Time passes.

In the blink of an eye, it was another three days.

Under the leadership of two top shipwrights, French and Esbagu.

The Carrera Company’s elite shipbuilders were in full swing.

It was only three days.

A vibrant, sunny lion boat is completed.

It was the second ship of the Straw Hats, the Qianyang!

Time to sail out.

After some tugging.

French, who had long been interested in the Straw Hats, boarded the ship smoothly.

However, the Qianyang did not set sail immediately.

Because they still have a partner who has not yet arrived.

The atmosphere of the Thousand Suns is happy and harmonious.

The people, led by Captain Luffy, happily visited the new ship.

Happy moments, though, are always short-lived.


The people in the straw hat just couldn’t laugh.

Because of the southeast direction.

A huge dog-headed warship was slowly approaching them.

It was the warship of the Navy hero Cap.


“Karp, what a fuck are you talking to yourself?”

“I have the ability to say it to me again!”

The roar of the Marshal Sengoku came from the telephone bug.

“Less verbose, Warring States, so I’ve already said that!”

“Because Luffy is my grandson, I won’t arrest him!”

Karp roared unabashedly.

“Karp, you bastard, how dare you say it!”

“If you guys are honest and gentle, just be soft!”

“How dare you be so straightforward!”

“Now, in my capacity as a marshal, I order you to immediately arrest the Straw Hat Pirates!”

“If you can’t catch it, hum!”


The phone bug then hangs up.


Kapu took angry steps that his six relatives did not recognize.

I had no choice but to give orders.

Even if you don’t want to catch it, at least pretend to be something.

“Lieutenant General Karp, we said goodbye to Mr. Luffy!”

“Isn’t it good to suddenly arrest them again now?”

Cobia plucked up the courage to ask.

“If you want to complain, go to the Sengoku guy!”

“Damn, that boy from the Warring States is really dragging him to death today.”

Karp didn’t have a good button nostril.

That’s because Mr. Karp told him in the phone bug, ‘That’s my grandson’—the soldiers on deck were all in unison.

Karp took the loudspeaker handed by his men and stood on the head of the huge Sharpie.

“Hey, Luffy, can you hear me?”

“This is Grandpa, this is Grandpa!”

“When you hear that, give me a word back!”

Karp snorted loudly.

“Grandpa, what are you doing?”

“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t arrest us here?”

Straw Hat Luffy shouted in response.

“Because a lot of things have happened, there is no way!”

“I’m sorry, but you should bury me at the bottom of the sea!”

Karp said mercilessly.

“Oh well”

Luffy, Joba and the others were stunned.

Next second.

A small black dot zoomed in on their field of vision.

A huge splash of water exploded on the surface of the sea near the Qianyang.

It was a cannonball.

Not fired from the muzzle.

It is a shell that has been artificially thrown over.


“What’s that?”

“Luffy, your grandfather is throwing shells at us manually!”

Nami exclaimed.

“And the manually thrown shells are even more terrifying than the cannon fire!”

“What a monster old man!”

The smoke from the corners of Yamaji’s mouth was crackling and falling to the ground.

“This is the strength of a naval hero who is not under the Emperor of the Sea!”

Sauron turned green and drew his sword out of its sheath.

“Everyone, we must protect our ship!”

Straw Hat Luffy gave the order aloud.

Take a deep breath.

His body suddenly swelled into a large balloon.

Fly out the shells thrown by Karp.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of artillery fire continued to rage.

In succession.

The sea is terrifying.

The newborn Qianyang was also forced to gradually move away.

It is possible to capsize at any time under Karp’s fist bone meteor shower.


“Not yet!” Luffy refused.


“Wait a minute!” The straw hat has a firm opening.

“Ah, I smelled, it was Usop, Usopp came!”

Joba suddenly shouted with joy.

Only to see the water capital near the broken bridge.

The earth raised a huge cloud of smoke.

The long-nosed boy Usop ran wildly.

As he ran, he called out to the Qianyang that was fading away in the distance.

But there is still no remorse and apology between the words for having left without permission.

“Luffy, Usopp is calling us!”

Joba screamed anxiously.

“I didn’t hear that!”

Luffy muffled.


Joba looked at Sauron.

“I didn’t hear that!”

Sauron replied.

The rest of the crew were also concentrating on fighting the Fist Bone meteor shower from Cap.

“What a joke!”

Usopp stared blankly at the pirate group that was drifting away.

He clenched his fists, his body trembled slightly, and then fell to his knees on the shore weakly.

There was nothing he could do.

“You really have to abandon …”

Usopp had tears in his eyes, as if he had thought of something.

It’s not the Straw Hat guys who want to abandon him.

It was he who abandoned the friends who had come together to this day.

If only it had to end here.

He was not a brave sea warrior at all.

Even Dad would be humiliated by his stupidity.

Come to think of it.

Usopp looked up violently.

“I’m sorry”

“I’m too dead to save face, I’m sorry!”

“I was wrong!”

“Although it is very faceless now, I am going to leave myself, but can I take back this sentence?”

“Please, take me with you, and let me go with you!”

“Let me be your partner again!”

Usop’s crying cries echoed under the sky.

The straw hat on the lion boat is a smile to everyone.

“Stupid, don’t hurry up and catch me!”

Luffy the Straw Hat wept with excitement and extended his arms to the shore.

In the laughter.

The last member of the Straw Hat gang returned to the team.

“Oh oh oh oh”

“Big Brother French!”

“Straw hat boys!”

“All the way!”

“And hurry up and run~~”

The French family, who had come to bid farewell, shouted and said goodbye to Carrera’s shipwrights.

That’s when it happened.


Heavy footsteps suddenly came from behind them.

“That long-nosed little devil of the Jesus family, in the end, finally did not lose your father’s face!”

A majestic magnetic voice came.


“What’s going on with this guy?”

“Well… It’s hot! ”

“Is he the sun?”

The people who came to see off gave way to a road on their own.

Shocked, panicked and looking at the tall figure that walked through them.

“I always feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity!”

“I feel the same way!”

“Is this person …”

“Hey, hey, I remember!”

“After I came back that day, it was he who first spread!”

“This man is—”

“Mr. Qi Yu!!!”

The people of the French family and Carrera Company were shocked.

They already recognized the identity of this sun-like man.

“The rumors are true!”

“This adult will transform around noon!”

“It’s scary enough in normal conditions, now it’s 、、、”

“How strong is this gentleman?”

Accompanied by the shock and uproar of the people.

Qi Yu jumped.

Directly across 100 meters, to the coast.


Luffy, who had finally gathered his friends, stood at the bow of the ship and said goodbye to his grandfather and the capital of water.

As a result, he further angered Karp.

“Look, what is that?”

“What a cannonball!”


“No, no, no, it’s going to die!”

Look at the huge iron ball that suddenly appeared on the warship behind you.

Nami and the others are all frightened flowers.

“How dare you underestimate me!”

“Don’t try to escape!”

With a roar, Karp threw out a large special iron ball that resembled the bow of a warship.

A huge iron ball as heavy as a mountain with a shadow that was enough to smash everything fell towards the newborn Qianyang.

And yet this is the very moment.

Between heaven and earth, a forest but hot sword intent suddenly appeared.

The wind stopped.

The clouds were silent.

The raging sea then calmed down.

“This is…”

Sauron suddenly turned his head and looked to the shore.

What caught his sight was a terrifying boundless sun sword qi.

The sea cracked!

Huge special iron balls have been cut off!

This brilliant knife seemed to split the heavens and the earth together!

“Go, little devils!”

“This is the last time!”


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