The time came to the middle of the night.

The capital of water, the wind and rain are shaking.

Rough waves crashing against the water capital.

Tonight is the annual day of the Gods of Water.

People throughout the city are refuges in the upper echelons of the city.

Right now.

In the wind and rain, a middle-aged man with a bandaged head walks on the edge of the city carrying a toolbox.

He was Esbagu.

The head of the Water Capital.

He was assassinated not long ago.

Now he did not heal his wounds well, and he was still running in the front line of resisting the gods of water.

After inspecting the various areas and making sure that no one has been left out.

Esbagu lifted his toolbox and prepared to leave and take refuge.

That’s when it happened.


The sound of a hammer hitting a wooden board sounded in his ears.

“What is this sound?”

“Is there anyone else on the Abandoned Ship Island?”

Esbagu looked slightly shaken and walked down the stairs to the island of the abandoned ship.

He saw a dhow.

On the mast.

A skull flag with a straw hat flutters in the wind.

“This ship belongs to the Straw Hats!”

Esbagu approached.

“Was it destroyed by the gods of water?”

“It’s miserable!”

He raised his hand and pressed the golden Merriam’s scarred hull.

“No, it’s not right”

“There was this kind of problem before this!”

As the premier shipwright, Esbagu gave his judgment.

【I want to sail】

An ethereal voice seemed to ring directly in Asbagu’s mind.

【I want to sail again】

The Golden Merry said.

Listening to the voice of the Elf of the Ship, Esbagu looked up and looked at the bow of the Merry in amazement.

At this moment, his whole being was completely shaken.

Of course he knew the legend of the Ship Elves.

It is an elf born from the bond between those who truly love the ship and those who are loved by the ship!

Even a shipwright like Asbagu was the first time he had actually seen it, or rather, heard the voice of the Ship Spirit!

Long shock, silent.

Esbaghu took a deep breath.

“I see!”

He opened the toolbox.

Decide what to do last for this mighty ship that gave birth to the spirit of the ship.

That’s when it happened.

“It’s really you!”

Suddenly, a full-bodied voice came from the sea.

“Golden Merriam, your cry for help, I have indeed received!”

In the night sky, a figure rushed up from the sea.

Falling from the sky and falling on the earth of the abandoned ship island.

Ling’s entire abandoned ship island was trembling.

“Hey, Qi Yu, what did you do all of a sudden?”

“Who the hell is calling for help?” Let’s be clear! ”

Hawkeye Mihawk asked curiously.

“This ship is asking us for help!” Mihawk! ”

Qi Yu grinned and pointed to the Golden Meri on the island of the abandoned ship.

“This ship…”

Looking at the Merri, Hawkeye Mihawk felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

After a moment, when he saw the flying straw hat flag, he finally remembered.

The nearly scrapped ship was none other than the Pirate Ship of the Straw Hats.

“Wow, it’s miserable!”

“This ship must have been abandoned by the Straw Hats!”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s subconscious judgment.


His look changed slightly.

“Come out!”

His sharp eyes stared at the back of the Merriam.

Esbagu raised his hands above his head and slowly appeared.

A drop of cold sweat seeped from his forehead and slid down his cheek.

It represents the tension and shock in his heart at this moment.

It’s also nature.

After all, who would have thought.

On this night when the gods of the water came.

The City of Water even welcomes guests.

And they are the big men who stand at the top of the world.

As the head of the Water Capital.

Naturally, Esbagu was not ignorant of the situation in the world.

He knew it clearly.

The man who just looked at him and made him break out in a cold sweat was one of the Seven Martial Seas below!

The world’s first great swordsman – Hawkeye Jorah Colmihawk!

As for the other man who first landed on the abandoned ship island.

But he would not fail to recognize it.

Because as early as four years ago.

He had a relationship with it.

He even built a ship for it himself.

How could Esbagu not know that it was the ’emperor’ of the mighty Great Passage!!!

“I… I’m Esbagu, the chamber chief of the Water Capital…”

Esbagh nervously introduced himself.

I was afraid that Qi Yu had forgotten him.


Qi Yu strode forward.

Raising his hand and putting his arm around Asbagu’s shoulder.

“Hey, hey, Mihawk, what are you doing?”

“Esbaghu is my friend!”

Qi Yu grinned widely.

“Ah this…”

Hawkeye Mihawk was stunned.

Hurriedly closed the menacing gaze.


“I took the plunge!”

He apologized softly.

For a few moments.

Esbaghu finally reacted to this shocking fact.

The world’s first great sword, Hawkeye Mihawk, was apologizing to him!!!

“No, no, no, how… No apology needed…”

Esbagu waved his hand in panic.

“Such small things don’t need to be ignored!”

“It’s imperative now!”

Qi Yu pointed to the Golden Merrier.

“Esbagu, you should have heard it too!”

“Alas… Yes”

Esbagu nodded.

“Mr. Qi Yu, are you…”

“This is not a matter of course! I’m also a shipwright! ”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Hurry up!”


Esbagh focused on the main point.

When even with Qi Yu, a comprehensive repair of the Golden Merli began.

Hawkeye, who knew nothing about repairing ships, had to stand awkwardly.

He had many questions in his mind.

For example, why did Qi Yu say that the ship was asking him for help?

Is there really a need for such a broken ship to be repaired?

Even if it is repaired, can it still cross this wind and waves?

And so on.

But even if there are doubts.

Now seeing that Qi Yu and Esbagu were so hot, he had to press first.

Two of the world’s leading shipbuilding engineers work together.

The repair tool is done quickly.

“It’s really worthy of Asbagu, and the craftsmanship is still as beautiful as ever!”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Mr. Qi Yu, you are really powerful!”

“Not only is it powerful, but the boatman’s skills are also so outstanding!”

Esbagu sighed and came a wave of commercial blowing.

Qi Yu did not comment.

Be a qualified polygon warrior.

Boatman attribute skill points are naturally reasonable.

“Hey, Qi Yu, what do you really want to do with all your efforts to repair this abandoned ship?”

Seeing Qi Yu and the two finish their work, the eagle-eyed Mihawk who had been watching for a long time finally couldn’t help but ask.

Then it was ignored by Qi Yu’s gorgeous beauty.

Because at this moment, Qi Yu’s gaze was straight for Esbagu… Attracted by the side.

It was another brilliant golden light that was enough to flash blindness.

Following the golden legend of Hawkeye’s drop two days ago.

Another golden legend shines!

Count the explosion on Whitebeard.

This is already the third golden legend!

【Congratulations on winning the S-class ship masterpiece】

As expected.

This golden legend had indeed exploded from Esbagu’s body.

Qi Yu was not surprised by this.

However, the system tone that sounded the next second was beyond Qi Yu’s expectations.

【Congratulations on reaching a critical point in the achievement of the ship’s work】

【Title: God of Shipwrights】

【Exclusive Skill: Genesis Creation】

Qi Yu was surprised, but his look was also with surprise and puzzlement.

He would not be unfamiliar with the changes after the skill attainment reached the critical point.

After all, his culinary skills have gone through this process.

The ultimate result is the glowing popcorn dish.

Now it is the turn of the shipwrights to accomplish it.

The title is not difficult to understand.

Just this exclusive skill.


Qi Yu didn’t quite understand either.


An explanation of the flow of information from the system is delivered.

Qi Yu finally understood what kind of skill this was!

For the shipwright, this is a realm that can never be achieved!

Qi Yu’s eyes were closed and opened.

The sight remains the same.

But in his eyes, it wasn’t just Esbagu and Hawkeye Mihawk who existed.

At the edge of the mast stood a little girl in a raincoat and a small wooden hammer.

At this moment, he was bowing to him and Espargu to thank him.

Sensing the gaze from Qi Yu.

The little girl in the raincoat couldn’t help but be startled.

He quickly hid behind the mast and peeked at Qi Yu.

She found.

The man seemed to be able to really see her.

This is naturally an incredible thing.

Obviously he is not the straw hat gang of people said.

“Come on!”

“Let’s go see your partner!”

Qi Yu smiled mildly and reached out his big hand to the little girl in the direction of the mast.


Mei Li knew.

I don’t know what’s going on though.

But the man did see her presence.


Mei Li nodded heavily and trotted to hold Qi Yu’s big hand.

The other side.

Seeing Qi Yu ignore his own inquiry.

Instead, he held out his hand to the empty place and invited.

Hawkeye’s resolute face couldn’t help but appear ghostly.

As for Esbagu, it was once again shocked to the point of no return.

So much so that not even a word, not a word, can be said.

Although he couldn’t see it, his intuition as a shipwright made him keenly aware of something.

“Hey, Qi Yu, did you take the wrong medicine today?”

Hawk-Eyed Mihawk’s rare opening shoot-man, with a strange look on his face.

“Go to yours, Mihawk, you better keep an eye on your boat first, and don’t let the waves sweep away.”

Qi Yu laughed and scolded.

Hawkeye’s face changed.

He hurriedly dragged his coffin boat ashore.

“Well, it’s almost time for me to go!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Go? Where to go? ”

Hawkeye Mihawk asked.

“Of course it’s going where this kid wants to go!”

Qi Yu grinned and pointed to the Golden Merrier.

“Are you crazy?”

“This ship simply can’t withstand tonight’s big waves!”

Hawkeye Road.

“Whether you can bear it or not, you have to try it again!”

“If you don’t believe me, Mihawk, you come with you?”

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a subtle arc.

Looking at the subtle smile on Qi Yu’s face, Hawkeye Mihawk was instinctively alert.

Don’t wait for him to say anything.

[If this guy Mihawk knew that he was going to the Isle of Justice this time, I was afraid that he would refuse it on the spot.]

[But now a little bit of radical method, probably can be done]

Such a voice suddenly sounded in Hawkeye Mihawk’s heart.

“Come on, Mihawk!”

“See how strong this child really is!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“No, I refuse!”

Hawkeye Mihawk almost didn’t even think about it or refused.

“Well, that’s a shame!”

Qi Yu grinned.


A big wave came.

Wrapped in the Golden Merry and the Qi Yu on the deck, they rushed into the undulating sea.

A few ups and downs just disappear.

Watching Qi Yu’s departure.

Hawkeye Mihawk’s brow furrowed involuntarily.

He thought of the voice he had suddenly heard earlier.

Judged by context.

It was most likely Qi Yu’s voice.

It’s just that he obviously didn’t see Qi Yu talking.

Moreover, the voice seemed to appear directly in his head.

Is it an illusion?

Or did Qi Yu master the recitation of the message?



It was as if he didn’t know the tone!

It’s an unconscious thought!

Hawkeye Mihawk made a judgment.

Final confirmation is needed.

He looked at Esbagu.

“Where is that ship going?”

“Ahh… Probably the Isle of Justice! ”

Esbagu nodded.

“Thank you!”

Hawkeye Mihawk nodded, already counting in his heart.

“Mr. Esbagu”

“Mr. Esbagu, what are you doing here at this time?”

“Hurry back, danger!”

On the shore came the cries of the shipwrights of the Carrera Company.

Next second.

The shouts turned into a shocking uproar.


“The man next to Mr. Esbagu!”

“He he he … He is…”

“That man is the Seven Martial Sea Hawk-Eyed Mihawk!!!”


The shipwrights were all shocked and silent.

“Everyone, now transfer Mr. Mihawk’s boat to a safe place, and prepare another boat for me, and I’m going to go to sea!”

Esbagu spoke calmly, he wanted to witness some miracle.



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