I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 1,263 The Road to Revenge

Above the Shenhan Palace, Dongfang Ichiro called the Poison Emperor by his name, obviously furious.

Originally, he could have forced Miao Xianglong to agree to propose marriage, but unfortunately Du Shanfeng suddenly stepped forward to disrupt the situation, catching him off guard.

"How can this be called right?" Du Shanfeng chuckled and said, "Everyone depends on their abilities. If you still want to force Lord Han Emperor to agree to your marriage proposal, just go ahead."

"You..." Dongfang Yilang was so angry that Du Shanfeng was speechless. The latter was already Cheng Ruoling's teacher. At this time, even if Miao Xianglong agreed to propose marriage, he would have to think about it.

Is it worth offending Emperor Han and Emperor Poison at the same time for Cheng Ruoling?

After thinking about it for a while, Touhou Ichiro finally chose to give up.

He didn't want to have too much trouble with Emperor Han and Emperor Poison, so he had to give up on the proposal of marriage.

"Lord Han Emperor, forget about the marriage proposal, but you must remember that you still owe me one thing!" Dongfang Yilang glanced at Miao Xianglong and said solemnly.

"Lord Donghuang, you look down on others. How can I, Miao Xianglong, be a person who breaks my word?" Miao Xianglong nodded slightly, his eyes calm.

"That's good." Dongfang Yilang smiled sinisterly, then looked at Nie Tian and said: "Nie Tian, ​​your ability to be reincarnated is indeed beyond my expectation. But let me tell you, the Emperor of Dawn and Dusk is not someone who gives up casually. Sooner or later, your life will belong to him!"

"What happens to my fate? That's my own business. I don't need Dong Huang to worry about it." Nie Tian responded calmly.

"Hmph!" Dongfang was stunned and sneered, then growled: "Goodbye!"

After saying that, he turned around and left without stopping.

"Finally gone." Looking at the backs of Dongfang Ichiro and others, Nie Tian shook his head slightly, and his eyes became complicated at the same time.

Miao Xianglong and Du Shanfeng looked at each other. They were both smart people. Of course they knew what Nie Tian was thinking: the Nine Emperors discussed it together!

"Lord Aojian." Miao Xianglong thought for a moment, and finally spoke, saying directly: "I didn't know about your murder back then."

"Me too." Du Shanfeng also said: "We only found out about your affairs later. We just participated in the handling of some funeral affairs."

"So, my killing was not decided by the Nine Emperors together, but by the Emperor of Dawn and Dusk alone." Nie Tian nodded slightly and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If Miao Xianglong and Du Shanfeng were involved in his killing, he really I don’t know how to face the two of them.

"Not necessarily." Du Shanfeng sighed meaningfully and said, "If there is only one person, Emperor Chen and Dusk, I don't believe he has the courage."

"What do you mean?" Nie Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, waiting for Du Shanfeng to continue.

Du Shanfeng shook his head and said, "Brother Nie, you know, although I know some things, I absolutely cannot say them, so why do you have to embarrass me?"

Nie Tian glanced at Miao Xianglong, who also looked embarrassed and said: "Although the Nine Emperors represent the highest authority in the Heavenly Realm, many things in the Heavenly Realm cannot be decided by the Nine Emperors."

"I understand." Nie Tian nodded slightly.

Miao Xianglong's meaning is very clear. The actions of the Nine Emperors are controlled by the upper realm.

If there were no unexpected circumstances, no one in the Celestial Realm except the Nine Emperors would know about the existence of the upper realm.

But Nie Tian had a question in his mind. Since the Nine Emperors knew about the upper realm, they must know about the divine realm. So why couldn't the Nine Emperors break through to the divine realm?

Even the Snow Emperor, the Supreme Nine Emperors, is only a demigod-level existence, and he cannot cross the other half step to the divine realm.

"Xue Wushuang, Luo Ziyan, Qianliu Sha." Suddenly, Nie Tian suddenly said three names, then laughed strangely and said: "These three people left the heavenly realm and went to another place, right? "

"You already know!" Miao Xianglong couldn't help but frown when he heard Nie Tian say these three names, with a look of surprise on his face.

Du Shanfeng was also stunned for a moment, looking at Nie Tian in disbelief.

"It's true!" Nie Tian looked at the two people's reactions and said directly: "It seems that I guessed it right. Every three hundred years, the upper realm will choose three geniuses. These three people are the three candidates last time. ,Is it right?"

Miao Xianglong and Du Shanfeng looked at each other, but they did not dare to speak or react in any way.

These things are the highest secrets of the Celestial Realm. No one is allowed to know except the Nine Emperors!

They didn't know where Nie Tian knew this.

"It seems that I blocked someone's way to the upper realm, so I was removed as a stumbling block." Nie Tian smiled faintly, and the expressions of Emperor Han and Emperor Poison told him everything.

Xue Wushuang, Luo Ziyan, Qianliu Sha, who among these three did Nie Tian block?

Behind these three people, there are two people: the Snow Emperor and the Emperor of Dawn and Dusk!

Emperor Chen and Dusk alone did not have the courage to kill Nie Tian. Nie Tian's guess was that the Snow Emperor and Emperor Dusk jointly planned this incident!

In his previous life, Nie Tian died at the hands of the Soul-locking Horror Curse, one of the three evil curses in the heaven. It is impossible for Luo Chenhun and his daughter to know about this evil curse, so there must be someone more terrifying behind them.

This person is most likely the Snow Emperor!

"Snow Emperor, the majestic Nine Emperors Supreme, the most admired figure in the heavenly realm, can it really be you?" Nie Tian said secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he also thought of another question, that is, the saint's mark on Mo Ruxi's body .

Nie Tian now guesses that the Saint Brand was also done by the Snow Emperor!

It's a pity that Jian Lao is no longer here.

Even if Nie Tian met the Snow Emperor at this time, he could not be sure that it was the latter who left the mark of a saint on Mo Ruxi.

At this time, Nie Tian seemed to vaguely understand something.

Why did Luo Chenhun not dare to kill him in a big way when he returned to the Divine Realm of Heaven? Instead, he sent people from the Shura Sect to do it. It seemed that he was afraid.

Luo Chenhun didn't dare to take action personally, he must be afraid of some people.

Nie Tian boldly guessed that the upper realm must have sent some people to stay in the heavenly realm to monitor the Nine Emperors. This made Luo Chenhui very constrained in what he could do.

"Could the person behind the Road Demon Map be someone from the upper realm?" Nie Tian suddenly thought of the Road Demon Map, his heart trembled, and his eyes flickered.

At this time, a big net formed in his mind, but there were some mysteries that he had not yet been able to solve, and many things were still unclear.

"Luo Chenhun, just wait, I will definitely investigate everything that happened back then." Nie Tian said in his heart, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Thinking like this, Nie Tian became much calmer, and his journey of revenge was about to begin.

"Huh?" At this moment, Nie Tian suddenly noticed something, his eyes trembled, and he exclaimed: "What a terrifying sword intent!"

"Boom!" The next moment, before he finished speaking, a huge roar sounded, like thunder.

"Who?" Miao Xianglong frowned, moved his figure, and rushed out of the Shenhan Palace.

Nie Tian and others rushed out immediately.

Outside the main hall, thousands of meters above the Shenhan Palace, two figures faced each other, releasing powerful sword intent from their bodies, like two sharp swords, standing high in the sky.

"Cangshan Snow!" Nie Tian looked up, his eyes trembled, and he recognized one of the figures, it was Cangshan Snow.

Cangshan Xue has been secretly protecting Mo Ruxi and Xue'er. If he and another person start a fight, doesn't it mean that the other person is here to kill Mo Ruxi and Xue'er!

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