Passive Seven – The Power of the Beast King!

No matter how ferocious the beast.

Whether it’s swimming in the sea or running on the ground!

Tame it with just one glance!

This is the absolute power of the Beast King, who overrides the apex of the creature!


Under Qi Yu’s orders.

The Neptune honestly held the small boats that could not continue to sail overhead, acting as a means of transportation.

This is also Qi Yu’s purpose.

Fish hard for an hour.

During this period, it was also unfortunate to encounter a thunderstorm.

Isn’t it better to catch a sea king to pull the boat?

Compare to the slow and leisurely journey through.

Finding a sea king to pull a boat can definitely save more than half of the time.

Qi Yu stretched out his waist in self-care.

Look at a messy deck.

Finally, look at the Locke Star, which has been shocked and sluggish to the point of motionlessness.

“Newcomer, I’ll go to sleep first.”

“You should watch and do the repair of the ship first, and if you can’t do it, wait for me to come.”

Qi Yu casually gave the order.

Ten years, picked up by attribute ability.

Qi Yu also had a lot of experience in the way of ship mastery.

Repairing a small boat is a problem.

“Yes… Be! ”

Locke Star finally returned to God, and responded with a hurried and restrained voice.

Look at Qi Yu as he walks into the cabin.

Locke Star’s face couldn’t help but appear with extreme admiration and excitement.

“Vice Qi, is it really a man of God!!!”



Time passes.

Four days in a flash.

The Sea King carried Qi Yu and the newcomer close to Whitebeard’s territorial waters.

If it is a normal sailing.

It takes at least ten days.

The sun was just right.

The breeze is not dry

“Qi Vice Qi Vice Qi”

Renovated mast lookout.

The newcomer Locke Star suddenly shouted loudly.

“What’s wrong?”

On the second deck, Qi Yu leisurely leaned back on the recliner and watched the latest news reports this morning.

Today’s news of events originated with the superpower of the first half of the great course, Alabastan.

The conspiracy to steal the country was detected and defeated by the heroic Captain Smaug.

Qi Yu, who had watched a thousand episodes of One Piece, certainly knew.

What really defeated Klockdahl and saved Alabastan was the protagonist of Destiny, the Pirates and Straw Hats.

“Unconsciously, it has already been carried out here!”

Looking at the 100 million yuan bounty order, Qi Yu couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

“Qi Vice Qi Vice Qi”

On the lookout, Locke Star was still shouting.

“Navy! The Navy’s warships are coming towards us? ”

This is the time.

The hands of the clock span the category of ten points.

The sun is shining.

Qi Yu’s figure gradually changed.

The momentum around the body is also seen and sublimated.

From the original introverted to the current sharp edge is only a moment.

“The navy is also trying to stop me!”

“If you don’t measure your own strength, you should also have a limit!”

Qi Yu’s arrogant opening.

The other side.

“Only… Lieutenant General Gion”

“It has been determined that it is indeed the flag of the Red Haired Pirates!”

“The Red-Haired Pirates are about to enter Whitebeard’s territory!”

Reconnaissance warship, a rear admiral panicked and reported to the lieutenant general on the other end of the phone.

“Redhead and whitebeard!”

“Definitely not let them meet!”

A beautiful female voice came out of the telephone bug.

It sounds beautiful but also with majesty and coldness.

“You try to hold on, I’ll be there right away!”

Gion voice dropped.

All I could hear was a loud rumbling.

“Blocking… Can’t stop it! Lieutenant General Gion”

“The other side… The other party is arrogant…”

The call came to an abrupt halt.



The top of the Red Earth Continent.

Holy Land, Mary Joyce.

The deepest white jade hall.

The five old men representing the supreme power of the world on the surface, the five old stars, either sit or stand.

Listeners come from reports from subordinates.

“What do you say? That redhead has moved? ”

The bald black suit five old stars looked slightly frozen.

“Yes, according to the news from cp!”

“The ship with the flag of the Red-haired Pirates is indeed approaching Whitebeard’s territory.”

A rear admiral got down on one knee and reported.

“It should not be possible for him to personally ride the horse!”

Another five-old star road.

“Yes, the main ship of the Red Haired Pirates is still there.”

“He acted in a way that sent messengers indirectly.”

“But it’s too dangerous to put redheads in contact with Whitebeard.”

The Rear Admiral worried.

“It was said that it was also”

The five old stars with noble curls nodded.

“Although the redhead is definitely a tricky guy to do something, he is not a man who will change the world with his own selfish desires.”

“For the time being, don’t act rashly, observe first!”

“The most important thing at the moment is the problem of the Seven Martial Seas!”

The five highest powers in the world all nodded quietly.

“Five Old Stars and Five Old Stars”

At this moment, there was a sudden cry of panic and trepidation outside the door.

A naval officer stumbled along.

“Five Old Stars”

“Just now, the Navy’s reconnaissance ship accidentally encountered the ship of the Red Haired Pirates and was sunk!”

The admiral shouted in panic to report.


The eyes of the five old stars suddenly sharpened.

They’ve just finished praising their red hair.

In the blink of an eye, the Navy was beaten.

It’s the speed of light punching the face.

However, what shocked the five old stars even more was still to come.

“Five old stars, according to the news from the survivors!”

“It was the man who shot and sank the warship this time!”

“Bounty of 3,364 million – arrogant Qi Yu!”

The admiral said the name with all his strength.

“What do you say!!!”

“Let that man touch Whitebeard!”

“Redheads are really going to turn the !!!”

At this moment, the world’s highest power five old stars were all shocked


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