
The news that the various earth mages were coming, Gran Dorma quickly got it.

He bowed his head in thought for a while and left the meeting room.

Go to a magic crystal for special communication, input magic power, and the phantoms of the four heavenly kings appear next to the magic crystal.

Selene, the God of God, has eight blade-like things on a circle behind it, representing eight dragon-killing attributes.

Hyberion, dressed rigorously, gives people a sense of dignity at the first sight, with a slender trench coat and a red bow tie, it looks like some kind of special life.

Wolfheim, who is short in stature, but not weak in the slightest, has no anger and a sense of prestige.

Warrod · Sequen, the magic of nature changed his appearance, the whole person became a tree.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar!

The legendary magical monster!

Exist like a god!

In front of them, Gran Dorma unconsciously shrunk a bit, and his waist was bent.

Tell them what's going on.

Gran knew how much he weighed and how much he was doing, as well as the current state of the council.

There is a serious shortage of powerful mages, unable to deal with the guild army that is coming.

I can only help these four.

After hearing Gran's words, Selene the God cut off the communication without saying a word.

Attitude has become very obvious.

Don't waste his time on trivial things like this.

Wolfheim and Hyberion looked at Warrod Sequen at the same time, inquiring in their eyes.

He was born in Fairy Tail, which is well known, and left Fairy Tail a long time ago.

"Warrod! What do you think about this?" Wolfheim asked, staring at Warrod.

Warrod said solemnly: "I didn't ask about Fairy Tail a long time ago. No matter what the cause of the matter is, it's wrong for them to gather together to attack the Senate, and I will stop them!"

The feelings for Fairy Tail have long since faded, except for Makarov, who has long known no Fairy Tail.


Makarov is still a nephew to him, and there is nothing to be afraid of. He will shoot when it is time to shoot!

Wolfheim said solemnly: "Then! I will also join the war."

Hyberion showed a gentleman's smile and said softly: "With the two of you participating in the war, I don't need to go, I will pay attention to this war."

All three disconnected at the same time.


A big tree grew from an unknown distance, with Warrod and Wolfheim standing at the top of the tree.

With the presence of two great kings, Speaker Gran was relieved.

Fairy Tail wizards are stronger!

The guild alliance is stronger!

It can't be the opponent of the two of them.

Disperse all the nearby magic armies, and all the staff in the council.

Only a few people who are also the top ten magic guides are left!

Magical armies have no effect in such a battle, and either side can easily kill them with a single magic.

Any aftermath of the battle can kill them all.

There is no need for pointless losses!

The first to arrive at the Senate was a group of people led by Makarov.

With a wave of Warrod's hand, the magic circle flashed green, and countless vines grew out of the ground, besieging the Fairy Tail crowd.

Erza put on the Black Feather Armor and was about to shoot when Makarov stopped her.

Motivated by magic, people floated up and stared at Warrod: "Uncle Warrod!"

Except for Wolfheim.

Confused all over the place!

Makarov was almost ninety years old, and he called the man who looked like a tree Uncle.

How many years has he lived!

After so many years of cultivation, how strong is his magic power?

Staring at Makarov, Warrod said with a slight anger: "Makarov! Go back and think about my relationship with Fairy Tail, and this is the end of it!"

Gran wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

Although he is the Speaker of the Senate, in front of these people, he has no right to speak at all.

Makarov shook his head: "The children are being bullied, and as a parent, I must seek justice for them."

Erza had told him the whole story.

I was already very disgusted with the council's actions, plus they were bullying people like that, Makarov had nothing to say.

Fight to fight!

Fairy Tail is never afraid of any enemies.

Warrod's face was a little unsightly, and he said solemnly: "I already know exactly what happened."

"There is something wrong with the council, but the existence of this institution is to maintain the stability of the magic world."

"Sinners should be punished, even in Fairy Tail!"

Makarov doesn't back down: "Wrong things must be punished, but they should also be punished justly."

"The current Senate, ignoring civilians being attacked by dark guilds."

"How can you make me believe that it will give a fair punishment to children who make mistakes?"

Grand Dorma shrank his neck, the Freshman Council was established, and for the sake of standing up, he really didn't think about giving Jellal and Oracion Seis a fair trial.

All crimes will be punished twice!

Wolfheim took a step forward, his body swelled rapidly, and soon he turned into a giant thirty meters tall.

"No matter what happens, you can't attack the Senate!"

"Attack on the Senate is a big crime!"

"Accept the punishment!"

"That's what it means!!" Makarov snorted coldly, his body swelled rapidly, and soon reached the same height as Wolfheim.

"Don't shoot, kids, this is my fight!"

With a wave of his right fist, the air was broken, and the huge fist slammed into Wolfheim with a gust of wind.

"Humph!" Wolfheim snorted, hitting Makarov with the same punch.

The huge magic power made his punching speed seem extremely slow, but there was a friction and burning flame in front of the fist.

"Boom!" The two fists collided, and a loud bang suddenly erupted between heaven and earth.

The violent shock wave swept all around, and ferocious ravines appeared on the ground.

A radius of several kilometers was razed to the ground!

Even the top ten magic guides were blown upside down by the shock wave.

"Erza! Let's defend together!" Jellal roared, and all the magic was working.

He is also the Holy Ten Great Wizard!

Erza's magic is not weaker than his.

Two people equivalent to the top ten magic guides shot at the same time, and magic circles appeared in all directions of the Fairy Tail members, protecting everyone.

But even so, the moment the shock wave hit, both of them suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, a mouthful of blood was spewed out, and the breath was wilted to the extreme.

"The shape of ice, the city of absolute seal!" Gray's magic instantly enveloped everyone, and the scope was as compressed as possible, just to protect everyone, not to waste any magic power.

The moment the remaining force of the shock wave collided with the City of Absolute Seal, Gray's whole body was bleeding, clenching his teeth and holding on to the City of Absolute Seal.

"Master Gray!" Juvia was anxious and rushed to help Gray.

"It's's okay...I took it down!" The voice fell, and Gray fell directly into Juvia's arms.

"Biological connection magic!" Feeling that Gray's breath of life was dying out, tears flowed out.

If it wasn't for biolinking magic, Gray wouldn't be so badly injured!

Makarov was knocked upside down by Wolfheim's punch and flew several kilometers before landing on the ground.

After returning to his original shape, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and glared at the incomparably huge figure!

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