Women again!" Levy moaned.

There are more and more women around Natsu, and I don't know how many there will be in the future. Can I have a place to set foot on my own?

Lucy's face was bewildered, and he had no idea what was going on.

Living with Natsu every day and what he's been up to lately, no one knows better than Lucy.

For nearly a year, I have been together every day, and I have never seen Seilah.

And Natsu's previous life...

Gray testified.

How can I know such a girl except that my job is to find Ignir?

very strange!




Seilah kept using spells against Natsu, the people in the Fairy Tail guild.

But no matter how she used the magic power, when it was released, it was absorbed by Natsu beside her.

It didn't have any effect on the Fairy Tail crowd at all.

Going crazy!

He was hooked on the shoulders of an inexplicable guy into Fairy Tail, and decided to join his team without authorization.

This is the rhythm that drives the demons crazy.

"Order!" With a low roar, all the magic power started to work.

I want to lift my limitations and turn into a demon.

But found out!!

No matter how much magic power was released, it was sucked away by this inexplicable guy beside him.

Can't even lift his own restrictions, can only stare at Natsu, enjoying his salty pig feet on his shoulders!

Great Zeref!

Could you please tell me what's going on?

Why is my spell not working?

Seeing Seilah's almost collapsed face, Erza walked over on his hips and glared at Natsu: "Natsu! Let go of Seilah, he obviously doesn't like you!"

All the men in the guild followed suit.

"Natsu! Take off your salty pig's feet, Seilah is going to be mad at you."

"Natsu! Please be a human being, take a look at Seilah's face, they can't wait to slap you to death!"

"Seilah is also true, why not resist?"

"If you wanted me, I'd have punched Natsu long ago!"

"Seilah is so gentle! How can she endure Natsu's unreasonable actions!"

"Natsu is so dammit, he must be beaten up!"

"Come on, brothers, and beat Natsu away!!"


As soon as they rushed up, all the men in the guild rushed towards Natsu.

Seilah stared blankly at these people.

protected by humans?

Demons are being protected by humans!!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

I really want to turn into a demon and destroy this group of stupid humans!

Damn Natsu!

Damn it's Natsu!

Why can it absorb mana?

Why can you let your magic power completely invalid?

Demons are never gentle!

It's not that I want to be gentle!

The damn man beside him made himself completely incapable of resisting.

All the magic power was absorbed by him. With a body without magic power, how could he be the opponent of this weird person around him?

I want to kill him with a slap!

But the magic power does not obey!

Facing the group of men rushing over, Natsu was rude, punching him into the sky one by one.

In a few moments, the guild was beaten to pieces by him!

"Bastard! Seilah is my buddy and will be inseparable from me in the future."

Seilah glared at Natsu fiercely, God is so inseparable from you!

Every second with you is so hard!

Nothing but killing you!

Damn it to the extreme human!!

There was a moment of silence in the guild, and the next moment, the men's roars resounded through the guild.

"Do you still want a face?"

"Can't you see Seilah's look of disgust?"

"I feel like Seilah wants to slap Natsu to death!"

"I really want to slap Natsu, such a gentle and lovely girl as Seilah, by him...by him..."

"How can I fix it!!! I'm going to kill Natsu!!"

"How can I fix it!! A single dog can't live, if I don't kill Natsu, I can't live anymore!"

"Brothers! Come on, let's shark the Dragon Slayer!"


A murderous intent enveloped the entire guild.

All the men who rushed towards Natsu were frightened by this killing intent, and they stayed where they were and didn't dare to move.

They all turned their heads stiffly and looked at the center of the killing intent!

Erza sullenly said, "Am I unable to lift my sword?"

"When I was in the guild, you all dared to make trouble like this. It shows what a headache the guild leader has when I'm not in the guild!"

"No way! I can only convey the rules of the guild for the president!"

"Shu Sha Sha Sha !!!" The sword light flashed, and Erza swept past the crowd.

In addition to Gray, who was sitting still, and Natsu, who put his arms around Seilah's shoulders with a weird smile on his face.

Everyone else was slashed by Erza!

It's piled up on the ground like rubbish.

Macao, at the bottom, shivered and stretched out his right hand to ask for help, but he couldn't make a sound at all.

Quite simply passed out!

Put away the magic sword, walked over to Seilah without pushing Natsu away.

With her eyesight, she can see that Seilah has been resisting all the time, but because of her ability, she was overcome by Natsu, and all her resistance was in vain!

There is only one race that can be defeated by Natsu!


Seilah's looks and temperament are too deceptive.

Erza would never have thought it was a demon if Natsu hadn't absorbed her demonic powers.

"Welcome to join the guild!" Mirajan walked over with the guild seal and looked at Seilah with a smile.



I haven't encountered such a powerful demon in a long time.

If you accept her abilities, you can transform yourself one more time, and maybe you can break through the confinement and reach the strongest state!

As a receiving mage.

Specializes in receiving demon power.

Mirajane has a keen sense of demons second only to Natsu.

Seilah has used so many spells, she already knows Seilah's identity.

What a devil!

You can transform yourself in more ways!

Erza was stunned for a moment, rarely seeing such an excited side of Mirajane.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that Mirajan had already seen that Seilah was a demon and wanted to receive her demonic power.

To gain Seilah's abilities, you don't need to receive Seilah completely.

This can have it!

Looking at the smiling Fairy Tail people.

Seilah feels like they are the real demons!

I don't want to join Fairy Tail!

Don't want to have a Fairy Tail crest either!

I don't even want to be Natsu's partner!

Everything is very resisting!

But the problem is inexplicably unable to resist!

Just forcibly added to Fairy Tail?

Great Zeref!

Please judge these Damn it humans!

They are the devil!

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