I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 1,435 Sanctimonious

In the lobby of the thatched cottage, Nie Tian suddenly felt that Minggui's aura had become weaker. It was not that he was weak, but that he was actually weak. His face changed and he immediately realized that Minggui's strength had deteriorated.

"It's nothing, it's just a normal reaction after leaving the body at the boundary of the universe." Minggui smiled indifferently and said: "I gave up the body of the dragon and imprisoned the soul of the dragon in a human body, but I can still have a lifespan beyond that of ordinary people. , all because of the boundaries of the universe.”

"Now that the boundary of the universe is separated from the body, it's not surprising that my strength is somewhat weakened."

"Ming Lao, your weakened strength will not endanger your name, right?" Nie Tian nodded slightly and asked seriously.

If he regretted that his name was in danger due to the loss of the boundary of the universe, Nie Tian would feel uneasy.

"No." Minggui smiled heartily and said: "Without the boundary of the universe, my martial body no longer has to bear that huge force. Even though my life span is far longer than that of ordinary people, I can still live for tens of thousands of years. , even hundreds of thousands of years.”

The boundary of the universe was separated from the body. Although Minggui's aura was weakened, his martial body had recovered and became stronger.

The boundary of the universe has put too much pressure on him. Now that he is out of the body, his strength has been reduced, but it has given him hope of reaching the peak of the divine realm.

Overall, the absence of boundaries in the universe is a good thing for regret.

"That's good." Nie Tian smiled lightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Minghui checked Nie Tian's body, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "The two demonic fires have merged very well in your body, and it seems to have formed a new flame, which at the same time contains the universe. The power of creation of the boundary and the power of destruction of the heart of nothingness.”

"This new demonic fire is still very weak, but it has already produced a qualitative change in your martial body. As your strength increases in the future, the power of this demonic fire will become more and more powerful. I am afraid it will not be as powerful as the legendary one." How much weaker is the origin of fire in it.”

After Mingxii finished speaking, he nodded slightly. He did not expect that the boundary of the universe and the heart of nothingness would be so perfectly integrated.

It seems that these two demonic fires were born just for Nie Tian.

"The origin of fire?" When Nie Tian heard these four words, he couldn't help but frown and asked, "What is this?"

"A kind of power that originates from the world. It's useless for you to know it now. It's better not to talk about it." Ming regret laughed, but didn't explain much.

Nie Tian looked helpless. His current strength was indeed too weak. It would be fine if he met an ordinary young warrior. However, he would be vulnerable to strong men like Young Master Heartbreaker and the secret guards of the Sword Family.

Strength, everything is strength, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Ming Lao, the Twelve Divine Palace Competition in the Shocking God Realm is about to begin. I am now a member of the Scarlet Moon Divine Palace, so I have to participate in the Divine Palace Competition. I cannot stay here anymore and must leave." Nie Tian Shenchen spoke and said goodbye to Minggui.

"Are you from the Scarlet Moon Palace?" Minghui was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Nie Tian's identity.

He knew that Nie Tian was from the Fengyun Nie family, but he did not expect that the latter would also join the Scarlet Moon Palace.

"Yes." Nie Tian nodded slightly. Seeing that Minghui seemed to have something to say, he couldn't help but ask, "Does Mr. Ming know Chi Yuefeng well?"

Chi Yuefeng, on the surface, seems to be a very kind person, with quite the demeanor of an elder.

But before Nie Tian left the Scarlet Moon Palace, he was deeply shocked when he saw Chi Yuefeng's method of killing Long Wei and Wei Jinren.

He could feel that Chi Yuefeng was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Chi Yuefeng." Elder Ming sighed and said: "This person appears to be a kind person, but in fact he is a hypocritical and cunning person. I once dated this person. At that time, he had just left the Dark Sea Prison. , The strength is not yet strong, and the Scarlet Moon Palace has not been established.”

"At that time, I saw with my own eyes that this person killed dozens of his companions in order to survive."

"If I weren't far stronger than him, I would probably be killed by him. It may not be a wise choice for you to join the Scarlet Moon Palace."

"How could such a thing happen!" Nie Tian frowned and his eyes couldn't help but tremble.

Chi Yuefeng is indeed a sanctimonious scumbag. He appears to be one thing, but secretly he is another.

"Thank you Ming Lao for reminding me, I will be careful myself." Nie Tian nodded solemnly. He was currently residing in the Scarlet Moon Palace, and it was really not appropriate for him to fall out with Chi Yuefeng.

He believed that with Ye Qinghai's trump card, Chi Yuefeng would not dare to do anything to him.

"No matter what, I must participate in the Twelve Divine Palace Competition." Nie Tian frowned and murmured in his heart.

At this moment, Nie Tian and Xueer stopped staying and were ready to leave immediately.

"Brother Nie Tian, ​​I..." At this time, Yi Di suddenly shouted, and then looked at Minggui expectantly.

"You brat, you've grown tired of being a teacher, your wings have grown stiff, and you don't want to stay here anymore, do you?" Of course Mingzui understood what Yi Di meant, and said angrily. Although he was blaming, there was a clear tone in his tone. With deep love.

"Teacher, no, I just wanted to..." Yi Di thought Minghui was angry and quickly explained.

"You brat, stop talking." Mingzui smiled heartily and said, "You are already strong enough to protect yourself. Since you want to go out, how can I stop you as a teacher!"

As Mingxiu spoke, his eyes couldn't help but twinkle. Of course he understood that Yi Di had to go his own way, and he couldn't stay with Yi Di forever.

"When children grow up, they have to go out and have a try. Go ahead!" Minggui smiled faintly, but there was a glint in his eyes.

"Teacher!" Yi Di felt pain in his heart, turned around and knelt in front of Mingzui, and said: "Teacher has a rebirth of kindness for Yi Di. No matter where Yi Di goes from now on, he will always be the teacher's disciple. Yi Di will definitely come back often in the future. Visit the teacher."

"You brat, it's enough for you to have this heart. I'm very strong with my old bones, so I don't need you to worry about me." Minghui smiled calmly and helped Yi Di up.

Nie Tian gave the master and apprentice some time, and then said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ming, I will definitely ensure Yi Di's safety."

"Yes." Mingzui nodded slightly and said, "Nie Tian, ​​Yi Di is too young and he doesn't understand the outside world. Please look after him for the next period of time."

"Definitely." Nie Tian smiled faintly, but his eyes were extremely firm.

Yi Di's current identity is not simple. He is the new generation of Demon Dragon King, although he himself does not know this.

Nie Tian even suspected that Yi Di would not be weaker than Ni Jianming when he grew up.

After all, Ming Lao said that the ultimate demon dragon body created by the heart of the demon dragon is no more terrifying than the golden dragon.

Nie Tian and the others didn't waste any more time, and immediately said goodbye and left.

Not long after, the three of them left the Demon Dragon City directly.

There were still more than ten days left before the Twelve Divine Palace Competition. Nie Tian calculated the time and found that he still had time, so he decided to go to Jiutian City first.

The Desolate Sect is located in Jiutian City, and he wants to find out what the relationship between this sect and the Desolate Tianzong back then is.

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