I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 3081: Humiliation before killing

High in the sky, countless eyes were staring at the Sixteenth Battle Platform, shining brightly, with great anticipation, not wanting to miss any of the excitement.



At this time, on the sixteenth battle platform, the bloody wolf shadow and the huge sword shadow trembled at the same time, one let out a wolf roar, and the other let out a sword roar.

"Boom!" In the next moment, two huge forces collided together, a loud roaring sound was heard in the void, and the battle platform with a radius of tens of thousands of meters suddenly shook, as if it was about to explode.

"Boom! Chi chi chi..." Immediately, the violent power impacted and spread in all directions. Cracks appeared on the battle platform, as if the entire battle platform was about to collapse in an instant.

The crowd's eyes trembled and their expressions were extremely shocked.

No one thought that this battle could reach such an extent.

"Bang!" A moment later, a muffled sound was heard high in the sky above the battle platform, and then a bloody figure flew out, like a kite with a broken string, and hit the battle platform hard, smashing out a deep hole. pit.

The violent power dissipated immediately, and everyone saw that the entire battle platform cracked and shook violently.

However, the battle platform was protected by formations, and soon the cracks on the platform were automatically closed.

And on the table, a bloody figure was paralyzed there, struggling hard, but unable to stand up.

"Bloodthirsty wolf!" Everyone immediately saw the face of this bloody figure clearly, their eyes trembled violently, and they screamed.

At this time, the bloodthirsty wolf no longer had the arrogance it had before, but was now like a puddle of mud, unable to get up.

At this time, everyone had already seen that Nie Tian's combat power was much greater than that of the bloodthirsty wolf.

"The monster from heaven is so terrifying!" Everyone looked shocked and exclaimed again and again.

It was really terrifying for Nie Tian to completely torture a third-level pseudo-sage with his cultivation level as a ninth-level near-sage.

The knowledge of martial arts of many people present has been subverted.

"I, I, I..." At this time, the bloodthirsty wolf's eyes trembled with fear, his mouth opened, and he tried hard to say something, but he couldn't.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

Everyone can see that the bloodthirsty wolf is about to admit defeat.

But at this time, Nie Tian was staring at the bloodthirsty wolf with poisonous eyes, a cold smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then his figure moved and flew towards the bloodthirsty wolf.

The next moment, his figure fell down and stepped directly on the head of the bloodthirsty wolf with his foot.

"Huh?" This scene made everyone's eyes tremble with horror.

Nie Tian had already defeated the bloodthirsty wolf, but he still walked over. Did he want to kill the latter?

In fact, at this time, the bloodthirsty wolf's vitality has been directly destroyed, and he has become a complete waste.

"You..." The bloodthirsty wolf opened his eyes wide and looked at Nie Tian with trembling eyes. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"Bloodthirsty wolf." Nie Tian's eyes were murderous, he smiled coldly, and then said loudly: "Don't you think you are crazy and strong? Now that I am stepping on your head, do you still dare to be arrogant with me? "

The bloodthirsty wolf looked at Nie Tian, ​​his eyes trembling, and the fear in his heart was perfectly written on his face.

He originally thought that since Nie Tian had already deposed him, he would not kill him again.

But he was wrong. Nie Tian not only wanted to kill him, but also wanted to humiliate him severely!

"This..." The crowd looked at the battlefield, their expressions froze, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

They did not expect that Nie Tian would be so cruel and humiliate the bloodthirsty wolf.

"No. 16, that's enough. He has already lost." At this moment, the referee high in the sky frowned and said loudly as if he did not agree with Nie Tian's approach.

"Master referee, the Bloodthirsty Wolf did not admit defeat and did not walk out of the arena, so the battle between me and him is not over yet." Nie Tian looked up at the referee and said calmly.

"Huh?" The referee was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Nie Tian to refuse to give him face.

But Nie Tian was right. The bloodthirsty wolf did not shout out and admit defeat, nor was he knocked out of the fighting stage, so this battle was not over yet.

But it seemed a bit too much for Nie Tian to humiliate the bloodthirsty wolf in front of so many people.

"Young man, you have to spare others and go around them." The referee frowned and spoke again.

"I'm sorry, referee. I can spare the others, but not this person." Nie Tian smiled sinisterly, and then suddenly exerted force on his feet.

"Bang!" The next moment, an extremely tragic scene occurred. The bloodthirsty wolf's head was unexpectedly crushed by Nie Tian, ​​and his blood, flesh and brains burst out.

The bloodthirsty wolf who took pleasure in killing and eating people died a tragic death!

"Hiss—!" The sudden scene made everyone's eyes tremble and they all took a breath.

Nie Tian's sudden move was beyond everyone's expectations. Such a cruel method really made people's hearts tremble.

At this time, the eyes of many people looking at Nie Tian changed slightly. In addition to shock, there was also deep fear and fear.

Humiliate first and then kill!

Nie Tian's methods were cruel, ruthless, and terrifying.

Only then did people realize that it wasn't that Nie Tian couldn't kill, it was just that he didn't want to kill.

In other words, he didn't bother to kill.

It's not that Nie Tian is cowardly, but he doesn't want to kill people indiscriminately.

As long as he meets a cruel opponent, Nie Tian will immediately become cruel, and even more cruel than his opponent!

Nie Tian killed the bloodthirsty wolf, smiled faintly, and prepared to leave the battlefield.

"No. 16, stop!" At this time, the referee in the sky growled.

"Mr. Referee, what's the matter?" Nie Tian paused and smiled calmly.

"No. 16, he has already lost, why do you still want to kill him? This is just a competition, is it necessary to be so cruel?" The referee stood in the air and growled.

"I am cruel?" Nie Tian looked at the referee, laughed, and said: "Mr. Referee, you have also seen the previous matches of the bloodthirsty wolf. Why didn't I hear you say he was cruel?"

"And I won this battle. I killed the bloodthirsty wolf not because I wanted to kill people, but because he deserved to die."

"Do you know what my fate would be if I was weaker than the bloodthirsty wolf?"

Without waiting for the referee to answer, Nie Tian sneered and said: "The bloodthirsty wolf will not only kill me, but also eat me alive in front of everyone! Do you think I am still cruel compared to that scene?"

"This..." The referee was stunned for a moment and couldn't speak directly.

Nie Tian was right. The bloodthirsty wolf's methods were truly cruel.

If Nie Tian lost, the bloodthirsty wolf would eat him alive.

After Nie Tian finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to the referee. Instead, he moved and jumped off the stage.

"Huh?" Just as he jumped off the stage, he suddenly felt a murderous intent coming from the void, and it locked onto him instantly.

He turned around abruptly and saw a warrior in black staring at him intently.

The warrior in black had a murderous look in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent, extremely cold!

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