

“You, you, you… What the hell are you? What exactly do you want to do? ”

“Do you know who I am? I am a descendant of the Creator! ”

“I’m a Draco!” Annoyed us Draco, but it will attract admirals! ”

“Then it will be too late for you to ask for forgiveness!”

“Now… Aaaaaa

The threatening words of the Draco’s Salos turned into screams of strength like slaughtering pigs.


His right hand turned into a pool of meat sauce at Qi Yu’s feet.

“It’s really noisy!”

Qi Yu looked at the Draco Saros indifferently and plucked out his ears.

He lifted his big foot and covered his face, stomping his face crookedly.

The screams then came to an abrupt end.

If not, these wastes would be of some use.

Qi Yu had already cut this stupid scum into pieces.

Time is short.

Outside the corridor came the sound of footsteps of high heels on the floor.

One Piece Emperor Poyahan Cook had a confused look on her face.

I don’t know what Qi Yu really wants to do when he calls her to this place.

Is it getting married?

The female emperor Boyahan Cook knocked on the door with both nervousness and some anticipation.

The door opens.

The first thing that caught Poyahan Cook’s sight was the Draco, who fell to the ground like mud.

For Poyahan Cook, who spent four years in hell in Mary Joy.

The bubble hood, the dress, and the ugly face that had awakened her from nightmares countless times were all so familiar.

After many years, she once again met the Draco, who had left her with infinite fear and shadow.

At this moment, Poyahan Cook’s pretty face turned white.

Painful memories from the past come to life like a tidal wave.

The pressure made her almost breathless.

In front of others, she has always been an invincible and arrogant Pirate female emperor.

At this time, he could hardly stand still.

Under the impact of past memories.

Not long ago, Qi Yu’s appeasement was already somewhat insufficient.

Fortunately, the warmth that was enough to melt any cold chill followed.

Qi Yu wrapped his hands together and grabbed the stumbling Poyahan Cook and brought his entire body into his arms.

“Han Cook, now you’re just facing a piece of crap!”

“It’s just a waste that scares you so much that you can’t even stand still, it’s so ugly!”

Qi Yu scolded lightly.

“No, Lord Qi Yu doesn’t know, you don’t know what the concubine has been through in the past!”

“Please let the concubine go, the concubine does not want to see him!”

Poyahan Cook lay in Qi Yu’s arms, shouting and praying almost out of control.

“I know that whether it’s the imprint on your back or your past, I know it.”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

“You know it all.”

When the biggest secret in his heart was revealed, Poyahan Cook was suddenly cold.

His head was getting lower and lower, and he didn’t dare to look at Qi Yu anymore.

Qi Yu raised his hand to hold Poyahan Cook’s smooth chin and forced her to look at herself.

“You… You didn’t look down on me? ”

Poyahan Cook opened his hazy eyes and murmured unconsciously.

From Qi Yu’s eyes, she couldn’t see the slightest ridicule or disdain.

His gaze did not change because of her former slave status.

“The past is over, are you really willing to let these scumbags become your nightmare forever?”

“What is in front of you now is just a useless piece of waste.”

“Kill him now and let him feel your pain a thousand times over.”

Qi Yu cut through the iron Dao, and used his own overlord color domineering qi to affect the domineering qi in Boyahan Cook’s body.


One of the thighs of the nearly unconscious Draco’s Salos turned into a pool of meat sauce at Qi Yu’s feet.

The terrible screams resumed.

“Look, it’s just a very simple thing.”

Qi Yu smiled and encouraged.

Poyahan Cook closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When her eyes were wide open, the fear of the past in the depths of her eyes had dissipated for the most part.

It was the overlord power contained in her body that was reviving, returning her to her original position as the proud female emperor.


“No, spare me!”

“No, no, no, don’t kill me, I’m a Draco… Aaaaa ”

Huge room.

Blood is splattering.

The screams continued.

This is the revenge from the One Piece Emperor.

“Draco, but that’s it!”

“How wonderful this is!”

“The sorrow and blood of the Draco!”



Let Poyahan Cook enjoy the thrill of killing Dracos alone.

Qi Yu quietly exited the room.

“Then it’s time for a nap!”

Qi Yu whispered to himself.

The voice dropped.

The time went to eleven o’clock in the morning.

Passive two arrogant sun launches.

His figure changed dramatically.

Before a nap.

Of course, I have to say hello to my subordinates.

Soon after.

When he saw Qi Yu in the form of arrogance appear.

All the original cp9s, including Lu Qi, were shocked and narrowed their eyes.

“Lord Qi Yu… It’s awesome! ”

“And really handsome!”

“That muscle, I want to touch it!”

The beautiful eyes under the gold wire glasses of Carlyfa lit up, and a trace of crystal fell from the corners of her mouth.

When no one noticed, they quickly wiped away.

“Then the next thing is up to you!”

“I look forward to your performance.”

Qi Yu Dao.


“Rest assured!”

“Aftercare, we are professional!”

Bruno, Kaku and the others rushed to stand upright.

Qi Yu nodded.

Preparing to go to lunch break.

That’s when it happened.

“Lord Qi Yu”

Rob Luke’s figure suddenly flashed.

Bru Bru Blu!

In the palm of his hand lay a telephone bug that looked very special at first glance

“Lord Qi Yu, this is a telephone bug that fell from Spendane’s body!”

“Probably a direct contact from the five old stars of the world government!”

Rob Luckey said in a deep voice.


“What do you say!”

“Five Old Stars!!!”

Kalifa and the others were stunned.

It is naturally impossible to be unfamiliar with the five old stars.

After all, that is the highest power in the world!!!

“Five old stars!”

“Oh, interesting!”

Qi Yu grinned with interest.

It was then connected under the wide-eyed gaze of Kalifa and the others.

What followed was an unspeakable silence.

I don’t know how long it has been.

“You’re not Spendane!”

“Who are you?” What happened to Spendane? ”

“Why is this phone bug in your hands?”

An old and majestic voice came.

“What a stupid question, Old Man Five!”

“It’s so stupid I don’t want to answer!”

Qi Yu responded arrogantly.

“Bastard, what the hell are you?”

Listening to the arrogant words from Qi Yu, the five old stars on the other end of the phone worm couldn’t help but ‘explode’.

So many years.

No one had ever dared to speak to them in such an arrogant tone.

For they are the supreme power in the world.

Standing at the apex of power exists.

“My name is Qi Yu!”

“You should know that!”

Qi Yu made no secret of it.


“What do you say!”

“It’s you!!!”


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