“Kappa River Pine! Passerō! Hum! ”

“But it’s just the Light Moon Remnant Party, since you’re here today, don’t leave!”

The Great Serpent Imperial Court Ninja Leader Fu Lu Shou laughed and waved.


The banquet hall of the General’s Mansion broke through the wind and the brilliant light and shadow were intertwined.

In addition to the senior ninja cadres such as Daikuro and Biwa Benten, who had previously appeared.

Hundreds of other ninjas dressed in night-walking costumes appeared from all over the place.


On the roof of the Great Snake City General’s Mansion, in the corners, in the shadows… There are many more ninjas in black gathering, numbering in the thousands.

This is the powerful ninja force that Black Carbon Serpent has painstakingly managed for twenty years

Led by Fukuroku, there are a total of 5,000 ninjas in the Imperial Court.

Weekdays are hidden in the General’s Mansion and the Flower Capital.

At the moment, everything is moving.

“Lord Great Serpent, the five thousand troops of the Imperial Court have arrived, and they are dispatched by the General alone.”

Fu Lu Shou reported calmly

“Gulp… Gulp, good, so good! ”

Listening to Fu Lushou’s report, the black charcoal snake was full of confidence.

The last panic in his heart about the red sheath also disappeared without a trace.

“See, Xiao Zi, no, it should be Riwa!”

“This is my strength as a general, and you remnants of the Light and Moon cannot turn over the slightest storm in front of General Ben!”

“If you want to make trouble in my territory, you are still far from qualified, and those who know each other, now surrender to the widow, rest assured, the widow will be good to you!”

The black charcoal snake consciously won the victory, and laughed freely and proudly.

“Oh well”

The light moon and the beautiful face raise a touch of ridicule.

“Black Charcoal Snake, don’t be happy too soon!”

He Song sneered.

Even if surrounded by thousands of people.

The look on his face was still calm and calm.

There is not the slightest discoloration.

As for Passerō.

It is also calm and self-assured from beginning to end.

Looked at.

The black charcoal serpent’s face darkened.

There was a hint of foreboding in my heart for no reason.

And more and more intense.

“Damn it, take them down.”

The black charcoal snake gritted its teeth, waved its big hand, and immediately gave the order.

No matter what other backhand the other party has.

Take what you can take first.

After that, it was excellent both to kill and to be a hostage.

With the order of the great serpent.

In the middle of the field, the ninjas and samurai moved in unison.


Next second.

Mutation regeneration.





The dull sound of gunfire, collision, and violent roar suddenly exploded from the courtyard

In the courtyard surrounded by layers of black-clad ninja troops, a fierce storm of shock blew through.

It was as if a dumpling rain had fallen in the sky.

The screams of ninjas and samurai were incessant.

It was the ninjas of the Imperial Court who flew up into the sky by the powerful shock.

“Black charcoal snake! Today is your day to die! ”

“I’ve been waiting for this day for eighteen years!”

The fat Asura Boy Sake Heavenly Pill opened his red eyes and roared in anger

“That’s the Akatsuki Tenmaru of Akatsuki.”

“Another Light Moon Remnant Party has appeared!”

The people who recognized the identity of the wine heaven pill were all screaming in horror.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bullets like shells exploded through the crowd.

“Black Charcoal Great Snake, the account of Lord Mita, just do the math today!”

Appeared with a Tibetan drunkard.

“Fire Fist!!!”

The monstrous flames turned into fists, destroying half of the courtyard with one blow.

Fire Fist Ace transformed into a monstrous flame and descended from the sky.

“Oda is a partner of our white-bearded pirate group, and you have taken a shot at our partner, you have done enough to be enlightened!”

The undead bird Marco grinned.


“That that… Are those people…”

“There can be no mistake!”

“They are white…”

“The Whitebeard Pirates!”

Black Carbon Fang fears escalate further.


Outside the ballroom.

“Boss Binggoro, we can’t just stand and watch the play.”

The leader of the White Dance Black Road, Shōkasa Tsurugoro sharpens his sword.

“Gentlemen, burn our last blood and fight with all your might.”

Hana no Shogun Goro’s horizontal knife pointed straight ahead.


All the samurai cheered in unison.

Like an indestructible sharp knife.

Torn the encirclement net of the ninja forces of the Imperial Court Fanzhong.

“You are… Hana no Sho Goro!!! ”

“Is it really that Bing Goro?”

“The former underworld boss of the country of Wano!”

“That Bing Goro is still alive!”

The Black Charcoal Samurai were also terrified.

Even if what appeared in front of them now was just a skinny old man with a broken candle.

But the prestige of this little old man in the past is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is still unconsciously frightening to think about it today.

“Lord Fulu Shou, our defensive line has been pierced, and the samurai are about to kill here…”


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