Very interesting!" Natsu and "Happy" said at the same time.

It made Mystogan stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Can you answer so quickly?

It's completely premeditated for a long time, and it doesn't matter if you have your own words or not.

Anyway, decided to spend some time in Edolas!

Faced with Natsu and "Happy" like this, Mystogan had no other expression than a wry smile.

Does Natsu have no sense of being a villain at all?

The royal city of Edolas is in ruins, and you don't want to leave Edolas early, so as not to be despised here?

never mind!

Natsu has always been a cheeky person, and he doesn't have the strength to drive him away, so let's go with the flow.

He can play whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't let the people of Edolas know that he is the one who destroyed the king's city.

At this moment, Mystogan kind of understands Makarov's situation!

Wangcheng has been completely crippled, and even Seilah can't keep the iconic building.

have no choice!

Mystogan can only take a group of diehard loyalists and build a royal city elsewhere.

And the other side...

Gajeel is excited!

The city of Edolas was destroyed, and the transcendence sent messengers to negotiate with Mystogan to establish a relationship of equality and mutual assistance.

And the negotiator...

Panther Lily!

He should have died in the battle of the royal city, because of Jellal's meeting with the Queen of Transcendence Charlotte.

He was recalled by Charlotte, exempted from his fallen status, and continued to serve the Transcendent.

Under other circumstances, Panther Lily would not accept such an appointment.

Because Jellal, which is Mystogan.

He just accepted Charlotte's appointment.

As for where to go after the mission, Panther Lily hasn't decided yet.

The first time Gajeel saw Panther Lily, he decided to keep him as a pet.

Both Natsu and Wendy have a cat that can fly, as Dragon Slayer, only he and Laxus don't have a flying cat.

Laxus didn't stay in the guild very often, and he didn't care about that.

Gajeel really cares!

Around Panther Lily all day, helping him with all kinds of things.


"Oh ho ho ho!!!" Natsu's weird laugh resounded through the sky.

The thrill of extreme speed made him completely excited.

Lie on a skateboard for a while.

Stand on a skateboard for a while.

Played in various poses.

I used to swim in the big river in the sky, but now that everything has been solved, it is natural to change the way of playing.


Natsu, who was unable to take transportation, offered to surf.

Is there Wendy here?

How can I wave for a while?

"Natsu-san! The magic effect is coming to an end, come down!" Wendy yelled a little embarrassedly.

"Let him go! What kind of person I am, it's best to faint to death." Princess Tsundere said with a displeased expression as she flew over Wendy's head.

Natsu's outburst of magic almost killed Wendy.

If it weren't for the critical moment, the magic was squeezed to the limit and the speed soared, he and Wendy would be affected by Natsu's magic.

With the character of Princess Cat Tsundere, how could it be possible to give Natsu a good face?

"Three, two, one!" Seilah counted down with a smile.

The dragon knight after breaking through herself didn't give Natsu the effect she expected, which made her particularly unhappy.

As long as she can see Natsu deflated, she will be happy.

All kinds of schadenfreude, all kinds of good news.

"Bang!" Natsu, who had just rushed up against the waves, fell headlong into the water and didn't come up for a long time.

"Ah! Ah! This is Natsu!" Erza Shucaret accelerated on the skateboard, along with Erza Netwoka.

After being cleaned up by Natsu, Erza Netwoka completely lost her former pride.

The magic is gone!

People have been cleaned up too!

The absolute strength crushed her, making her unable to resist.

As a strong woman, she has an innate admiration for the strong.

Natsu conquered her with her strength!

Now she doesn't care about being cleaned up by Natsu.

Erza Shucaret looked at Erza Netwoka and smiled.

Although Natsu is a bit of a straight man, his charm is almost no woman can resist.

In this magical world, strength is the foundation of survival, without strength there is nothing to talk about.

The strength is strong and the speed of improvement is very fast. Such a man can bring an unparalleled sense of security to women.

The two went into the water together and pulled Natsu up.

Being dazed by the nature of the vehicle, and being bored in the water for so long, Natsu was in a daze and didn't know who was holding him in his arms.

Erza Shucaret looked at Erza Netwoka with a strange look in his eyes: "His charm has conquered you too."

A blush appeared on Erza Netwoka's face, looking at Natsu in his arms, a look of sadness in his eyes.

She knew that for Natsu, it was only a dewy relationship, he would not stay in Edolas, and she would not go to Aslant.

Even if there is a man in that world that you like very much, there is also a guild that you yearn for.

But she is Edolas' sinner!

Everyone else was tortured, but she, the one who had sinned against Edolas, was not.

In the future, one must atone for what has been committed.

She's not one to run away!

"We are all Erza, and he can conquer you, and he can conquer me!" Erza Netwoka whispered.

The hand holding Natsu couldn't help but get tighter and tighter.

The time together will be shorter and shorter, we must cherish every minute we spend together, it is best not to let him know.

Natsu has Natsu's pursuit, he has his goals, and will not stop for anyone.

If you understand him, you must support him, and don't stay in his memory!

"Let's give him a hazy memory together!" Erza Shucaret smiled.

Hearing this, Erza Netwoka's face instantly turned red.

She knew what Erza Shucaret meant.

Looking at her with a little curiosity: "Can you guys have such a good time?"

Erza Shucaret nodded slightly: "They are all people who can't resist Natsu's charm, and none of us will have a gap for those things."

"Just have fun with everyone!"

"Oh!!" Erza Netwoka made a mosquito-like sound with her hair down.

His head was clicked almost indiscernibly.

Seeing her accept her proposal, Erza Shucaret looked at Natsu and said with a smile, "I've arranged benefits for you again, let's see how you thank me in the future!"

That night!

Under the moonlight, the mountains rise and fall.

Waves push up waves, ups and downs, everything is silent.


A month later, Edolas has almost all the sights and interesting places to visit.

At Lisana's strong request, Natsu had to prepare to return to Aslant.

Mystogan had taken off his face towel long ago and took Edolas' Fairy Tail to see them off.

"Aren't you coming over?" Erza asked softly.

Jellal nodded: "I was originally from Edolas. Staying here to build it and guarding its order is my responsibility!"

"Then..." Erza said softly, his whole body shone with golden light, and he put on the armor of victory.

"Fairy Tail Send-Off Ceremony!!"

Natsu and Gray were in place immediately.

Gajeel and Laxus stand behind them.

Lucy, Wendy, Seilah, Lisana smiled and stared at Jellal.

"Leaving Fairy Tail must comply with the following three!"

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