
Listen to the arrogant words of the comers.

The green tendons of Aniru’s forehead swelled from the roots.

Caught in a rage even worse than being punched in the face by the Golden Lion before.

He took a deep breath.

The expression on his face gradually became cruel and sensible.

“Today, all of you here—”

“Whole, want, die!!!”

Aniru drank coldly and murderously.

He took out a golden stick from behind and slammed it on the Goyu Taiko drum above his left shoulder.



Surging thunder and lightning flashed from the taiko drum behind him.

“Thirty million volts – Thunderbird”

With a sharp birdsong, a huge lightning bird formed entirely from a combination of lightning and lightning took shape.

With great speed, he swooped down in the direction of Qi Yu.

“It’s not over yet!” Thirty million volts – Thunder Beast! ”

Aniru smiled evilly and then struck the taiko drum on the right.

A huge thunder wolf, also composed entirely of lightning, manifested.

The four hooves stepped and rushed towards Qi Yu.

In the sky are terrifying thunderbirds.

On the ground is a galloping thunderwolf.

That terrible deterrent alone is enough to be terrifying.

However, Qi Yu was not an ordinary person after all.

Face the terrifying charge of the thunderbirds and thunder beasts created by Aniru.

The look on Qi Yu’s face was still calm, and there was no change from beginning to end.

For Qi Yu, who had the favor of the passive third thunder.

Lightning is the least threatening force in the world.

Sure enough.

When the thunderbird and the thunder beast approached Qi Yu.

The favor of thunder, launched.

The thunderbird’s fierce gaze froze for a moment, and then turned without warning.

Rushing to the golden lion Shiki, who was smiling in mid-air and ready to watch the play.

The other, more ferocious Thunder Beast was no exception.

Without waiting to get closer, he turned his head abruptly.

Kill the slowly approaching Hawkeye Mihawk.

“[email protected]#¥%!”

Golden Lion Scramble scolded.

His feet swung rapidly, wielding thousands of sword qi and tearing the Thunderbird to pieces.

He was just about to eat melon and watch the play.

I want to see the picture of the arrogant Thor being bullied to the point of crying by an even more arrogant man.

I never thought that stupid thunderclap boy was so sinister.

Ming attacked Qi Yu, but in fact wanted to get revenge on him.

If he let Aniru know the idea of the golden lion, he would inevitably break his mouth and scold.

The heart said that Lao Tzu was attacking the man who was more arrogant than him.

Don’t wait for Aniru to return to God in confusion.

Next second.

The more shocking and incomprehensible picture happened.

Only to see Qi Yu casually wave.

The thunder fragments of the thunderbird and the thunder beast that had been chopped apart by the golden lion and cut off by the eagle’s eye gathered in a cluster.

It is as if it is being manipulated by some invisible force.

Then under the shocked gaze of the people.

Behind Yu Qi Yu, he formed a thunder and lightning unicorn that stood tall in the sky, roaring up to the sky.

This is another ability of the passive third thunder’s favor

Lightning Control!!!

He himself could not produce lightning, but he was able to manipulate any lightning that appeared between heaven and earth.

Whether it is the real Sky Thunder, or the ‘Human Thunder’ created by the Aniru who has the ability to ring the Thunder Fruit.

This moment.

Under the background of the huge thunder unicorn——

Qi Yu seemed to be the real Thor!

Even Aniru himself had this ridiculous feeling.

“Yeah… Yeahhahaha”

Aniru’s facial expression stiffened, and he smiled reluctantly.

What if Qi Yu was Thor?

So what kind of God is he?

Aniru suddenly had some doubts about life!

“No kidding!!!”

Thinking of this, Aniru’s face suddenly appeared extremely angry.

“I won’t admit it!”

Aniru holds a large golden stick while tapping the taiko drum on both shoulders.

Suddenly, dark blue thunder and lightning rushed out like a tidal wave.

“Sixty million volts—Thunder Dragon!”

Aniru drank coldly.

As a result, the surging thunder and lightning formed the shape of a legendary dragon, confronting the Thunder Qilin behind Qi Yu from afar.

“Kill me!”

Aniru let out a loud roar, and the Thunder Dragon behind him swooped out.

Qi Yu flicked his fingers.

So the Thunder Qilin behind him also roared and ran out.

The 60 million volts of Thunder Qilin and the 60 million volts of Thunder Dragon fought fiercely, tearing and rushing into the air.

Eventually, both of them were annihilated in the void.

Aniru looked up at the sky in a daze.

Looking up at the pair of annihilated Thunder Qilin and Thunder Dragon.

In this world, except for him, the true Thunder Fruit Ability.

Even if someone else could control the power of Heavenly Punishment!

“In this world, there is only one Thor, and that is my god Aniru!!!”

Secondary 2 young man Anilu was surrounded by electric light, like the tentacles of demons dancing.


‘Bang Bang’

Aniru once again struck the thunder drum behind him.

The force was so great that it was almost necessary to pierce the four Gouyu Thunder Drums.

At the same time, he is also unleashing all his potential.

Directs all the lightning power that has accumulated in the body so far.

At the moment when the drum sounded, an endless amount of terrifying lightning suddenly appeared from Aniru’s body.

Layers upon layers, intertwined and wrapped around his body.


Just a little bit of lightning that escaped, it exploded a deep pit between the woodlands.

“Yehahahaha, two hundred million volts – Thor”

Aniru’s thunderous laughter echoed through the heavens and the earth.

Next second.

A fierce-looking giant composed entirely of thunder and lightning appeared.

Full of rage and destruction, it was the world’s most powerful heavenly punishment force.

Right now.

Aniru seems to be incarnated as the god of thunder and lightning who is truly in charge of the heavenly punishment.


“You are just weak mortals, and I am a god!”

“Get ready for the wrath of God! Tremble under the power of God! ”

Aniru, who incarnated as Thor’s giant, was laughing wildly.

After entering the Thor mode, his self-confidence swelled to several points, and he was invincible, an omnipotent thunder and lightning god, who ruled all life in the world.

“I’ve never seen a weak god like you!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and stepped forward as usual.

Meet the terrifying Thor.

“Yeahhahaha… Gah”

Aniru’s triumphant laughter came to an abrupt end.

Qi Yu, who was originally locked in his line of sight, suddenly disappeared.

The reappearance had already jumped directly above the head of the Thor giant.

Qi Yu’s right foot was raised high and swung down like a giant axe.


The head of the Thor giant split in half from the middle.

Suddenly, a big foot fell from the sky, enlarging in his eyes.

Finally stomped on his face.

Put his face, his pride, his self-esteem under his feet.


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