
Footsteps start.

It was heavy like the beating of the war drums of heaven.

The heavy is like the heartbeat of heaven and earth.


The whale ship Mobydick’s connecting staircase and even the sturdy railing made an overwhelmed click.

“Who the hell is that?”

The two nearby white pirates hurriedly probed their heads, trying to find out.

Next second.

The astonishing heat wave suddenly soared into the sky.

The figure that came into their eyes was even more dazzling than the sun.


“My eyes!”

Two white pirates screamed bitterly and fell to the deck.

This sudden scene made everyone in the white group stunned.

Immediately, several more people stepped forward to check it out.

“All back off!”

The captain of the team, Marco, stopped drinking.

“The half-hanging guy, you can’t bear that guy’s arrogance!”

Team Captain Diamond Joz looked solemn.



Heavy footsteps like war drums sounded one after another.

Finally, the dazzling figure appeared in the sight of everyone on the ship.

Step by step.

He boarded the whale ship Moby Dick.



The connecting staircase collapsed along with the nearest ship’s railing.

The tall figure of nearly four meters tall continued to step forward.


One step down.

The deck of the whale ship Moby Dick, built from the treasure tree Adam, collapsed and blackened it.

It was as if it had been burned by flames.

The second step falls.

Footprints are worse than the first step.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the tremor of the huge whale boat.

Even the calm sea is flooded with violent waves.

“Bastard, what the hell are you?”

“Don’t destroy our Mobbie!”

The members of the ship’s engineering team were furious.

Look at the deck and railing that have been trampled by Qi Yu.

Their hearts ached.

As the ship’s engineering team, the relationship between them and the whale ship Moby Dick is the deepest.

For them.

The Moby Dick isn’t just the glory of their Whitebeard Pirates.

They are also important partners.

How can you watch your partner get hurt and be indifferent?

Think about it.

The members of the White Regiment Ship Engineer disregarded Marko’s orders and stepped forward to stop them.


When approaching Qi Yu’s body within a meter range.

The faces of the three shipwrights changed suddenly.

The clothes on their bodies were burned by the flames without warning.

The skin is also a sign of burns.


A scream ensued.


Blue undead bird flames descended from the sky and landed on the burned shipwrights, relieving their pain.

Qi Yu’s pace was slow.

Look around.

There are still quite a few white pirates who are trying to move.

“A piece of advice to those of you who do not know the height of the heavens and the thickness of the earth: as mortals, do not approach the sun casually, you will die!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth.

Calm words carry absolute domineering and arrogance.

Treat the elites of the Whitebeard Pirates as mortals!

Compare yourself to the sun!

What arrogance!

Besides, here is the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!

Why are you an outsider, so arrogant?

The pirates of the White Regiment are all on fire in their hearts.

“Don’t act rashly!”

The undead bird Marco scolded severely.

Foil Bista, Diamond Joz and other captains all stepped forward to stop the impulsive team members.


“Captains, what the hell is he?”

“If you dare to despise our white-bearded pirate group so much, you will never spare him!”

The grumpy team members couldn’t help but blush and breathe like cattle.

“This man’s words do have arrogant capital!”

Marko’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he opened his mouth solemnly.

“And his current state…”

Diamond Joz wanted to stop talking.

Think about this strange phenomenon, which cannot be explained by words alone.

He had to give up for the time being.

Anyway, I’ll understand it later.

“Qi Vice Mighty!”

“Qi Vice Domineering!”

Different from the nest fire of the white group.

The Locke Star, who had previously been taunted by the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, was now angry again.

His face was filled with extreme excitement, excitement and admiration.

Ignoring the glares of the White Pirates and the excitement of the Locke Star.

Qi Yu stepped forward.

Finally stood ten meters away from Whitebeard.

The sun fire on his body gradually converged.

“Whitebeard, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Qi Yu grinned.


The pale golden eyes of the white beard narrowed slightly, with a slight dangerous arc.

“My unruly subordinates have been disrespectful before.”

Qi Yu opened his mouth again.

“So, do you want to apologize for him?”

Whitebeard asked rhetorically.


Qi Yu slowly shook his head.

“I just want to tell you that I’m probably going to be more disrespectful than him next, please know.”

“Kula la”

Whitebeard suddenly burst out laughing.

There was a hint of coldness in the laughter.

“Your previous step after step has hurt Mobi ten times more disrespectfully than that runny nose.”

“How else do you want to be disrespectful?”

The white-bearded man had a black line on his face, and his eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were as terrible as evil ghosts.

“How about this?”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The voice dropped.

The invisible momentum fluctuations spread and spread from Qi Yu’s feet.

Sweeping in all directions.

With the fall of this momentum, the heavens and the earth seemed to be stagnant.

The hustle and bustle of the whale boat suddenly stopped.

Several pirates closest to Qi Yu threw their heads back as if they had been hit by an invisible hammer.

There were no scars on the outside of their heads, but the depths of their minds were already raging with terrifying waves.

Under the spiritual shock that was far above them, their consciousness was stripped away in an instant.

His eyes rolled white, and he fell to the ground.

And that’s just the beginning.

The massive whale ship Moby Dick is like a domino effect.

One by one, the elite of the mighty Whitebeard Pirates suddenly fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

The sight is terrifying!

“This is—”

“Overlord color domineering!!!”


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