“Very simple thing, because Fire Fist Ace is the son of One Piece King Gord Roger!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Tell this secret that is enough to shock the world.

After a moment of silence.


“What do you say!”

“Bullying, is what you say true?”

“Ace… That Fire Fist Ace is really the son of One Piece!!! ”

The roar of the people was loud, rushing up the sky, breaking the clouds.

Right now.

The red-haired pirate regiment high-ranking cadres who participated in the meeting between the venues——

That face was already filled with extreme shock and disbelief.

The news revealed by Qi Yu was shocked to the point of no return.

His chin was almost pulled to the ground.

“Ace… The Whitebeard Family’s Fire Fist Ace turned out to be the son of the head of the head! ”

“One Piece Roger has a son!” And it’s that Ace! ”

“Wait a minute”

The little fat man Raqilu put his index finger against the center of his brow.

“If I’m not mistaken, Ace is Luffy’s brother!”

“Luffy’s grandfather is the naval hero Cap, so that means Ace’s grandfather is also Cap!”

“In this way, is it difficult that the leader of the head, One Piece, is the son of the hero Karp?”

Raqiru’s eyes widened, playing with his strange brain circuitry.

It’s just unbelievable!

Directly tell this horrible relationship!

What’s worse is that his analysis still makes some sense at first glance.

Several cadres who had accidentally been circumvented by him all nodded their heads with deep sympathy at this moment.

“How is this possible?”

“One Piece Roger and the hero Cap are the same people!”

Beckman shook his head in disbelief.

“The biggest possibility is that Ace was adopted by Karp.”

One of the intellectual ceilings of the pirate world, Beckman, guessed the truth.


“It’s very likely!”

“But why did Cap, a naval hero, adopt One Piece’s son?”

“Then again, Vice Qi, is what you said earlier true, is Ace really the son of One Piece?”

The Red League was full of high-ranking cadres.

“Probably true!”

Red-haired Shanks was no longer silent.

“When I first met Ace three years ago, I had a subtle feeling!”

“As for why Ace was adopted by that Karp, it’s not hard to imagine!”

This time it was the turn of the others to be silent.


In the silent atmosphere, the sound of gritted teeth suddenly sounded.

Follow the prestige.

Eyes were on the Golden Lion Stone.

“Damn, Roger’s turtle grandson, there are still descendants?” Or son! ”

“Fuck, it’s really unreasonable!”

“Lao Tzu has no descendants, why does that guy Roger have?”

Golden Lion Skey stared at the big and small eyes.

A look of sadness and unwilling scolding.

Everyone: Upside down!

Ignored the complaints of the limonene golden lion Stone.

The eyes of Beckman and the others returned to Shanks.

“What to do?”

For the relationship between Redhead Shanks and Roger One Piece.

Everyone here knew it.

Roger was as heavy to Shanks.

It’s almost like a father.

At the beginning, even the straw hat and the captain’s hat were randomly given to Shanks.

If it wasn’t known beforehand that Ace was Roger’s son.

Naturally, they were not good enough to get involved in the war between the Navy and Whitebeard.

Just now、、、


“I’m sorry, everyone, I really can’t let it go!”



1520 year of the sea calendar, autumn.

The wind of the sea is gradually intensifying.

The gears of the times click.

Unprecedented mega-events are coming.



Ten days later!

Navy Headquarters!

Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment II!

– Public execution!!!

As soon as the announcement came out, everyone was shocked!

From paradise to the new world.

Countless pirates and forces trembled at it!

“Hey, hey, what’s going on? Really fake? ”

“The public execution of Fire Fist Ace? This is a blatant provocation to that man! ”

“Blatantly provoking the strongest man in the world! What exactly does the Navy want to do? Crazy can’t be done! ”

“This is not a provocation! This is a declaration of war! ”

“After so much peace, the navy is finally going to war with the Emperor of the Sea!”

“How exciting would this battle be if the Navy were to win!”

“Hahahahaha! Interesting! It’s really fun! This news is simply the best appetizer! ”

“Ten more days?” I can’t wait to see that monster Whitebeard at war with the Navy! ”

“This must be the most spectacular event of our time!!!”



The new world is surging with storms.

Right now.

An island owned by the old king of this sea, the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

With a piece of news brought by the newspaper bird.

The calm sea once again made violent waves.

The clear sky was overcast.

Heaven and earth are changed by the momentum of a simple person.

Because it was the emperor of the sea who was angry.

“Damn! Catching Ace wasn’t enough! Even 、、、 is unforgivable! ”

The leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the undead bird Marco roared in anger.

“Navy! World Government! ”


Team Captain Diamond Joz looked up and ranted.

“Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! ”

Team Captain Foil Bista blushed.

“The bastard navy dared to publicly execute Ace!”

“Absolutely let them know the price of provoking our Whitebeard Pirates!”

The captain of the sixteenth team is murderous.

“That’s right! The public execution of Ace is a provocation to our Whitebeard Pirates! ”

“We’re the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“Yes, absolutely to rescue Captain Ace.”

“Let the navy that provoked this war know the consequences of provoking us!”

“Captain Ace, it’s up to us Whitebeard Pirates to save you!”

“Avenge Ace, for your dead companions!!!”


Deck of the huge whale ship Moby Dick.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were outraged.

The roar full of war and anger was earth-shattering, causing the sea to burst into violent waves.

“Kula la”

“Navy, you started this war first.”

“Come on, since you want to play, Lao Tzu naturally wants to accompany him to the end.”

“Little ones, get ready, the war is about to begin.”

The white-bearded roar of laughter echoed in the sky, domineering.

“Oh oh oh oh oh—”

After the impassioned mobilization of the war.

The captains of the various groups are all acting on their own.

Start informing and calling up new affiliated pirates around the world.

The other side.

The domineering expression on the face of the white-bearded man who returned to the room was even if he collapsed.

An unprecedented worry appeared between his brows.

He thought of the voice he heard from Qi Yu’s heart that day.

Even though he has made a change.

However, the incident still developed in the direction that Qi Yu expected.

Is it true that their white-bearded pirate regiment has run out of gas!

Could it be that after this war, the Whitebeard Pirates will become the clouds of the past?

For his own life and death, Whitebeard did not care.

He has lived for more than seventy years, and he has already lived enough.

It’s just that he really cares.

After paying the price of war.

Is Ace still going to die?

This moment.

The world’s strongest man is confused!!!


Marco pushed the door in response.

Along with it came a cute blue fat man.

“Daddy, let me go!”

“I’ll go to the naval headquarters to negotiate with the marshal Sengoku!”

“Persuade him to cancel the public execution of Brother Ace!”

The Seven Martial Seas Sea Hero said in a very calm voice.

“Forget it, very flat, at this stage you are still recuperating!”

“You’ve done enough!”

Whitebeard drank to stop.

“But… But I couldn’t bring back Brother Ace! ”

Ji Ping bowed his head with a look of self-reproach.

End the Island Incident.

The Whitebeard Crusade was not completely wiped out, as rumored to be.

With the help of Shi Ping.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment and some of the members of the team stubbornly survived.

Taking the waterway avoided the Navy’s slaying orders.

“Very flat, the Navy probably already knew about your help to us in the last incident.”

“Your Seven Martial Sea titles may not be able to be saved, and going to the Navy Headquarters now is tantamount to throwing yourself into the net!”

Marco persuaded.

“But Brother Ace…”

“Enough! Marko, take Shihei down and heal well! ”

“Yes, Daddy!”



A new world, a land of love and passion and toys – Dressrosa.




“It’s really fun!”

“What an interesting event!”

“This era is really the best!”

In the outdoor pool of the Palace Highlands, Qiwu Haido Flamingo, wearing a flamingo coat, covered his forehead with his right hand and laughed wantonly.

“Sure enough, this sea will never be boring!”

“The war between the king of the sea and the naval headquarters in the two eras of the sea is a signal of the change of the times!”

“Whatever the outcome of the war, the era of Whitebeard will come to an end!”

Qiwu Haido Flamingo’s face flashed with excitement.

“Dover, you mean Whitebeard… Is that strong monster-like whitebeard going to lose? ”

Pika asked in a sharp voice.

“It’s not a matter of course!”

“No matter how strong the whitebeard is, after all, it is the earth emperor of the sea!”

“The world government and navy, which have been occupying the sea for eight hundred years, are the real behemoths!”

“Of course, this result is based on the premise that only the Whitebeard Pirates are involved in the battle!”

“If other forces intervene, then this doomed result may change again!”

The curvature of the corners of Doflamingo’s mouth gradually expanded.

“Qi Yu, the Five Emperors of the Kingdom of Hezhi!”

“Whitebeard’s so-called ally!”

“This time it’s time to uncover your true face of Lushan!”


“Dover Dover”

Torrepol, shrugging in mucus, hurried to arrive.

“Panic, what’s wrong?” Torrepol”

Diamanti asked.

“The Navy … Vice Admiral of the Admiral Headquarters is burning the mountain! ”

“It is said that it is to launch a forced summoning of the Seven Martial Seas to you and join the war!”

Torrepol panicked at the opening.


“It’s coming faster than you think!”

Doflamingo laughed.

“What do you say, Dover, are you going?”

Diamanti asked.


“Of course I want to go!”

“Navy Headquarters—”

“That’s the center of the times!!!”

“War on top—”

“How can I miss !!!”



New World, Land of Peace, Island of Ghosts.

Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, base camp.

“Oh my”

“Something interesting is going to happen!”

“The war between the white-bearded old man and the navy!”

“It’s a big stage not to be missed!”

The drunken Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido laughed.

“Mr. Kaido”

The three leaders of the Hundred Beasts Regiment, the white and fat plague Quinn looked panicked.

“Don’t be stupid, how can Whitebeard and the navy’s battlefield be mixed?”

“If you are not careful, you will fall directly there!”

Quinn yelled.

“Kaido, let’s go to the Navy Headquarters to join in the fun!”

“It would be better to take this opportunity to harvest Whitebeard’s territory!”

“Anyway, after this war, even if the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment survives, it will certainly be seriously injured!”

The second in command of the Hundred Beasts said in a deep voice.

“Alas, this is good! This dares to be kind! ”

Quinn, who had always been at odds with the scorching ashes, was now echoing faster than anyone.

“Oh my”

“Then start preparing now!”


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