I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 4205: What Happened That Year

Zhu Rushuang's momentum burst out, with a strong pressure, making the surrounding space tremble constantly.

She was seriously injured before, and now she is only slightly stable, but there is a sharp murderous intent in her eyes, forcing Shengguang Yuyu.

"Senior, calm down first." Nie Tian frowned, stepped forward, and signaled Zhu Rushuang not to be impulsive.

Of course, he knew why Zhu Rushuang was so excited. When Zhu Rong died, he told her that her child was still alive and asked her to find Shengguang Yuyu.

The reason why Zhu Rushuang hated Zhu Rong so much was because the latter killed her child and husband.

And now, the person who knew the whereabouts of her child was in front of her, how could she restrain herself!

"Hmm?" Shengguang Yuyu frowned slightly, his expression was cold, and he said indifferently: "Zhu Rushuang, what are you crazy about?"

"Shengguang Yuyu, I already know." Zhu Rushuang's murderous intent became even stronger, and she almost roared: "Tell me, where is my child?"

Shengguang Yuyu's pale and pretty face suddenly changed, and he was stunned for a moment, and asked solemnly: "Where is Zhu Rong?"

"Gone." Zhu Rushuang suppressed her anger and spit out two words coldly.

Shengguang Yuyu's eyes trembled, although she had expected it, she was still very shocked.

She knew that if Zhu Rong was still alive, Zhu Rushuang would not know what happened that year, nor would she know the existence of the child.

"The angels and dragons suffered great changes at the same time, and perhaps what happened that year was not so important." Shengguang Yuyu was silent for a moment, suddenly smiled bitterly, and then began to talk about what happened that year.

It turned out that after the incident between Shengguang Yitian and Zhu Rushuang broke out, it was extremely opposed by the two tribes. The top leaders of the two tribes discussed and decided to kill the children of the two and imprison them for life.

However, Shengguang Yitian and Zhu Rushuang have special identities. One is the first genius of the angel clan, and the other is the young leader of the dragon clan. They also have a group of loyal followers.

Especially Shengguang Yitian, whose strength at that time was close to the peak of Tianwu Shengzu, and he was humble and respectful, deeply loved by his own people and some young warriors. There were even rumors at that time that Shengguang Yitian had already been determined to be the next generation of emperor.

When the followers of the Light Angel Clan and Shengguang Yitian learned of the resolution of the two clans, they all expressed that they would rise up in resistance and fight for Shengguang Yitian.

Shengguang Yuyu, the current Angel Emperor, is Shengguang Yitian's sister. She felt that the Light Angel Clan and some angels were far from enough, so she secretly contacted Zhu Rong, hoping that Zhu Rong could also lead the clan to rise up in resistance.

Zhu Rong was in a state of hesitation at the time. He knew that the step of resistance was very dangerous. If he made a mistake, it would not only be him and his daughter who would die, but the entire Taiwu Bingyi clan!

After a long consideration, Zhu Rong finally decided to take a risk and resist in order to save Zhu Rushuang!

But at this time, Shengguang Yitian appeared, which brought a huge turn for the whole thing.

Shengguang Yitian knew that if Shengguang Yuyu and Zhu Rong really led the people of the two tribes to resist, it would inevitably bring great disasters to the angel tribe and the dragon tribe, and countless people would die.

He didn't want to see such a scene happen, and he didn't want such a scene to happen because of himself.

In the end, he made an amazing decision: self-sacrifice!

Shengguang Yitian found the leaders of the two tribes and sacrificed himself in exchange for the survival of Zhu Rushuang and the child.

The leaders of the two tribes originally only allowed Zhu Rushuang to live, and the child must not be kept, but Shengguang Yitian proposed a fair duel with the Angel Emperor at that time. If he lost, the child would die, and if he won, the child would live.

At that time, Shengguang Yitian was less than ten thousand years old and was completely a young warrior. The Angel Emperor accepted the challenge, but was unexpectedly defeated.

In the end, the leaders of the two tribes accepted Shengguang Yitian's proposal, but Zhu Rushuang was confined to the Abyss of the Ancestral Dragon for life and was not allowed to leave even a step, and the child could not reveal his identity and could only live without knowing his identity.

Moreover, if the child showed any abnormality, the two tribes would get rid of him without hesitation!

These things were only known by a very few people. They should have been kept secret and taken to the grave, but they were eventually told by Zhu Rong.

Perhaps Zhu Rong felt that he was ashamed of Zhu Rushuang, and letting the latter know the truth was the last compensation he could make.

After listening to what Shengguang Yuyu said, Zhu Rushuang fell into a long silence, her eyes were dull, and the whole person seemed stupid.

Shengguang Yuyu looked at the woman in front of him, and the fierceness in his eyes faded, replaced by peace.

At the beginning, she hated Zhu Rushuang very much. She felt that Zhu Rushuang killed Shengguang Yitian.

But now, everything is over.

Perhaps, if Zhu Rushuang had died at the beginning, Shengguang Yitian would have fallen into real pain.

"Where is my child with Yi Tian?" After a long time, Zhu Rushuang's dull eyes flickered and she asked nervously.

"Are you sure you want to disturb his peace?" Shengguang Yuyu looked at Zhu Rushuang and asked back.

"I..." Zhu Rushuang's pupils shrank, and she was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she really wanted to see the child?

Perhaps, as long as she knew that the child was still alive, that was enough.

"Lord Emperor, where is he?" At this time, Nie Tian suddenly stepped forward and asked.

Shengguang Yuyu was stunned for a moment, not expecting Nie Tian to ask suddenly.

"Blood relatives, since you know, of course you have to see it." Nie Tian looked at Zhu Rushuang and said calmly but firmly.

He saw Zhu Rushuang's hesitation, so he spoke up to remind her.

In his opinion, the so-called flesh and blood connection means that you have to be close to each other. If you just watch from a distance, it will always be a one-way emotion, and it will become a burden in your heart.

"Yeah." Zhu Rushuang suddenly understood, her eyes surged with passion, and she nodded heavily to Shengguang Yuyu.

Shengguang Yuyu hesitated for a moment, but still said: "His name is Li You, in the Blood Wing Academy."

"Thank you." Zhu Rushuang nodded slightly, her expression calmed down a lot, and she thanked him lightly.

Shengguang Yuyu's mouth twitched, but there was some worry in her eyes. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to tell Zhu Rushuang about Li You.

After a while, Shengguang Yuyu and Nie Tian and others were ready to leave, while Zhu Rushuang and Zhu Xiyi stayed in the Abyss of the Ancestral Dragon, and Ye Yao also planned to stay.

But before leaving, Ye Yao pulled Nie Tian aside, looking a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" Nie Tian noticed that Ye Yao's face was not right, and couldn't help asking.

"Nie Tian, ​​does the person you just mentioned have the strongest blood of both the angels and dragons?" Ye Yao took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked carefully.

"Yes." Nie Tian nodded and asked, "Any questions?"

Li You is the son of Shengguang Yuyu and Zhu Rushuang. He has the blood of the Light Angel and Taiwu Bingyi. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has the strongest blood of both the angels and dragons.

Moreover, Zhu Rushuang now and Shengguang Yitian at the time can be said to be the strongest of the two clans, so it is conceivable how terrifying Li You's blood is.

Ye Yao's eyes trembled, and after being stunned for a long time, he said stupidly: "Could he be, the demon master!"

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