【Full Recovery Potion: Use on a Pokémon to restore all HP and remove abnormal status. Can be used in normal battles, a one-time consumable.

This"Full Recovery Potion" is one of the rewards Qin Chuan gets for killing Venusaur.

It looks like a small rock green bottle filled with emerald green liquid, but it is not only for oral use.

As for all the uses, Qin Chuan received the information on how to use it the moment he took it out.

Qin Chuan placed the small bottle on Lucario's chest and squeezed it gently, and the"Full Recovery Potion" immediately turned into a green halo with stars that wrapped up Lucario.

After about half a minute, the green halo faded, revealing a Lucario that had become intact. After using the Data Eye to explore the side and confirming that Lucario was indeed fine, Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect this 'full recovery medicine' also has a cleaning function......."

Qin Chuan touched his chin, and seeing that Lucario's breathing had stabilized, not only had his injuries healed, but even the blood and dust on his body had been cleaned up, he couldn't help but complain. After putting Lucario back into the matching Master Ball to rest, Qin Chuan finally had time to take a closer look at his current state.


This word couldn't be more appropriate.

"Looks like I have to wash up again, otherwise if my mother sees me, she might think I was robbed." Qin Chuan scratched his head with a bitter smile.

He opened the closet, chose a coat and underwear of similar style, and then walked towards the bathroom carefully.

He left home in the early morning, and now it was just getting light.

But by this time, his mother Ye Qingya should have gotten up.......Because she had to get up early every day to prepare breakfast for the whole family.

After entering the bathroom, Qin Chuan hung up his belt and quickly took off his"beggar's clothes". He looked at his eight abdominal muscles and mermaid line reflected in the mirror and said with a sigh:

"Tsk tsk, apart from anything else, this figure alone is so domineering!"

Just as Qin Chuan sighed and turned on the shower to prepare for a shower, the elf belt that he had hung on the wall suddenly shook.

A elf ball fell out during the shaking, and quickly expanded in mid-air, emitting a ray of light.......

""Pika Pika! Pika~"

Pikachu jumped out of the Poké Ball and pounced directly on Qin Chuan's face. Then it nimbly walked around Qin Chuan's body, and then stopped on Qin Chuan's shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Chuan smiled gently, rubbed Pikachu's little head, and said softly:"I'm sorry to make you worry, Pikachu, but don't worry, I'm better than ever now!"

"Pikachu nodded, but his face showed a lack of energy.

Qin Chuan understood that this little guy must be sad because he didn't help him in the morning.

""Pikachu, you're okay!" Qin Chuan took the listless little guy down from his shoulders and rubbed him in his arms.

Then he looked into Pikachu's eyes seriously,"Pikachu, do you remember the oath you and I made?"


"I hope you can become the real Pikachu! This is not just talk." Qin Chuan held Pikachu in both hands, his face solemn,"I will make you stronger, are you willing to believe me, Pikachu?"

In this process, Pikachu felt the sincerity from Qin Chuan, and his eyes gradually became firm and gentle.

""Pika, Pika Pika!"

At this moment, Pikachu's decadence was swept away, and his voice was full of unwavering trust!

Pokémon will respond to the expectations of the trainer. This is the eternal bond between humans and elves!


After taking a quick shower with Pikachu in the bathroom,

Qin Chuan opened the bathroom door, holding Pikachu wrapped in a bath towel in his arms, and exclaimed while wiping his head,"Wow, I feel so refreshed, both physically and mentally!"


Pikachu, who was nestled in Qin Chuan's arms, also responded with a satisfied look on his face.

"Haha, it seems like you, Pikachu, also like taking a bath.......Hey? Wait!" Qin Chuan suddenly paused, took back his steps out of the bathroom, and looked back at the pieces of cloth he had thrown into the trash can. He patted his forehead in fear,"I almost forgot to destroy the evidence!"

With a flick of his finger, an invisible wave swept through, and not only the damaged clothes in the trash can, but even the trash can itself disappeared completely.

Obviously, although the posture was very handsome, the space transfer used by Qin Chuan this time was not very accurate.......

After everything was packed up,

Qin Chuan came downstairs holding the much more energetic Pikachu.

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