New World, Seventy-Six Banquet Island.

The atmosphere of the banquet is strong.

The Four Emperors Red-haired Pirate Regiment and the Fighting Nation Nine Snakes Pirate Regiment were completely integrated.

The atmosphere is more joyful than ever.

For pirates who are adrift on the sea.

The best companion is, of course, a pirate comrade with the same ambitions.

The fierce Nine Snake girls from the fighting nation fully met the requirements of the pirates of the Red Regiment.

The other side.

The Nine Snake girls who participated in the banquet of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates for the first time.

Curious about everything.

For the girls of the Nine Snakes, this was the first time in their lives that they had come into contact with men.

On weekdays, when I went on an expedition on the sea, I saw many men.

But it was the first time that a party with men like this was a joyful feast.


The girls’ ignorant hearts also can’t help but germinate.

Even the majestic Nine Serpents of the Nine Serpents of the High Ganpoya Sandarsonia.

At this time, some unusual ‘sparks’ were rubbed with a certain senior cadre of the red-haired pirate group.

Of course.

In the situation of wolves with more meat and less meat, scrambling is inevitable.

Because the scramble for women leads to the partner turning against him.

This was not the result that Qi Yu wanted to see.


“Little ones, it is not the fist that captures a woman’s heart!”

“If you let me see a similar situation again, practice with me next time!”

Qi Yu’s gaze glanced majestically in all directions.

“Also, if you really want to be punished, then you must deal with it to the end, if you like the new and hate the old, if you are chaotic and abandoned, my fist can be merciless!”

“Yes, Vice Qi!”

Everyone in the red group stood up in horror.

Knowing that Qi Yu was not joking.


The female emperor Boyahan Cook waved her hand.

“Sister Lord”

“Lord Snake”


“With Lord Qi Yu behind the guarantee, everyone can rest assured that they will make a bold choice!”

“If you are bullied, tell Lord Qi Yu!”

“Lord Qi Yu will definitely uphold justice!”

The female emperor Han Cook spoke loudly.

The Nine Snakes claim to be the Daughter Country because all of them are women.

But women don’t have children with each other.

For the continuation of the Nine Snakes.

When the warriors of the Nine Snakes reach a certain age, they will also go out to find high-quality genes to continue the family.

But since ten years ago.

The Nine Snakes were born without a single newborn

Because ten years ago after Poyahan Cook became the Emperor of the Nine Snakes.

A ban was once enacted.

The man of the Nine Snakes is absolutely not allowed to have contact with men.

But for now.

Now after the female emperor Han Cook herself was committed to Qi Yu.

Naturally, this ban will also be lifted.

Now, with the words of the female emperor Han Cook.

The chains on the hearts of the Nine Snakes and Mighty Girls were removed.

The style of painting between the scenes suddenly changed.

The Nine Snake Girls, who were originally reserved in the face of others, took the initiative to attack at this moment.

In terms of fierceness, the warriors of the Nine Snakes are definitely not inferior to men.

Seeing that the situation is stable.

Qi Yu and Poyahan Cook nodded in agreement.

Immediately they both held hands and returned home.

The red-haired Shanks pursed his lips and had a strange look on his face.

Obviously he was the captain of the red-haired pirate regiment.

However, considering that the Nine Snakes were brought by Qi Yu.

This blind date meeting was also promoted by Qi Yu.

Endorsing this kind of thing for the girls of the Nine Snakes, of course, should also be the most appropriate thing for Qi Yu to be responsible for.

Moreover, if you can really promote a few pairs of new people, it is naturally the best.

Maybe they will have a few baby babies on board in the future.

Just like when he and Bucky were in Roger’s Pirates.

Come to think of it.

The red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but smile happily.

This is the time.

[Shanks, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, staring at my daughter-in-law and not letting go? 】

Qi Yu looked at the red-haired Shanks warily, blocking Poyahan Cook with his body.

Only when even Shanks could not resist the natural charm of the female emperor Han Cook.

The smile on the red-haired Shanks’s face was even a delay.

Who covets your daughter-in-law?

I’m just wondering when you’re going to have a baby with Poyahan Cook so that I can be a dry daddy!

“Hahahahaha, Qi Yu, if you have children in the future, you must let your husband be his father.”

Golden Lion Skey laughed and opened his mouth.

Red-haired Shanks: “!!! ”

Obviously I came first!

“you, Stoney, you don’t look at how old you are, and you still want to be a father.”

Qi Yu laughed and scolded.


Listen to Qi Yu and the Golden Lion discuss the child’s affairs.

The female emperor Han Cook suddenly snuggled in Qi Yu’s arms with a happy face.

My mind couldn’t help but start to think.

“Then be a grandfather, the old man doesn’t mind.”

The words of the golden lion Schiki the old god in the present.

“You’re looking for a fight, aren’t you?” Even my advantage dares to take advantage! ”

Qi Yu was angry.

“Hahahahaha, just kidding!”

“Don’t be so serious!”

The golden lion resolutely confessed.

The topic of the child is soon revealed.

“Then, Qi Yu, how do you feel about having been in contact with Luffy for so long?”

“Luffy is really interesting!”

Red-haired Shanks showed off his mouth.

It was as if Luffy the Straw Hat were his son.


Qi Yu replied perfunctorily.

[What’s so interesting about the Straw Hat Kid, it’s not as good as Little Robin and Little Nami]


The redhead was stunned.

I didn’t expect Qi Yu to be a thick eyebrow and big eyes, holding the world’s first beautiful woman in his arms, and thinking of other girls in his mind.

Just warned others not to like the new and hate the old, and to give up after chaos?

If you let Qi Yu hear Shanks’s heart.

It is bound to tell him in a serious way —

I don’t like the new and hate the old, and I don’t give up all the time, but I just happen to like so many girls!

“Vice Qi, are you ready to tell their story with Luffy and my son this time?”

Jesus heard the news.

“I’m going to listen too, and I’m going to listen!”

The little fat man Raqilu farted upside down.

Behind him was the high cadre of the Nine Serpents, one of the two sisters, Poyasanda Sonia.

“Qi Vice and Luffy their story!”

“This is a real thing not to miss!”

“Hahaha, I’m here too!”

The original members of the Red League, who had known Luffy in the Straw Hats, arrived one after another.

The three circles inside and three circles outside the three circles were surrounded by a water leak.

That’s it.

Qi Yu was not good enough not to say anything.

When even if it is to describe in detail what happened with the straw hat in those days.

Fortunately, on a whim, Qi Yu had a fight with the Straw Hats.

It’s not that there aren’t many stories now.

Two hours.

Qi Yu’s story ends.

Everyone’s faces were full of unfinished thoughts, fiercely discussing the current straw hat group.

Jesus cloth, in particular, was blowing on his own son, Usop, every man.

“Hahaha, if you are still interested and want to understand, you can go to Lu Qi and talk to them!”

“They’ve only had a fight with the Straw Hat Boy!”

Qi Yu smiled.


Everyone’s eyes lit up.

Then Hula ran away.

Surrounded by the original cp9 crowd that did not fit in.

Problems poured into Luke and the others like a tidal wave.

If it’s before.

The cruel Lu Qi was afraid that he would have to do it a long time ago.

But not now.

He was already part of the team and had to adapt to the new team atmosphere.

Secondly…… That’s really hard to beat.

Send away the bustling crowd.

Qi Yu’s side finally recovered some calm.

“Then then, Shanks, I honestly have one more thing to tell you.”

The look on Qi Yu’s face gradually became solemn.

The captain of the Red-haired Pirates is after all Red-haired Shanks.

Even if he is a co-captain, his strength is no longer under the red hair.

However, in matters involving the fate of the whole group, it is impossible to decide.

“Ahahaha, say it.”

Shanks nodded.

In his heart, he could probably guess what Qi Yu was going to say.

It is nothing more than a declaration of war on the world government.

He would not be surprised by this.

However, for Qi Yu not to hide, take the initiative to inform him, Shanks is still very happy in his heart.

Not as Shanks expected.

Qi Yudang even told the details of the call with the Five Old Stars that day.


Beckman’s eyes widened in shock.

The cigarette in the corner of his mouth snapped to the ground without knowing it.

“Hahahahaha, it’s really worthy of Qi Yu!”

“What a domineering man!”

Golden Lion Squire laughed incessantly.

For Qi Yu more and more appreciation.

This is the man who deserves his all-out effort to push the ‘throne’!

“I’m sorry, Shanks, I didn’t discuss it with you…”

“Ahahaha, it doesn’t matter”

Shanks waved his hand indifferently, interrupting Qi Yu’s apology.

“The five old stars of the world government are just talking about it, but they don’t dare to really declare war on us!”

“Moreover, even if it is a real declaration of war, with our current strength——”

Shanks grinned, self-evidently.

Hearing this, Beckman retracted the shock on his face and nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Qi Yu looked at Shanks suspiciously.

It always felt that Shanks’s reaction was a little different from what he expected.

For a while, he couldn’t do it.

Being so accommodating to himself made Qi Yu a little embarrassed.

He removed Griffin from his waist.

“Shanks, or Griffin will return it to you first!”

Qi Yu was ready to compensate.

“No, I don’t need it!”

Shanks decisively refused.

“Wait two days, and I’ll exchange it for something else.”

Shanks smiled mysteriously.

“Shanks, don’t you just look for a knife to perfunctory me.”

Qi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Ahahaha, rest assured, it will never disappoint you!”

“That knife is even above my griffin!”

Shanks laughed.


Qi Yu came to be interested.

What can be compared with Griffin is bound to be the supreme fast knife.

It seems to be during the time he was away.

Shanks also had the heart to help him find a knife.

I just don’t know which supreme fast knife it is

“But as I said beforehand, I didn’t give you that knife, it was still borrowed by Ang!”

Shanks emphasized.

“All right, all right”

Qi Yu responded.

The lively blind date banquet continues.

Time ticks by.

In the blink of an eye, it was the evening of the next day.

It ended with an intimate interaction with the female emperor Han Cook.

Qi Yu stretched out and came to the deck, preparing to go for a drink.

That’s when it happened.

“Qi Yu”

Beckman looked solemn.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

Follow Beckman to the combat conference room.

Red-haired Shanks had been waiting for a long time.

“There was already news of the Battle of the Isle of the End a few days ago!”

Beckman took a deep breath.

“The Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Crusade is completely destroyed!”

“Team Captain Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard Marshall Ditch were both arrested!”


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