Above the heavens, the wind and clouds change.

When the sky cracks for it.

The sea of clouds that existed above the Heavenly Dome also rushed towards the great central rift.


It was as if behind the rift in the sky there was an abyss enough to devour the world.

It’s all because of those two men—

The collision of the two ’emperors!!!



“What a duel this is!!!”

“Even the sky is cracked!”

“Obviously, it was just a collision of knives and knives, but it shattered the sky!”

“Is this the duel between the emperors of King’s Landing?”


The mothership Mobydick, including Marko, Joz, Bista and other powerful people, were all screaming in shock.

“Attention all, the big one is coming!”

Marco stared at the shocked eyes and shouted a reminder to stop drinking.

“Kula la”

The overlord of this era, Whitebeard, let out a happy laugh.

The white shock wave of the overlord color domineering combined with the ability of the strongest superhuman shock fruit that destroyed the world and the earth was unprecedentedly fierce.

The sea shattered under his tremors.

Transformed into one separate sea mass after another.

High and low are staggered!!!

“The Shock Fruit is indeed a not weak ability!”

“But my sun power is stronger!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth.

One minute from 12 noon.

The passive second arrogant sun will reach its true peak.

It is at this moment.

Suddenly, a cluster of golden red flames lit up between heaven and earth.

That is the manifestation of the invisible power of the sun.

The wisps of sun power fell into the long sword in Qi Yu’s hand under the tug of Qi Yu.

The body of the black sword that had been initially refined changed from pitch black to crimson red.

Exudes the most masculine to the strongest of the strong.

White light and red light separate heaven and earth.

Each occupies half of the sky.

The final roar exploded.

Qi Yu and Whitebeard, the center point of the clash of the two large swords, appeared a dark point.

Then the dots gradually expand and form a circle.

Like a deep black hole, it flows slowly.


The pitch-black circle suddenly trembled violently.




Finally, at the same time, the most terrifying domineering and shocking spread.

Shook the sky and the sea.

When the most extreme sublimation collides through.

This double conflict between the world’s top overlord color and the top ability is finally the end of the curtain!!!


Under the stunned gaze of the White Pirates, led by the leader of the Ichiban team, Marko.

The tall figure of the white-bearded man staggered and leaned back.

The whole person involuntarily retreated one after another.

Even more unbelievable was the knife in Whitebeard’s hand

The supreme big fast knife Cong Yunqie, at this moment, was actually out of hand!!!

Spin in mid-air for weeks.

With a ‘bang’ pierced into the bow of the whale.

Just one step away is to fall into the deep sea.

“How… There will be such a thing! ”

“Daddy… Dad not only retreated, but even Cong Yunche got out of his hands! ”

“This kind of thing 、、、 impossible! I must be dreaming! ”

“Our dad is the strongest man in the world!”

People shouted with shock, horror and disbelief, one after another.

At this moment, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates could not accept it anyway.

Can’t accept what you see in front of you.

The father, who is the strongest man in the world, was actually repelled in an all-out head-on.

Could it be that man is really the strongest in the world?

The strongest in the world is the deputy captain of the Red Haired Pirates?

What a joke of the sea!

“Captain Marko, tell me, it’s not true!”

“Daddy… How could Daddy possibly lose to that arrogant man! ”

Someone yelled.

“Everything was as we saw!”

“At least at noon, our father is not the strongest!”

Marko’s humble path.

One thing he didn’t say.

Because I am afraid of causing a bigger blow to the players.

That’s what he noticed earlier.

At the end of that collision.

Qi Yu had relented!!!

Just when the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were still immersed in the shock of ‘Daddy defeated’.

Inter-field change regeneration.

A tooth-aching click starts.

Originated from Qi Yu’s black knife like a soldering iron.


“That man’s knife!”

“That arrogant guy’s knife cracked!”

“It’s going to shatter!”

The voice dropped.

The ‘Little Black Knife’ that Qi Yu had painstakingly tempered for a year broke into ten pieces.


Looking at this scene, the white-bearded group of pirates all laughed, laughing wantonly.

“Our dad is still the strongest!”

“See, that man’s knife has been broken!”

“That must have been shattered by Daddy’s shock fruit!”

“His knife shattered, and Daddy’s Cong Yun Cut is still intact!”

“Judge from above!”

The white pirates, who could not accept this result, finally found a reason to numb and deceive themselves madly.

“Sure enough, it shattered again!”

Qi Yu shook his head and casually threw the black knife on the deck.

“Whitebeard, do you know why my knife broke?”

Qi Yu asked.

Whitebeard didn’t speak, just rolled his eyes.

As for what Qi Yu was going to say next, he could roughly know.

Because I had heard it again four years ago.

Sure enough.

“Whitebeard, tell you!”

“My knife didn’t break because of you!”

“It’s because I’m too strong!”


Kneel down and beg for free flowers and tickets!!!

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