With the eyes of the people around him looking like idiots, Natsu rushed into the crowd and pushed the pedestrians away arrogantly.

"This resurrection is a bit weird!" Lucy couldn't help but complain.

One second ago, the whole person was dizzy because of motion sickness, and he suddenly got out of the motion sickness state without fighting, which was impossible before.

I always feel that today's Natsu is a little weird!

Wendy and Laxus also recovered quickly. After analysis, Fairy Tail formed two teams to participate in the big magic fight.

In order to secure the championship, Makarov doesn't mind using a little skill.

Although the theme of the Great Demon Fight is a magical duel, the problem is that there are such and such changes in the rules every year.

These bastards in the guild have been isolated from the world for seven years, and they have absolutely no understanding of the rules of the Great Demon Fight.

In order to avoid mistakes, two teams will play to ensure the greatest chance of being shortlisted.

If it weren't for the rules of the game, each guild could have a maximum of two teams, and Makarov would have made more.

As far as Natsu's personal strength is concerned, he can kill Selene, which means Ishgar is invincible!

Pair him with a think tank-type wizard like Levy, and he can sweep the field all by himself.

Just find a few people who are not strong enough to make up the numbers for his team, and Natsu will play the game alone, and it will be easy to solve!

That was Natsu's strength five years ago, now he's stronger and more dominant, and it's perfectly fine to lead a team by himself.

There are many more Fairy Tails like this!

If left open, Fairy Tail can make a dozen teams at will!

no way!

The competition stipulates that a guild can only allow two teams to participate!

Standing on the bar of the tavern, Makarov looked at all the Fairy Tail members present.

"Erza, Natsu, Gray, Levy, Wendy, you form a team."

"Laxus, Mirajane, Fried..."

"Wait a minute!" Gajeel's voice suddenly sounded, and he walked up to Makarov amid the welcome of his friends.

"I want to participate in the Great Demon Fight, not with Natsu!"

Natsu glared at him and said angrily, "Scrap iron! What do you mean?"

Gajeel clenched his fists tightly and said with a smile, "I just want to beat you up!"

"Come on! I'll beat you up right now!" Is Natsu the one who can bear it?

It's all provocative to the face, how can you do it if you don't beat Gajeel?

"Quiet me all!!" Makarov roared.

"If anyone keeps me from getting the 30 million..."

Realizing that the real intention was to be spoken, Makarov quickly changed his tune.

"Who dares to mess around during the Great Demon Fight, I'll give him a spiral ascension."

"Especially Natsu! During the Great Demon Fight, I don't care if you beat up anyone on the field, and when you get off the field, you have to be honest with me!"

"Did you hear everything clearly?"

Everyone was taken aback by Makarov's appearance.

For 30 million, he also tried his best to appease these disobedient bastards.

In normal times, they can do whatever they like.

With thirty million prizes waiting there, Fairy Tail is almost within reach.

If the guild and bonuses are missed because of the chaos of these bastards, Makarov will have chopped their hearts to feed the dogs!

"Laxus! Gajeel joins your team, adds a Lucy, the five of you make up the second team, and the others come in at any time!"

The composition of a team cannot be based solely on combat effectiveness.

Levy joins Natsu's team and can complement him well.

With Erza's calm command.

Natsu's fiery fighting power.

Levy is proficient in ancient texts and spells, as well as her superb ability to decipher and calculate.

Gray's ice shape adapts to any kind of environmental terrain, and there is no absolute restraint.

Plus Wendy's treatment and support.

Such a team is the perfect configuration.

In the second team, Laxus was the main attack.

Mirajan's various demon receptions are equivalent to Gray's position in the first team, but she is stronger than Gray's pure attack and can serve as a secondary attack.

Fried is also good at ancient characters and spells, and his position in the team is equivalent to that of Levy in the first team, mainly responsible for unlocking the spells that may be encountered.


He is stronger than Levy in combat!

After all, there is only one Wendy, and there is no one in charge of the treatment, so Lucy is added. After seven years of practice, her strength is also very impressive.

She was added to the main team of the second team because her Celestial Spirit abilities are diverse and can adapt to various combat situations.

Coupled with the fact that the second team is almost all combat-type mages, and they don't need healing, Lucy's Celestial Spirit can help everyone very well.

This is the way the teams are allocated for unknown events.

The most comprehensive ability!

Once you know how the game is played, one-on-one or many-to-many battles, teams can be reassigned.

The return of the main force, Fairy Tail's powerful magicians are mostly, they can be distributed any way, no one will take it to heart, and they all know in which environment their abilities can be maximized.

After the team was allocated, Laxus said softly, "Sir! I want to make a bet with the first team."

Natsu raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Come on! I'll take any bets."

no doubt!

Laksadhi's bet is for himself.

He was almost beaten to death a few years ago and has yet to find a chance to return it to himself.

Isn't now a good time?

"No way! Bet whatever you want!" Makarov sighed.

Natsu is so troublesome!

Not only did he offend the Council to his death, but he also beat up many people in the guild so badly that he was always remembered by others, which is what he should have done.

"If the second team wins the first place in the Great Demon Fight, I'll ask Natsu to wash my shoes!"

"Asshole!!" Natsu got angry and raised his fist to punch, but was stopped by Erza.

"Okay!" Erza took over the betting fight, looked at Mira Jane and said, "If our first team wins the first place in the Great Demon Fight, Mira Jane will wash my clothes for a month!"

"Fuck!!" Lucy was startled.

"That's a bit harsh!" Natsu stared blankly at Erza.

Having lived with Erza for so long, it is still unknown how many outfits she has owned.

That guy is definitely a clothes collector, just buy clothes he likes when he sees them.

Erza has the most suitcases every time he goes on a mission, usually a large car.

In many cases, a set of clothes can be changed in a few minutes.

Erza is also a girl who loves cleanliness. Clothes that are worn once must be washed.

one month!!

It feels like if Erza wins, Mirajan will have a hard time!

Mirajane smiled and said, "Is this the beginning of a gambling fight?"

"Very happy!"

"If our second team wins, you will also wash my clothes for a month."

It's never been too much fun to watch.

Now that Erza is having fun, what's the harm in making trouble with her?

"Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Gajeel smiled lightly, staring at Natsu, his eyes full of ill will.

"Natsu! Can you bet?"

"Wash your socks for a month to find out!"

"Bastard! Do you want to stink me?" Natsu angrily.

"So what?" Gajeel is never afraid of nausea Natsu, as long as Natsu is not happy, Gajeel will be happy.

Natsu angrily said: "I accept it! Give me the stinky socks that I have been waiting for a month to wash! Let you feel how strong my biological weapons are!!"

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