"Bolkanien, you're just in time!"

Qin Chuan instantly moved to Bolkanien's side, waved his hand and asked the three elves to fight with the Evil Food King who had climbed up again.

At the same time, he said to Bolkanien solemnly:"Polkanien, besides targeted blasting, does your unique skill Steam Explosion have any other uses?"

"Of course! I can also let the ring aim in one direction to emit steam, which is powerful enough to blow away a mountain!"

Porkenian nodded affirmatively.

"Very good!"

Qin Chuan turned his head and pointed at the Evil Food King who was madly pinching in front of him and said:"Polkanian, when I rush up, you will pour all the steam into that guy's big mouth!"

"All right!

Bolkanian let out a whistle like boiling water in the alley, stood on all fours, and opened his arms.

Countless water vapor energy began to gather.

"Lucario, get ready!"


After receiving Qin Chuan's order, Lucario jumped out of the battle group, shouted, and took a horse stance with his legs staggered!


The ground collapsed immediately, and the invisible force directly pressed down a full half meter within a radius of one kilometer!

At this time, Lucario's whole body was shiny gold and iron.

Steam rose from all over his body.


Only a strand of steam the size of a black hair rose above his head.

The wind could not bring it down, and it went straight into the abyss!

The armed color that originally covered his whole body gradually shrank.

Until only the end of the phalanx of the right fist was covered with a layer of deep darkness that seemed to be able to swallow the light!

Lucario's breathing seemed to stop, and his body was stiff and motionless, but the heartbeat that was gradually expanding like a drumstick spread.......

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!......"

The Evil King seemed to sense the threat, and roared and moved his giant feet to stop Lucario from gathering momentum.

At the same time, he raised his claws high, and a destructive death light condensed out!

""Evil Food King, your opponent now is us!"

Qin Chuan shouted, and the body of the big snake went upstream, suspended in the air, and clasped his hands together,"Judgment of Heaven!"


The surging light particles appeared from the void, surging down like the collision of heaven and earth, directly covering the Evil Food King!


The Evil Food King used his claws to protect the little head on top of his head, and at the same time opened and closed his mouth, trying to swallow the light attribute factor released by Qin Chuan.

At this time, the long-prepared Bolkanian armband lit up, and two long-charged steam erupted directly into the open mouth of the Evil Food King,"Come on, let me feed you!"

Bolkanian is indeed a little weak, but the power of the unique skills of the fantasy beast cannot be underestimated!

This charged attack directly hit the Evil Food King and staggered him.

Moreover, the steam flow like the reverse of the Milky Way also made the Evil Food King, who had not yet used the trick of swallowing, a little overwhelmed.

Qin Chuan naturally would not let go of this opportunity that he had designed the battle rhythm step by step. He had just accumulated it!

"Feromei Mantis, three consecutive kicks! Bloodwing Dragon, dragon claws!"

Feromei Mantis and Bloodwing Dragon moved at the sound, their slender legs swept like a whirlwind, and their bright green energy claws directly grabbed it!

One on the left and one on the right, they swept away the claws of the Evil Food King and grabbed it!

""Lucario, go ahead! Let's give this guy the last leg!"

At this moment, along with Qin Chuan's full shout, Lucario suddenly opened his eyes. In a trance, Qin Chuan's figure seemed to overlap with Lucario!

Bang! Boom! Swish!

The ground collapsed!

The figure disappeared!

The next second, Lucario, with blazing turbid white flames burning in his pupils, appeared in front of the Evil Food King!

At this moment, Lucario was wrapped in a layer of silver-white flames!

On his chest, a black sun pattern spread!

In this instant, Qin Chuan's consciousness and Lucario's consciousness seemed to be intertwined across space! An unprecedented spiritual connection was established between the two. The whistling wind blew on Lucario's figure in the air.

A faint smile appeared on its face and Qin Chuan's face at the same time.......The next second! Two bright silver lights emanated from the overlapping pupils.

"Particle Universe......Big Bang!!!"

The unparalleled uppercut hit the top of the Evil Food King's forehead!

The destructive force of the blow directly lifted the Evil Food King's huge body, and then the surging shock waves continuously hit the Evil Food King's body!

It was hit a thousand meters high in the sky.

A hole in the ultimate space suddenly appeared along the road above the Evil Food King, and directly swallowed the Evil Food King who was still powerful.

Then, the ultimate hole was closed.


Qin Chuan, who used up his last bit of strength to close the Ultimate Hole and put the Ultimate Bracelet back into the system space, suddenly groaned.

His legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

"Qin Chuan!"

The last thing he knew was a tall figure running towards him, and the exclamation of Bolkanian beside him.......



I don't know how long it took, but Qin Chuan just felt a warm feeling coming.

He opened his eyes dazedly, and in his gradually clear vision, a familiar beautiful face came into view.

"It's you, Felome Mantis."

Qin Chuan greeted with a light smile.

Then, before he could get up from Felome Mantis's lap, he heard a bunch of surprised shouts.

"Brother Qinchuan, you're awake! Are you okay?"

"You finally woke up, Brother Qin Chuan! I, I, I wow wow wow wow......"

These are the voices of Xiao Qianhu and Yuli.

Qianhu's voice is fine, but Yuli, you golden-haired girl, are you crying for me? Why are you so miserable?

"Pika Pika?"

The familiar yellow-skinned mouse climbed onto his chest, with a concerned look on his face.



Next came two little Larulas of different colors. They worked together to squeeze Pikachu out of the way and both threw themselves into his arms, their faces full of tears and worry.

"Humph, I knew that Qin kid would be fine!"

This was Bolkanian's insincere concern.


Lucario's wave of unsatisfied expression came over.

He seemed to want to say something, but after meeting Qin Chuan's gaze, he continued to lean against the wall with a slight smile on his face.


The frog was hanging upside down with its feet stuck to the roof and waving at itself.


Ditto also ran out of the Poké Ball for the first time in a long time, and now it was tightly wrapped around Qin Chuan's arm.


The Bloodwing Dragon's big head also tried to squeeze in, but was pushed away by everyone.


Qin Chuan looked around at every person and elf in the room. He felt that his heart was about to be filled. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to put on the brightest smile and responded softly:"I'm fine. I am now......I feel better than ever."

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