Three days had passed since the Whitebeard Pirates clashed with the traitor Titch.

The sea is still calm and calm, without any waves.

Under the blockade and cover up by the big hand called the world government.

Even the most detached birdman, Morguns, did not receive any news.


New world.

Red-haired Pirate Regiment territory.

Banquet Island No. 76.

Dusk falls.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the earth.

The sea is sparkling.

Right now.

It’s either at the banquet or the red-haired pirates on the banquet road.

Now the warm-up for the grand banquet has begun.


The sky was suddenly dark.

A huge shadow fell from the sky, obscuring the glow of the setting sun.

“What’s wrong?”

“Is it getting dark so soon?”

“Is it going to rain!” That’s not good! ”

The red-haired pirate cadres were all drunk and confused.

“Boss, everyone, things are not good!”

Hedgehog-headed newcomer Locke Star suddenly screamed and staggered over.

“How many times have I said it, newcomer, calm!”

There is a reminder of the presence of the old god of cadres.

“But… But the islands… The island is about to fall! ”

Locke Star was shocked.


“What do you say!”

“The island is about to fall!!!”

All the cadres of the Red League were all a spirit of excitement and came back to God.

Look up between.

Only then did he finally realize that the shadow that had suddenly descended was not dark or cumulonimbus clouds.

Instead, it is a large island large enough to cover the entire banquet island.

“Really yay!”

“It’s really an island!”

“Is that an empty island?”

“Such a large island flying in the sky? I still saw it for the first time! ”

Everyone in the red-haired pirates was amazed.

More than horror, more than surprise.

“No, is it still time to say this?”

“If that island falls, it’s really a bad thing!”

An ordinary member came back to his senses and immediately shouted to remind the people who had drunk too much.


People who reacted with hindsight gave birth to the panic they deserved.

Even if they are terrifying four-emperor teams.

Nor can it be indifferent to this catastrophic picture.

After all, if the huge island really falls, the cadres may be fine.

The average member is absolutely going to be badly injured.



“Captain Shanks!!!”

The average red pirate looked at Captain Shanks in panic.


Red-haired Shanks just laughed as he always did.

Beckman, Jesus, Raqiru and other cadres also looked as calm as ever.

“Rest assured, it won’t fall!”

Shanks grinned confidently.


The crowd was puzzled.


“In this world, the only man who can make the island float and fly!”

“The legendary Flying Sea Thief, Golden Lion Shiki!”

“Little ones, you can get ready!”

“Our ship deputy and distinguished guests are coming!”

A large number of senior cadres shouted loudly one after another.

“Oh well”

The Red Pirates who knew the truth screamed several times louder than before.


Loud laughter echoed in the sky.

It attracted the attention of the island’s thieves.

The shadows that enveloped the entire island receded.

The first thing that appeared under the sunset was a golden ark of gold.

It was followed by a huge lion’s head ship.

“Is that a golden ship!!!”

“Look… The bow of that golden ship…”

“It’s Vice Captain Qi Yu!”

“Vice Qi is back!”

“And the ship in the back, that flag—”

“Is it really the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki!!!”


The shocked shouts of the Red Regiment echoed in the sky and lasted for a long time.

The Golden Ark Proverbs and the Flying Lion Pirate Ship landed and landed one after another.

“Ahahaha, welcome back, Qi Yu!”

“This time it was really hard!”

Red-haired Shanks stepped forward.

His right arm opened and gave Qi Yu a big hug.

“Oh, it’s okay!”

Qi Yu smiled.

[Seeing that I have worked so hard, your Griffin will lend me another period of time to keep it.]

Red-haired Shanks: “??? ”

Watch as Qi Yu handed back to his own Griffin.

The red-haired Shanks tearfully refused.

It means lending it to Qi Yu for a while.

This time, it was Qi Yu’s turn to be confused.

[Shanks these two goods today the head convulsions can not be done]

[Or does he find a new wife and plans to eliminate the old wife]

[Ah grin, what a guy who likes the new and wears the old]

The red-haired Shanks blushed.

The emotions gradually became agitated.

Qi Yu still looked puzzled.

I thought, “What do you want to say?”

Red-haired Shanks was sad and angry.

However, he could only helplessly stare at Qi Yu with wide eyes.

The others who watched were also puzzled.

I don’t know why my captain and co-captain suddenly did this?

Isn’t it hard to see the right thing?


The impasse did not last long.


Golden Lion Squi laughed and flew into the air.

“Yo, Roger’s red-haired intern ghost, remember me?”

The golden lion wrapped his arms around him and looked condescendingly at the red-haired Shanks.

“Of course not to forget!”

“Mr. Stone—”

Shanks looked up, his face curled with a brilliant curvature.


“After all, the old man has forced your Roger Pirate Regiment into a desperate situation several times in those years!”

Golden Lion Scandal smugly opening.


Shanks nodded, not denying.

“It’s just, Mr. Scotty, things are unpredictable!”

“If Captain Roger knew you were joining the Red Haired Pirates, I don’t know what your expression would be?”

Red-haired Shanks laughed.

In a word, the smile on the face of the golden lion Shiki was completely gone.

Revealing a constipated expression like eating a hundred dead flies.

I wanted to refute it, but I didn’t know what to say for a while.


“Just kidding, kidding!”

“Don’t care, Mr. Scotty!”

“But I have prepared a grand reception banquet for you!”

Shanks was relieved.


The golden lion snorted in dissatisfaction.

No longer provocative, honestly stood behind Qi Yu.

“It’s a real person!”

“It’s really Golden Lion Stoney!”

“That legendary Flying Sea Thief!”

“It’s really worthy of our Qi Vice!”

“Since then, our red-haired pirate group has three Sea Emperor-level strongmen!”

“It was simply incredible!”


The red group that had come back from the shock was full of excitement and discussion.

“Hey, look, someone on the golden ship is out!”

Someone shouted, catching the man who flashed away and finally stood obediently behind Qi Yu.

“That man… Not simple! ”

“I seem to have seen thunder flickering before!”

“Is it true that … Is he the Natural Ring Thunder Fruit Ability? The cold senior cadre Lao Jin lost his voice and shouted.


The audience was in an uproar again.

“And not only that!”

“Someone has shown up again!”

“Beauty! A bunch of beautiful women are coming to us! ”

“Nine snakes! It’s the Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment! ”

“That beautiful woman seems to be the Pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook!”

“How beautiful that is! Simply angels! Fairy! ”



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