Nie Tian did not expect that Gong Sheng would have something as good as the Qinglin Thorn Armor.

If his guess is correct, the Qinglin Thorn Armor not only has amazing defensive power, but can also unleash a giant spirit level attack. It is really good and very suitable for Nie Yurou.

Of course, a fourth-level spiritual weapon could change its size at will, so Nie Tian didn't have to worry about whether it would fit or not.

"What do you want to do?" Gong Sheng noticed that Nie Tian was looking at him with malicious intent. He suddenly felt like a little rabbit being targeted by a wolf. He shuddered and said in horror.

Nie Tian smiled faintly and said: "You have been following me for so long, all the way to Tianluo City, and you came all the way to give me a Qinglin Thorn Armor. If I didn't accept it, wouldn't it be a waste of your kindness? ”

Judging from the battle between Gong Sheng and Gao Han just now, the defensive power of Qinglin Thorn Armor is definitely not inferior to Jin Dabao's Golden Thunder Armor, and it can also burst out an active attack. It is really suitable to wear on Nie Yurou. but.

Gong Sheng glanced at the corpse on the ground. It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt the crisis.

Nie Tian was simply a lunatic who would dare to kill anyone, so why would he care about his status as the prince of the Richu Empire.

"Damn it, I'm in danger right now, why haven't those two secret guards shown up yet?" Gong Sheng cursed in his heart, and panic finally appeared on his face.

Nie Tian guessed what Gong Sheng was thinking, and said with a faint smile: "Stop thinking nonsense, the two secret guards following you will not appear. If my guess is correct, they are already two corpses at this time."

"You..." As soon as Nie Tian said these words, the panic on Gong Sheng's face suddenly widened.

He never expected that Nie Tian would actually know that there were two secret guards following him!

But it doesn't make sense. These two secret guards have never appeared. How could Nie Tian know about their existence.

Gong Sheng took a look and was suddenly shocked to find that the middle-aged warrior beside Nie Tian was missing. The panic on his face suddenly became even worse, and even turned into despair.

Qiu Shan has practiced the Dragon Whale Seven Breath Technique. Except for a fourth-level alchemist or a strong person in the True Yuan Realm, no one can see through his strength.

Gong Sheng was just a scumbag at the ninth level of Wanxiang. How could he see Qiu Shan's strength, so he always thought that the latter was just an ordinary guard and didn't pay too much attention to him.

"What? Are you scared, Master Sheng?" Nie Tian smiled playfully, admiring Gong Sheng's expression of despair and fear.

These bullshit princes usually make noises in front of others, but when the real critical moment comes, they all turn into pustules.

"I'm afraid of your mother!" Suddenly, Gong Sheng roared angrily, then smacked his palm and struck Nie Tian with a cold claw.

"Brother Nie Tian, ​​be careful!" Nie Yurou screamed.

Jin Dabao and others were also nervous.

Nie Tian looked calm, as if he already knew that Gong Sheng would suddenly take action.

But he didn't care about Gong Sheng's attack at all. He stepped on his feet and Ao Jian Tianyi appeared behind him. The wings formed by the sword shadow were several meters long and looked very domineering.

At the same moment, cyan wings appeared on Gong Sheng's back, which turned out to be a pair of flesh wings that had become solid.

With a shake of his wings, Gong Sheng's figure jumped up to a hundred meters in the sky, but when he opened his eyes, Nie Tian was actually standing in front of him, standing opposite him.

"You..." Gong Sheng was so surprised that he couldn't say a word, and the panic on his face magnified infinitely in his eyes.

"You want to leave now? How can it be that easy?" Nie Tian smiled coldly, and Ling Ran's murderous intent was released from his whole body.

He had already guessed that Gong Sheng's Yuanling was a feathered Yuanling, so he had anticipated it in advance.

Gong Sheng just made a feint, his real purpose was to escape directly.

It has to be said that this is the first time Gong Sheng has offended Congming so far.

Unfortunately, Nie Tian is smarter than him.

"Holy shit! The boss actually knows flying martial arts! That's so awesome." Jin Dabao looked at the proud sword Tianyi behind Nie Tian, ​​and the shock in his heart was written on his fat face.

"Brother Nie Tian is really awesome." Qiu Ling'er also had an expression of envy on her face.

"Teacher, he..." Zhang Yifeng was so surprised that he was speechless.

"Of course, he is my brother Nie Tian." Nie Yurou looked proud, her little face filled with pride.

Tang Youyou, on the other hand, was very calm and said calmly: "I also have wings."

Just after he finished speaking, there was a sound of wings spreading in the air, and then nine pairs of black wings appeared behind Tang Youyou, each pair being several meters long.

But she just showed it casually, and then folded her nine pairs of wings.

Jin Dabao and others were stunned.

Tang Youyou is so offensive. Does she think everyone has wings?

Gao Han and other guards were even more blindfolded, and they were rubbing their eyes fiercely, as if they were dreaming.

One Nie Tian was enough to shock them, and this Tang Youyou was actually an incredible character.

"Lord City Lord, who are you? How come the people around you are so perverted!" Gao Han looked up at Nie Tian and felt his tailbone getting cold.

In mid-air, Nie Tian smiled coldly and said: "Since you are so anxious to die, how can I let you leave alive!"

"I have Qinglin Thorn Armor, do you think you can kill me?" Finally, for the first time in history, Gong Sheng was brave and said with a sinister look on his face.

"You'll know after you try it." Nie Tian smiled faintly, and immediately his energy began to circulate throughout his body, and his terrifying aura became more and more powerful.

"One sword to end the night!" As Nie Tian thrust out his sword, the sword energy that filled the void instantly condensed, and a ten-meter sword shadow struck Gong Sheng.

Now Nie Tian's condensed Proud Sword Qi and Star Soul Sword Qi are more intense, and the power they unleash is even more terrifying.

At this moment, Nie Tian could already feel that the power of the Star Soul Sword Qi seemed to be greater than that of the Proud Sword Qi.

As Nie Tian's strength increases, more and more star power awakens in his body, and the star soul sword energy will become even more terrifying.

The Qinglin Thorn Armor was just right, allowing Nie Tian to see what his current attack power was.

"The eagle strikes the sky!" Nie Tian came with a fierce force, and Gong Sheng also became angry. For the first time, Yuanling appeared behind him, and it turned out to be a green eagle with a protruding beak.

"Ouch!" The protruding-billed green eagle let out a harsh cry and immediately grabbed it with its claws.

"Bang!" With a dull impact, the sword shadow shot up in the sky. The protruding-billed green eagle could not resist the huge sword shadow, and one of its wings was directly pierced.

"Ah!" Gong Sheng let out a scream, and suddenly his right arm was bleeding profusely, and he couldn't stand in the air.

Nie Tian smiled coldly and murmured: "Idiot!"

If Gong Sheng had relied on the Qinglin Thorn Armor to defend himself, he might have been able to survive for a while, but if he used Yuan Ling, he would have been a living target for Nie Tian.

However, even if the Qinglin Thorn Armor could defend against Nie Tian's attack, Ling Lie's sword energy was too much for Gong Sheng to withstand, so over time, he would inevitably be defeated, but not so quickly.

"Whoa!" Without giving Gong Sheng any chance to counterattack, Nie Tian thrust out his sword, and the killing sword energy flew past. A wisp of blood shot out of the air, and Gong Sheng turned into a headless corpse.

Nie Tian's wings fluttered and he raised his hand, revealing a piece of cyan soft armor on his palm.

"I got the Qinglin Thorn Armor." Nie Tian smiled faintly, then folded his wings and landed on the ground.

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