“Yo, Gion, it’s been a long time coming!”

“I am relieved to see that you are still so energetic!”

Qi Yu warmly greeted him, and a happy smile hung on his face.

“Shut up”

“You big liar!”

“Don’t say I’m like you know me well!”

Gion was furious.

Talking and talking.

Her little mouth just couldn’t help but rise.

The eye socket is also an unconscious red.

There is a water mist in the bright eyes.

Four years ago.

When the general Crane learned the true identity of Qi Yu from the mouth of the general.

After learning that he was a member of the Red Haired Pirates.

Gion cried on the spot.

For the first time in her life, she fell in love!

Falling in love with someone for the first time!

For the first time, give your body, your own everything!

I thought I had found enough love to entrust my life!

But I didn’t think about it.

The husband he chose turned out to be a deep-hidden pirate evil party!

The huge blow caused Gion to cry and faint on the spot.

After that, it took four years to heal this tragic and deceived love wound.

It has not yet healed.

The crack in her heart was still there.

It’s all because of the man who cheated on her body and cheated on her feelings.

A few days ago, it was learned that Qi Yu appeared in the territorial sea of Whitebeard.

Gion disregarded the orders of his superiors and acted alone.

Not just to prevent the emperor from meeting with the emperor.

She was even more determined to make a conclusion with Qi Yu.


Now here she comes.

Four years later.

Once again, he appeared in front of Qi Yu.

Only until I saw Qi Yu again.

Listen to his voice.

Look at his smile.

Gion only knew.

What weight this man who had deceived her had in her heart.

Even though it’s been four years.

Even if she said countless times that she was no longer nostalgic for the past.

At this moment, it has finally become self-deception.

For the first time in my life, where will it be so simple to forget.

Especially a traditional and conservative woman like Gion.

“What’s wrong? Gion”

Qi Yu jumped down from the second deck.

Under the ghostly gaze of Locke Star, he slowly walked to the front of Gion.

“Even if it’s a four-year reunion, don’t be so excited that you cry.”

Qi Yu said as he raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of Gion’s eyes.

“Don’t say stupid things!”

“I won’t cry for you anymore!”

Gion drank a lot, with a hint of crying in her voice.

“Ah grin!”

“What’s going on here?”

Locke Star looked confused.

“Ah, I see!”

He seemed to have thought of something.

“Vice Captain, you actually have a leg with this Navy woman!”

Locke Star blurted out subconsciously.

Next second.

“Shut up”

Qi Yu and Gion invariably stopped drinking.

“What does it mean to have a leg?”

Qi Yu: This is my wife.

“Who has a leg with him!”

Gion: My husband is not an evil party.

Locke Star shrank his head weakly.

Consciously jump into the big pit on the deck.

The deck then went quiet.

Another moment.

“Well, don’t be willful, it was true that I was wrong before, hiding some facts, but…”

Qi Yu raised his hand and was about to hug Gion for a long time.

“Shut up”

“You are now the evil party of the Red Haired Pirates!”

“There is nothing to do with you and me except the incompatible enemy relationship!”

“I will not spare my subordinates!”

Gion coldly squealed.


The famous knife Jin Biluo crossed a perfect arc.

With a brilliant sword light, it slashed at Qi Yu’s right hand.


Blood splattered.

The sharp golden blade cut off Qi Yu’s arm, bringing up a bright blood light.

“Vice !!!”

Secretly propped his ears up, the secretly observing Locke Star screamed.


The blood-stained sword Kinbira fell from Gion’s hand.

Gion’s pretty face was full of frost and determination.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but be extremely panicked.


“Why don’t you dodge?”

Looking at the shocking wound on Qi Yu’s arm, her eyes couldn’t help but turn red again.

“Because I didn’t expect you to come really!”

“Sizzle ~~~”

“It really hurts!”

Qi Yu grinned.

As the uncrowned emperor above the sea.

A simple knife wound was naturally nothing to Qi Yu.

Even before, if it wasn’t Qi Yu deliberately suppressed his own immortal Kongo body.

Gion’s knife could not have hurt him at all.

No way.

To reduce some unnecessary hassle.

Keep troublesome things simple.

Qi Yu also had to be a shadow emperor.

Tear it up!

Gion decisively tore open the Navy Justice Cloak behind him and bandaged Qi Yu’s wounds.

It’s just that she is not skilled in her own skills, and under the chaos of her hands, the bandaging is even more unlikely.

“All right, don’t worry!”

“Help me back to my room, I’ll do it myself!”

Qi Yu said comfortingly.

“Even the big guys in the navy can handle it!”

“Qi Vice Zhen is a model for my generation!”

Watching Qi Yu and Gion ‘enter the cave room’, the newcomer Locke Star couldn’t help but sigh.

Until this time.

He found that his understanding of his own co-captain was still far behind!



In the quiet of the room.

A man and a woman, two sitting opposite each other.

Staring ~~~

Gion stared at Qi Yu with bright eyes without blinking.

“Cough cough”

Qi Yu coughed softly and got up and walked to the Xiaoice box in the room.

“Want something to drink?”


Gion hummed proudly.

With his arms around him, the ‘justice’ in front of him became wider and wider.

Be vividly portrayed.

Qi Yu didn’t ask again.

I took a bottle of plum sake that Gion liked to drink.

Looking at the plum wine in Qi Yu’s hand, he knew that he still remembered his preferences.

Gion’s face eased slightly.

A few glasses of wine down the stomach.

The box then opened.

Qi Yu would not be uninterested in asking about the recent situation of Gion in recent years.

You don’t have to think about it.

This topic is one place.

The explosive keg in Gion is definitely about to detonate again.

“Then again, Gion, how come you have time to come and see me today?”

Qi Yu asked.

Gion rolled her eyes charmingly, “You don’t know what you do yourself?” ”

“What did I do?”

Qi Yu looked innocent.

“What is the purpose of you going to the Whitebeard Pirate Group to see Whitebeard this time?”

Gion’s small face bulged slightly, and the tiger stared at Qi Yu.

Now that you’re sitting down and having a good chat.

She didn’t mind listening to some information from the old friend’s mouth.

When you return to the headquarters, you can still report it, and you will prepare it early.


Qi Yu sighed.

“Gion, this is the biggest secret of our red-haired pirate group and whitebeard pirate group!”

“You know, you’re in the Navy, that’s not quite right!”

Listen to Qi Yu’s words.

Gion suddenly became more and more energetic.

“What if I have to know?”

“This is a real headache!”

Qi Yu put his hand on his forehead and made a distressed gesture.

“Don’t forget, four years ago you cheated away my feelings and cheated away my innocent body.”

Gion stared wide-eyed.

“Wasn’t that an accident?”

“And after that, you moved your hand first!”

“I wanted to explain.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Are you hiding your identity or is it my fault?”

Gion was emotional.

“All right!”

“My fault my fault!”

“I’ll tell you what you want to know!”

Qi Yu ‘compromised’.

“Well, that’s pretty much it.”

Gion changed sides and cocked Jiro’s legs.

The crystal jade foot intentionally or unintentionally kicked Qi Yu.

It seems to be urging.

Qi Yu converged lightly, and the look on his face was suddenly extremely solemn.

So Gion also received his heart.

No longer use jade feet to stir Qi Yu.

“My purpose in going to the Whitebeard Pirates this time is -.”

“On behalf of the Red-Haired Pirates and the Whitebeard Alliance!!!”


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