After playing with Pikachu in the bathroom for a while,

Qin Chuan decided to end the bath.

Holding Pikachu and walking out of the bathtub, Qin Chuan first wiped the water off his body with a towel, changed his clothes, and then took out a hair dryer to dry his hair. Only then was he done.

Pikachu was much simpler. After Qin Chuan placed it on a thick bath towel, it got on all fours and shook for a while, and then the whole mouse was dry.

However, the amplitude of its shaking was too large, and it almost splashed water on Qin Chuan.......

Qin Chuan went downstairs holding the comfortable-looking Pikachu, and after saying good night to his parents, he returned to his bedroom.

He climbed onto the soft big bed, hugged the soft Pikachu in his arms, and soon fell asleep with his pet.

Qin Chuan certainly did not forget the character additional card of Orochi.

He was not going to use this last gold-level super additional card on his own Pokémon.

In this real world, it is impossible for all humans to have a perverted physique like Xiaozhi in the cartoon, who can withstand 100,000 volts and spray flames.

Since Qin Chuan has chosen the path of a trainer, sooner or later he will have to face all kinds of dangerous environments, wild elves, and even threats from humans themselves!

Therefore, the strength of the trainer himself cannot be ignored.

Humans in this world, even those who are born with powerful superpowers, as long as they dream of becoming an excellent trainer.

Basically, they will start physical training from an early age.

Parkour, athletics, fitness, and even fighting......

Qin Chuan had also done some physical training at the beginning of his journey, but now this character card of the snake gave him the opportunity to do it in one stroke.

He would not refuse the opportunity to cheat.......

At this time, the moonlight was pouring in from the window, illuminating Qin Chuan's handsome face with a slight smile on his face.

The Pikachu in his arms suddenly turned over, arched his back towards his trainer's warm arms, and fell into a deep sleep again.......


The next day, at


Qin Chuan got up early.

After washing up quietly, he and Pikachu quietly left the house, stepped on the magnetic hoverboard, and headed for the outskirts of Baihua City. It was still dark, and there was hardly a single pedestrian on the road.

Facing the biting cold wind in the early morning, Qin Chuan's heart was burning.

Because as long as he thought about the great power beyond nature of the snake that would belong to him, his heart couldn't stop beating violently!

""Achu! Pika Pika~"

The sleepy Pikachu in his arms was startled by the cold and woke up immediately.

"Haha!" Qin Chuan chuckled and patted the Poké Ball on his waist,"Pikachu, do you want to come in and hide for a while?"

"" Pikachu! Pikachu!"

Pikachu crossed his paws and spoke righteously, with a determined look on his face.

But then he couldn't maintain his posture and was frozen from head to toe by the biting cold wind."Pikachu~"

"Ha, you guy......"

Qin Chuan was immediately delighted when he saw this. He picked up the little guy curled up in his arms and stuffed him directly into his clothes."Okay, you stay here."

Pikachu instinctively felt a little embarrassed, but then he let out a satisfied cry and fell asleep again.



The journey was very fast.

Perhaps it was too early. Qin Chuan only met a female trainer on the road, which made him look at her twice more.

To be honest, this female trainer was the most stunning woman Qin Chuan had ever seen since he traveled through time.

Her appearance was no less beautiful than his childhood sweetheart Yan Xiaoxiao.

In comparison, she had a more mature charm. However,

Qin Chuan did not have the time to pay attention to any beautiful trainer at the moment. He just nodded politely and left.......



Seeing this handsome boy just nod casually and walk past her, Hua Lianyi was stunned.

You know, she was ready to be recognized and asked for autographs and photos!

This is not because Hua Lianyi is self-indulgent, but as a gym trainer at the idol level of Baihua City, she has long been accustomed to this.

Being ignored like today is the first time since she became famous.......

"Hehe, this is really an interesting experience."

Hua Lianyi smiled with her hands covering her mouth, like a hundred flowers blooming, and at the same time, a shadow of this strange boy remained in her heart.

She stroked her cheek and asked as if talking to herself:"Do you think my charm has decreased?"

""Flower therapy~"

A Pokémon in the shape of a wreath floated up from above Hua Lianyi's head, swaying back and forth, as if to refute.

Seeing this, Hua Lianyi seemed to understand and chuckled again:"Hehehe, that's true......."

------------ ps: I don't know which old friend is so awesome that I have to update again today...Pain and happiness emmm...

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