Early morning.

An area adjacent to the climate of Winter’s Island.

Woods, leaves, bluestones…

White frost everywhere.

The picture is beautiful.



After nearly a day and a night.

Stayed up all night.

The redhead, who had come out of his dark circles, finally got in touch with his own ship’s lieutenant.

“Got it!”

“I should still be a big deal!”

“Rest assured, I’ll go!”

Qi Yu said casually.

“Ahahaha, I probably don’t have much time left, try to grasp it!”

Red-haired Shanks said.


“But even if it’s too late, it’s because of you, Shanks!”

Qi Yu Dao.


Red-haired Shanks was stunned.


You have been missing since yesterday, not answering the phone, and now you blame me?

Red-haired Shanks thought annoyedly.

“If it weren’t for your first intelligence error, completely diametrically divided, time would not have been so tight.”

Qi Yu Old God is in the Dao.

“Ah this、、、”

Red-haired Shanks was stunned again.

It seems that there is really no way to refute it.

“If there’s nothing to do, I’ll hang up first.”

“Wait a minute!”

The redhead hurriedly stopped.

“Speaking of Qi Yu, what did you do on Paradise Island yesterday?”

“Shouldn’t I have done anything terrible?”

The redhead asked hurriedly.

The question had been in his heart all day.

Uncomfortable tightness.

“You don’t know yet?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.


Redhead responds.

Wait for an answer.

“Rest assured, it’s no big deal!”

Qi Yu casually reassured.

[But it was the CP0 reserve of the world government plus a Draco]

[It’s not a big deal, as for the threat of the five old men, it’s all a fart]

[It’s just that Shanks is the captain after all, and he should definitely tell me]

【On the matter of an all-out war with the world government】

[But those five old men just talk about it, but they don’t dare to start a war.]

Red-haired Shanks: “!!! ”

Slaughter the cp0 troops of the world government and the Draco!

It’s not the first time anyway!

It’s just that

What does it mean to go to war with the world government?

Speaking of which.

Red-haired Shanks pondered carefully.

Yesterday when I was on the phone with the five old stars.

Those five old men seemed to really have the meaning of war between the lines.

Only at the time he didn’t notice at all.

Only when the five old stars are mainly for the Justice Island incident to attack.

Let them give face.


Reality is always more magical than fiction.

When he didn’t know.

Has the ship’s crew declared war on the world government?

Thinking with his toes, Shanks also knew that the five old men of the Holy Land were afraid that they were talking to Qi Yu at noon.

That’s why I was angry to contact him on the spot.

If it’s noon.

That’s not so surprising.

After all, the arrogant sun never compromises, and it never bows its head.

Even if the other party is the world’s most powerful five old stars.

“What’s wrong? Shanks”

Beckman heard the news.

Looking at the wonderful expression on Shanks’s face, he couldn’t help but be suspicious.

“Cough cough”

“Didn’t… Nothing major! ”

Shanks waved his hand.

It doesn’t matter whether the Five Old Stars really have the determination and consciousness to go to war with them.

Even if they do declare war.

Then of course, he and the red-haired pirates can only fight head-on.

There is no need to hesitate.

Want to eat their two emperors… No, if you add the Golden Lion, that’s the Three Emperors Team.

Even if it is a world government, it is enough not to die.

Just as Qi Yu expected.

The world government did not dare to go to war.




The iconic laughter of the golden lion Scandal breaks the tranquility of Paradise Island.

The elite of the Nine Snakes Regiment and the original cp9 were all alert at the first time.

Wait until you see the huge thing that almost covers the sky.

The faces of the people were filled with extreme shock, horror and disbelief.

“What the hell is that!!!”

“Islands? An island flying in the sky? ”

“Why do islands fly in the sky?”

Sandarsonia and the other Nine Snake girls are all discolored.

“Not good! Bad! Bad! ”

“If only that falls!”

“Everything on this island will capsize!”

Kaku, Snuggle, Owl and others were also stunned.

“Lord Qi Yu”

The figure of Qi Yu subconsciously appeared in Kalifa’s mind.

This has almost become an instinct imprinted in his soul.

“If I’m not mistaken, the islands that are now floating on our Nine Serpents are the legends of the last era, the handiwork of the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Stoney.”

Rob Luke took a deep breath and opened his mouth in a deep voice.


“Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki!”

“The sea thief who once fought against One Piece!”

Kaku and the others were stunned.

The Nine Snakes crowd not far away also heard Lu Qi’s judgment.


A shocking uproar erupted.

“Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shi Ji !!!”

“I’ve heard of his name, and it’s a lion demon comparable to a whitebeard!”

“After so many years of disappearing, is that golden lion still alive?”

The mighty Nine Snake Girls had only shock on their faces at this moment.


The loud laughter that was full of energy resumed.

A small black dot appeared in people’s sight.

“Little girls, of course the old man is alive!”

“And it’s really sad to compare the old man with the bastard with the whitebeard!”

“The old man is much purer than the white-bearded guy!”

The golden lion Shiki flew into the air, and he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

But for his words, no one in the field has paid attention.

At this moment, everyone was shocked by the legendary figure of the golden lion Schina.


‘Sizzle Sizzle’

People swallowed hard and inhaled cold air one after another, one after another.

Look at the golden lion Shiki standing in the sky.

Whether it was the Nine Snakes or the CP9s, their faces were full of extreme solemnity.

Very strong!

Indescribably powerful!

Just looking at the lion-like figure in the sky.

Their bodies instinctively produce great fear.

The muscles of the body stiffen involuntarily.

Repressed emotions hang over everyone’s heart.

“What an oppressive force this is? Is this the legendary level of the sea thief? ”

Poyasandasonia swallowed hard

“Damn, our strength is simply not enough to fight!”

“Lord Snake, if it’s Lord Han Cook…”

“No, no, no, even my sister 、、、 but if it’s that big man!”

Mary Grove a spirit.

Others reacted one after another.

The same person’s figure comes to mind.


The panic in their hearts has greatly subsided.

There is a surge of confidence between words.

“Golden Lion Shiki, what is the purpose of your coming here?”

Sandarsonia asked.

“Even if you are a legendary-level sea thief, I am not afraid at all!”

“Because we have Lord Qi Yu behind us!”

Kalifa plucked up her courage and scolded.

“Hahahahaha, what a coincidence!”

“I’m here to find the people behind you this time!”

“Hurry up and call him out!”

Golden Lion Squire laughed.

“No, I’m already here!”

“Squish, it’s coming too slowly!”


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