“Meet again, Miss Secretary!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly with a gentle smile on his face.


Of course, it does not refer to the aftermath of the Isle of Justice incident!

After all, the time of the Justice Island incident.

Kalifa is already defeated by Nami and corona.

The ‘again’ in Qi Yu’s words refers to four years ago.

To this.

Kalifa also knew it.

Looking like a god, the tall man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Kalifa’s spirit was in a trance.

The memory of four years ago gradually became clear.

That year was the second year that they came to the Water Capital, undercover Esbagu, and plotted to seize Pluto’s drawings.

As she wished, she became the secretary of Asbagu and one day received a ‘horrible’ guest.

It is Qi Yu!

At that time, Qi Yu was not yet the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment.

But in this great sea, it has already played a great name.

However, compared to Qi Yu’s strength and prestige.

What frightened Carifa even more was that.

Qi Yu seemed to have insight into their identities.

Looking at her, Kaku and Lutch with a deep meaning.

He even said he wanted to take them out to sea with him and join the Red Haired Pirates.

At that time, Kalifa, who was once tortured, slept soundly at night.

Until later.

The ship was built and sent Qi Yu away.

Kalifa finally put her mind at ease.

Self-consolation is probably an illusion.

It’s just that

“You… You really know! ”

“Our identity!”

Kalifa opened her mouth, with a slight vibrato in her voice.

“Now is not the time to dwell on this!”

“What I said four years ago is still valid!”

“How’s it going? Do you want to be my partner? Miss Secretary! ”

Qi Yu grinned.

“This kind of thing … It is too cunning to say such things at this time! ”

Kalifa pursed her lips and quickly turned her words.

“I want to join!”

Kalifa looked determined and did not hesitate.

When he was young, he was brainwashed and trained by the world government in his hometown and became a ruthless cp9 superman.

Carlyfa’s loyalty to the world government is unquestionable.

Of course.

That was once upon a time.

Four years ago, she first heard Qi Yu’s invitation, and she sternly refused on the spot.

It’s just that now it’s different.

They have worked for the world government so far and done countless dirty things.

It just failed once.

It is mercilessly pursued and killed by the world government.

The commander on this mission was even the same as the Spendane.

Mingming’s death had nothing to do with them.

Spandane, however, put all the blame on them.

Use them as a tool to vent, wanton bullying.

This anger needs to be vented.

After being betrayed by the world government.

They, at least as far as Kalifa herself, are no longer loyal to the world government.

At this hopeless juncture.

Qi Yu, who appeared in front of her again, seemed to be an emissary sent down by the gods to save her.

Join Qi Yu and become his subordinate.

It was undoubtedly a result that was a thousand times or ten thousand times better than falling into the hands of the Draco.

Choose, no need to hesitate.

“Mr. Qi Yu, allow me to be your subordinate!”

“From now on, Califa is willing to serve you and serve you!”

Kalifa took a deep breath and fell on one knee in front of Qi Yu, swearing loyalty.

“A wise choice!”

Qi Yu nodded satisfactorily.

“So what should I do next, you know!”

“Yes!” Kalifa stood up, and his gaze swept indifferently from the black suit men around him, killing with awe.

Having already lost all expectations of the world government, she naturally did not have the slightest mercy from her subordinates.

Not to mention that these guys had been playing and humiliating them so much ago.

Arashi foot!

Carifa took a deep breath.

The big long legs wrapped in slightly broken hi silk kicked out violently.

A blue Arashi Qi Blade burst out of the air.

Without mercy, he kicked a black suit that could not move under Qi Yu’s oppression for more than ten meters.

Almost disemboweled.

Blood mixed with the rest flowed out.

It is already impossible to live.

Look at this horrifying scene.

The rest of the government black-suited thugs are horrified ghosts.

The position of the hunter and the prey is reversed.

Stimulated by extreme horror.

Some of the black suits overcome Qi Yu’s oppressive field constructed with spirit and killing intent.

Regain control of your body and flee in all directions.

“Don’t try to escape!”

Carly’s heart was in a hurry.

Step on your big legs and chase after them.

However, the exhaustion and injuries of the past few days have emerged.

Didn’t wait to chase a few steps.

Kalifa’s figure staggered.

Then he crashed straight into Qi Yu’s arms.

“Miss Secretary, can I understand that this is your initiative to give hugs?”

Qi Yu asked with a smile.

Kalifa’s pale little face flew up a few red clouds.

If you do it before.

With her character is bound to be a strong foot in the face of the other party.

But as domineering as the queen said, ‘You’re harassing’!

Just for now.

In front of him was a new commander who had only sworn allegiance to himself.

Moreover, it is true that she did not stand firm and took the initiative to collide.

“Yes… Right, no…”

Kalifa whispered.

The words were not exported.


A powerful spiritual pressure suddenly descended and enveloped the whole field.

Under the pressure of this terrible spirit.

The black suit thugs of the world government fled in unison.

Immediately after that, their eyes rolled white, and they fell to the ground in a weak coma.

“What the hell is this…”

Looking at this strange scene, Carly’s heart was suddenly shocked to the extreme.

She looked at Qi Yu in front of her.

This spiritual pressure was not caused by Qi Yu.

Kalifa poked out half a small head and looked at the coast behind Qi Yu.

A tall and beautiful woman with a beautiful posture that even she could not help but be ashamed of herself appeared in her sight.

“That person is… One Piece Emperor Poyahan Cook !!! ”

Kalifa let out a shocked cry.

As a brilliant agent of cp9, Carrifa naturally does not recognize the One Piece Emperor.

Four eyes opposite.

When you feel the cold meaning that comes from the sight of the female emperor.

Kalifa’s little face couldn’t help but turn white.

Frightened, he quickly retracted his small head and hid in Qi Yu’s arms shivering.

“It’s just the domineering spirit of the overlord, look at it scares you!”

“As my subordinate, you are far from qualified now, Kalifa”

Qi Yu smiled.

“I’m sorry!”

Kalifa apologized with a clear face.

Compared to the domineering spiritual coercion of the overlord.

What frightened Kalifa even more was the gaze that the Pirate Emperor had looked at her earlier.

It was like eating her away.

It was as if he had done something unforgivable to the female emperor.

Obviously, I only met her for the first time today.

Kalifa pouted with some grievance.

In the face of the powerful One Piece Female Emperor, even in her heyday, she had absolutely no chance of winning.

Although the reason for the female emperor’s hostility to her is not known.

But for now, let’s hide in the safest place (in Qi Yu’s arms).

Kalifa thought so.

Just what she didn’t know.

It was this act of her sticking to Qi Yu that made the pirate Emperor Boyahan Cook more and more angry.


The impact of the overlord color domineering intensified.

After witnessing the affair between a beloved man and another woman!

Poyahan Cook’s overlord color domineering is actually a breakthrough upgrade? Better!


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