I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 3052 The Shadow Mark

"Huh?" Yingyu's words rang in Nie Tian's ears like thunder, causing his eyes to shrink suddenly, and he stepped forward and roared: "What did you say?"

"Haha, hahaha!" Yingyu laughed wildly when he saw Nie Tian's reaction, and said wildly: "It seems you don't know yet, your woman is the Ruoyu Qianye with nine-color pupils. When she was on the stage of natural selection, the Shadow Flame Pojun had already left the Jueying Mark on her body."

"Now she has probably been killed by the Shadow Flame Army!"

"What?" Nie Tian's eyes trembled, and if he roared like a wild beast, his whole body seemed to be hit by thunder, his body shook, and he took a few steps back.

"Nie Tian!" Yi Mo stepped forward and supported Nie Tian.

"I...it's okay." Nie Tian's eyes were a little stiff, and his eyes were a little dazed. It took him a while to recover, waved his hands, forced himself to calm down, and stepped forward with murderous intent in his body as if it were real, pressing towards Ying Yu.

"You, what do you want to do?" Ying Yu's whole body was wrapped in a terrifying murderous aura, as if an invisible giant hand was holding him tightly, making it difficult for him to breathe smoothly. He looked at Nie Tian and asked in a trembling voice. .

"Is what you just said true?" Nie Tian's eyes were as fierce as a wolf's and he asked word for word.

At this moment, every drop of blood in his body was boiling, trembling, and roaring.

If Ruoyu Qianye really died at the hands of the Shadow Flame Pojun, he would definitely wipe out the entire Shadow Temple and kill everyone in the Jueying Temple!

"Yes, it's true." Ying Yu felt Nie Tian's anger and murderous intent, couldn't help but panic, and said tremblingly.

"What I'm asking is, is Ruoyu Qianye still alive?" Nie Tian's eyes were as cold as death, and every word was filled with coldness that seeped into his bones.

"I, I don't know." Ying Yu was really scared, his lips were trembling, and he said, "I only know that Yingyan Pojun left the Jueying mark on Ruoyu Qianye, and I don't know anything else. knew."

Nie Tian's eyes trembled as he stared at Ying Yu, without speaking for a long time.

What Ying Yu said should be true.

In this case, he did not dare to tell lies.

During the test of the Natural Selection Dao Platform, Ruoyu Qianye fought against the Shadow Flame Pojun in order to protect Nie Tian's Xuanhuang Tree.

It was probably at that time that Shadow Flame Pojun left the Jueying mark on Ruoyu Qianye.

The Jueying Mark should be some kind of soul mark, used to track warriors.

The previous Ying Wu Lei said that in order to obtain the Four Strange Soul Stones, Ying Yan Pojun also left the Jueying mark on Jiang En, Teng Hua and others.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Jueying Mark that Shadow Five Lei can find Jiang En and Teng Hua.

Nie Tian had never sensed Ruoyu Qianye's spiritual aura, which made him very uneasy. Now that Yingyu told him this, it made him even more upset.

Could it be that something really happened to Ruoyu Qianye?

"Nie Tian, ​​please calm down. I believe that with Miss Ruoyu's strength, even the Shadow Flame Pojun may not be his opponent." At this time, Yi Mo frowned slightly and came to Nie Tian's side and said.

He doesn't know how to comfort people, so his tone of voice is very stiff.

"I'm fine." Nie Tian forced himself to calm down and said calmly.

He knew that at this time, the more panic he had, the more trouble he would get.

He must calm down and find Ruoyu Qianye as soon as possible.

Then, he took out the four strange soul stones and tried to sense the soul breath of Yingyan Pojun, but what surprised him was that he couldn't sense it!

"Could it be that Yingyan Pojun and the others are too far away from me?" Nie Tian wondered in his heart, and then he looked at Yingyu, his eyes as cold as death, and said coldly: "What exactly is the Jueying Mark?"

Seeing that Nie Tian was much calmer, Ying Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know."

"Don't know? Then I'll help you think about it!" Nie Tian sneered, and then a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His figure moved, and a bone-corroding soul-refining rope suddenly came out.

"Poof!" The next moment, the bone-corroding soul-refining rope was like a long snake, directly piercing Ying Yu's shoulder, and the bone-eroding soul-refining energy seeped into his body.

"Ah—!" Suddenly, Yingyu couldn't bear the severe pain and let out a heartbreaking howl.

"Now, do you understand?" Nie Tian said coldly. The bone-eroding soul-refining rope turned unexpectedly. Suddenly, Yingyu felt as if his body and soul were about to be minced, and he screamed like a ghost or a wolf.

Nie Tian's eyes were as cold as ice. He relaxed his bone-corroding soul-refining rope slightly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and squeezed out one word: "Say."

"I said, I said, say." Yingyu felt the severe pain weakening and finally relaxed a bit. He looked at Nie Tian with trembling eyes, as if looking at a demon.

In fact, the pain he endured was nothing at all.

When Nie Tian fused the nine bone-corroding soul-refining ropes, the pain he endured was much greater than his.

"The Jueying Mark is a special soul marking technique in the Jueying Temple. It leaves a trail of Jueying Qi in the warrior's body. By sensing the Jueying Mark within a certain range, the location of the marked person can be determined." After a while, Ying Yu spoke honestly and explained the Jueying Mark.

"What is the range of perception of Jueying Mark?" Nie Tian's eyes darkened and he asked coldly.

"This is uncertain. The stronger the creator of the Jueying Mark, the wider the range of perception." Ying Yu did not dare to hide anything and said: "Because the Jueying Mark was left by Yingyan Pojun, so the perception of our mark is It’s very weak and can only sense the existence of the Jueying Mark about five hundred miles away.”

"The coverage range of Shadow Flame Pojun's sensing ability should be around several thousand miles."

Nie Tian frowned slightly, his face was downcast, he thought for a moment and asked, "Do all of you in the Jueying Temple have the Jueying mark in your body?"

"Yes." Ying Yu nodded, and then said: "The mutual sensing ability between Jueying Marks is very weak, and I can't sense Yingyan Pojun and the others."

"Really?" Nie Tian sneered, and then asked: "Besides the soul mark, what else does the Jueying Mark have?"

"Other functions?" Yingyu was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something. He looked at the Four Wonders Soul Stone in Nie Tian's hand and asked, "Is what you are holding in your hand the Four Wonders Soul Stone?"

"Yeah." Nie Tian nodded and waited for Ying Yu to continue.

"So this is the Si Qi Soul Stone!" Ying Yu looked at the Si Qi Soul Stone and was surprised. Then a strange light flashed in his eyes and asked: "You can't sense Yingyan Pojun on the Si Qi Soul Stone." Breath, right?”

"Yes." Nie Tian nodded again.

"It seems that the Jueying Mark offsets the induction of the Four Strange Soul Stones." Ying Yu frowned and said: "The Jueying Mark in Yingyan Pojun's body is very strong and can offset the induction of the Four Strange Soul Stones. It is not surprising. ”

"That's true." Nie Tian frowned and his expression turned gloomy.

In fact, he had just guessed that the inability to sense the soul aura of Shadow Flame Pojun should be related to the Jueying Mark.

As for Ying Yu, he was sensed because he was very close to him and the Jueying mark in his body was not strong.

Next, Nie Tian must find a way to find the Shadow Flame Pojun as soon as possible!

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