I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 1,209 Five Elements Breaking the Prison

In the wild and forbidden area, Nie Tian and others shuttled through the forest at extremely fast speeds. In the blink of an eye, they arrived outside a hidden valley.

"This canyon is already on the edge of the wild forbidden area. There is no one inside. Let's go in." Nie Tian spread his spiritual consciousness and made sure that there was no one in the valley. He flashed his figure and entered directly.

Others followed, and after landing, their tense nerves relaxed slightly.

After witnessing the battle between Yin Zhiwei and the killer of Tianhuang Palace just now, everyone was in a very shocked mood. Looking back now, they still have lingering fears.

Han Ling stood next to a huge boulder, his brows furrowed, looking worried.

"Han Ling, are you okay?" Liu Haoyu couldn't help but ask when he saw this scene.

"Senior Brother, I'm fine." Han Ling forced out a smile and said lightly, but the worry between his eyebrows was even heavier.

Nie Tian glanced at Han Ling and immediately guessed what the latter was thinking, but he did not say it out loud.

Han Ling must have seen Yin Zhiwei's terrifying strength, so he felt a little frustrated.

Yin Zhiwei is already engaged to Qin Yue, but Han Ling is still obsessed with Qin Yue.

The relationship between Yin Zhiwei and Han Ling is a bit subtle. The stronger the former is, the more uncomfortable the latter feels.

At present, there is indeed a big gap between Han Ling and Yin Zhiwei. This is an undeniable fact. This is also the reason why the Guan Jianhai Qin family chose Yin Zhiwei.

Nie Tian was very surprised. Han Fei was not bad at swordsmanship and Han Ling should be very strong. Why was he so weak?

Perhaps it was because Han Ling had carried too much hatred since childhood, which affected his martial arts aspirations and caused his strength to increase too slowly.

Next, Nie Tian planned to hide in the valley for a while and come out when the time was right.

"Brother, the teacher said that your sword intention is a very rare three-attribute sword intention. If you can fuse the three attributes together, you will definitely be able to achieve the pinnacle of swordsmanship!" At this time, even Pu Feifan could see Han Ling's emotions. No, he said seriously.

"Junior brother, please stop comforting me. I know what kind of talent I am." Han Ling forced a smile with a sad expression.

"Three attributes of sword intent?" Nie Tian couldn't help but froze when he heard Pu Feifan's words.

"There are really three attributes of sword intent in the world, is it impossible?" Xiao Yun was also stunned and said in shock.

Three-attribute sword intent, this kind of sword intent is indeed very weird, that's why Nie Tian and Xiao Yun were so surprised.

Sword intent, like Yuan Ling, also has attributes. Generally, a sword intent can only have one attribute, but some special sword intent contains two attributes at the same time.

For example, Nie Tian's Thunder Sword Intent has the attribute of thunder, which is a normal sword intent.

The Jinyang Sword Intent of the Qin Family in Guanjianhai is a dual-attribute sword intent, which has two attributes: gold and fire. It has both the strength of gold and the blazing heat of fire.

Multi-attribute sword intent, like multi-attribute Yuanling, also has attributes that are mutually exclusive and compatible. The two attributes of Jinyang Sword Intent, gold and fire, merge with each other and promote each other, and can produce a stronger force than the ordinary single-attribute sword intent. power.

But if it has two attributes: water and fire, such a sword will have almost no power, because these two are repulsive attributes, impact each other, and cancel out the power.

Dual-attribute sword intent is extremely rare, and the dual-attribute sword intent that Nie Tian knows about can only be counted with one hand.

His eldest disciple Han Fei is the Thunder Flame Sword Intent with dual attributes of thunder and fire.

As for the three-attribute sword intention, to be honest, this is the first time Nie Tian has heard of it.

It is not easy to achieve attribute compatibility for dual-attribute sword intent. It is almost impossible for three-attribute sword intent to exist because the attribute repulsion is too strong.

"Han Ling, are you really a three-attribute sword spirit?" Nie Tian took a step forward, his voice a little nervous.

"Yes." Han Ling nodded, but his eyes were dim and he looked extremely disappointed.

"Those three attributes will release your sword intent. I want to take a look." Nie Tian's eyes flickered. He had not paid much attention to Han Ling's sword intent before, so he never noticed anything unusual. But now it caused him of great attention.

Xiao Yun and others also looked forward to it, wanting to see how weird the three-attribute sword intention would be.

"Okay." Han Ling forced a smile, and then billowing sword intent surged around his body, condensing into a sword shadow outside his body, with three different colors flowing on it, red, yellow and green.

"Sure enough, it is a three-attribute sword intent!" Nie Tian's eyes trembled as his consciousness moved, and he said, "It actually has three attributes: fire, metal, and wood!"

"It's really weird!" Xiao Yun and others also had trembling eyes, filled with surprise.

It is incredible that the three attributes of metal, fire, and wood can coexist.

At this time, Nie Tian suddenly understood why Han Ling's strength improved so slowly. It must be because he could not integrate the three attributes in his sword intention, so his sword realm could not be improved, and his improvement in strength was also suppressed.

Metal, Fire, and Wood, these three attributes are indeed difficult to combine.

Nie Tian was very curious as to how Han Ling could condense such weird sword intent.

"Han Ling, what is your Yuanling?" Nie Tian asked suddenly after calming down.

Nie Tian guessed that Han Ling's ability to condense such weird sword intent might have something to do with his Yuan Ling.

"It's the Sword Spirit." Han Ling replied, and a strange black epee appeared in his hand. The blade was thick and the blade was blunt, as if it had not been opened.

"Sword Spirit!" Nie Tian's consciousness moved, and he carefully felt the black sword in Han Ling's hand. His expression slowly became complicated, with a strange look on his face. After a long time, he asked: "What is the name of your Yuan Spirit?"

"Senior brother's sword spirit is called Five Elements Breaking Prison!" Before Han Ling could speak, Pu Feifan rushed to say, "Teacher said, Five Elements Breaking Prison contains the power of the Five Elements!"

"Five Elements Breaking Prison!" Upon hearing this name, Nie Tian's eyes darkened again and he said in surprise: "No wonder, I can actually sense the breath of the Five Elements attributes."

Nie Tian never expected that Han Ling's Five Elements Prison Breaking Spirit had the power of the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It was really terrifying!

Han Ling's Yuanling turned out to be a five-attribute Yuanling!

This is so horrific and shocking.

No wonder Han Ling was able to condense such strange sword intent. It turned out that his Yuanling was very strange.

However, Nie Tian sensed that the attributes of the five elements within the Five Elements Prison were not uniform. The three attributes of metal, fire, and wood were relatively strong, while the two attributes of water and earth were relatively weak.

"Han Ling, let me see your sword intent again!" At this time, Nie Tian suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly.

Han Ling was stunned for a moment, wondering what Nie Tian had discovered, but he still released his sword intent again.

This time, Nie Tian's eyes suddenly became fiery, and the holographic divine patterns were released. He sensed Han Ling's sword intention bit by bit. Then, as if he had discovered a treasure, he suddenly became ecstatic and couldn't help but laugh: " As expected, this is not a three-attribute sword intention at all, but a five-attribute sword intention, which contains the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!”

The five-element sword intent was so terrifying that Nie Tian couldn't help but become ecstatic.

The others looked at Nie Tian in astonishment, wondering what the latter had discovered to be so happy.

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