I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 3441: No Choice

"Star Rune!" Nie Tian looked at the baby wrapped in the star rune, his eyes trembled with horror, and he couldn't help being stunned for several seconds.

How could this child have the power of star runes?

"Could it be that the power of the stars has become the power of my blood and passed on to my children?" Nie Tian calmed down a little, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

The Star Yuan Stone has become one with him, but he did not expect that the Star Yuan Stone has become the power of his bloodline!

"Ruxi!" At this time, Nie Tian suddenly saw Mo Ruxi's body shaking, his eyes trembled, and he screamed in surprise.

The next moment, he immediately sensed that Mo Ruxi's breathing was still rising and falling evenly, indicating that she was still alive.

However, Mo Ruxi's aura was weakening little by little.

And the child's aura was getting stronger bit by bit.

That child is still absorbing Mo Ruxi's power!

"We must break through the forbidden space now!" Nie Tian's eyes trembled, and he took a step forward, condensing a blade of time and space in his hand, preparing to directly tear open the forbidden space.

The Star Forbidden Space has become very weak without the protection of the Star Forbidden Barrier.

The blade of time and space condensed by Nie Tian from the boundary of the universe can easily tear open the star forbidden space.

"Wait a minute!" However, at this moment, Qian Langxie's voice suddenly sounded, and he shouted in panic.

"Huh?" Nie Tian frowned, turned around suddenly, stared at Qian Langxie with his eyes like sharp knives, and said coldly: "You want to stop me?"

At this time, Nie Tian was already a warrior at the first level of Tianyun, while Qian Langxie was seriously injured even though he was at the ninth level of Tianyun.

If the two of them fought at this time, Nie Tian could kill Qian Langxie instantly.

"No." Qian Langxie's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Nie Tian, ​​the Star Forbidden Space is actually one, the Mother Sacrifice Formation!"

"I know." Nie Tian frowned, not expecting Qian Langxie to tell him this, and responded coldly.

"You know?" Qian Langxie was stunned and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, his face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

She didn't expect that Nie Tian would actually know that the Star Forbidden Space was a Mother Sacrifice Formation.

No wonder Nie Tian is so crazy and must break through the forbidden space.

"Qian Langxie, what are you going to say?" Nie Tian was a little impatient at this time and asked coldly.

He felt that Qian Langxie seemed to want to tell him something, but he was still hesitant.

"Nie Tian, ​​the Mother Sacrifice Formation has not been completed yet. If you break through the star forbidden space at this time, your child..." Qianlangxie frowned, paused, and said, "Your child will still die! "

"Huh?" When Nie Tian heard Qian Langxie's words, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

He was silent for a few seconds, and his suppressed breathing made people feel like he was going to kill someone at any time.

"Qian Langxie, are you telling the truth?" After a moment, Nie Tian looked at Qian Langxie and asked seriously.

"Yeah." Qian Langxie nodded, his face not pretty.

She was deeply shocked when she saw Nie Tian's desperate look before.

And he knew what the child in the star forbidden space meant.

That child must not die!

"Ghost Emperor!" Nie Tian's face was as downcast as death, and he was silent for a long time before speaking seriously.

"Nie Tian, ​​what she said is true." The Ghost Emperor responded in a deep voice, looking embarrassed.

He didn't know this just now, but after Qian Langxie said it, he re-perceived the Mother Sacrifice Formation.

Mother Sacrifice Formation, sacrifice your mother! It uses the power of the mother's body to promote the baby's rapid growth.

At this moment, the Mother Sacrifice Formation has not yet been completed. If the Star Forbidden Space is opened directly, the power in the baby's body will be unstable under the impact of external forces, and it will explode and die.

"Damn it!" Nie Tian's eyes were downcast and he roared like a wild beast.

At this moment, he was faced with a dilemma where he couldn't make a choice!

"Nie Tian, ​​you..." Qian Langxie's eyes trembled. Of course she understood Nie Tian's current situation. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

Nie Tian was very calm and sober at this time, but he had no choice!

If he breaks through the forbidden space at this time, his child will die.

And if he doesn't break the Star Forbidden Space, then Mo Ruxi will die after the Mother Sacrifice Formation is completed!

There is a child on one side and a wife on the other. He can only save one!

How does he choose?

In front of us is a dead end!

Nie Tian fell silent and stood in the void, as if there was nothingness.

Even though he has the Star Yuan Stone, he is the embryo of gods and demons, he has the shackles of heaven, and his domain has become a saint, but what is the use of these?

At this moment, he felt hopeless and helpless!

Tang Shisan and Guihuang Wujiang came to Nie Tian. They didn't know what happened yet, so they could only look at Nie Tian helplessly.

"Nie Tian, ​​you have to make a choice!" At this time, the Ghost Emperor's voice sounded, low and hollow, even a little illusory, saying: "You can only choose one between your wife and your child!"

You can only choose one!

These words were like steel needles, mercilessly piercing Nie Tian's heart, ruthlessly tearing it apart needle by needle!

I can only choose one, Nie Tian, ​​do you have any?

Should he be allowed to kill his children with his own hands, or watch his wife die?

Both options are worse than death, there is no choice!

"Ghost Emperor, I want both of us alive!" After a long time, Nie Tian spoke, tears slowly flowing from his eyes, and he said solemnly: "If one person must die, that person can only be me!"

Ghost Emperor heard Nie Tian's words, but was silent and unable to answer.

Nie Tian wanted to die for Mo Ruxi or his child, but he couldn't even do this!

"Boom!" Just when Nie Tian was in an extremely difficult situation, the sky suddenly trembled violently, and then a huge space-time crack appeared in the void.

"Hmm?" Qian Langxie's eyes trembled, looking up at the sky, and where his eyes fell, there was a black-clothed warrior.

"This is..." Seeing the black-clothed warrior, Qian Langxie's expression immediately became terrified and he couldn't speak.

She never thought that this person would come in person!

At the same time, Nie Tian turned and looked at the black-clothed warrior, his eyes were extremely murderous.

The warrior in black was just a shadow, as if shrouded in darkness. It was vaguely visible that he was a human figure, but his face was not clear.

However, the aura of this man was very terrifying. His figure stepped out from the crack of time and space, and the surrounding void shook violently, and it actually collapsed directly!

The aura of this man in black was even more terrifying than that of the Lord of Ten Thousand Ghosts, Nie Tian, ​​who had seen him in the Tianxing Mountains that day, and the Xiahou demon who fully released the Earth-Destroying Star Soul!

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