I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 4239 Heavy rain is coming

The three great prophecies of the Dragon Clan Taixu: the Dragon Lord, the Dragon Herder, and the Demon Tamer.

The Dragon Lord represents hope, the Dragon Herder represents rebirth, and the Demon Tamer represents destruction.

Among the three great prophecies, the Demon Tamer is the most powerful being, with the ultimate talent and subversive combat power, and is the ultimate saint who is indestructible.

Therefore, the Demon Tamer can represent destruction, subversion, death and the dark night.

When Ye Yao realized that Li You was the Demon Tamer, he was shocked beyond words, but he did not tell Nie Tian all the things.

He knew that whether it was Nie Tian, ​​Li You, or Ni Jianming, since the three were people in the Taixu prophecy, they must have a certain mission.

Since the Demon Tamer is destruction and the Dragon Herder is rebirth, when the two meet, perhaps some unexpected changes will occur in the fate of the dark.

Nie Tian retreated to a high altitude in the distance, and felt the endless dark and terrible aura from Li You, and his heart was shocked.

The dragon-herding vein in his body seemed to be stimulated and induced by something, and it was restless and almost out of control.

"Who is this guy? How can he have such terrible power?" Everyone trembled and looked at the terrible scene in horror.

As the chief law enforcement officer, Ming Lishu should be strong, but Li You is a completely unknown person. How can he confront Ming Lishu head-on?

"Bang!" Just when everyone was in doubt, a muffled sound suddenly came from the sky, and then a figure flew out from the raging fire wave, drawing a bloody line in the air.

When the crowd saw this scene, their eyes trembled at first, and then they saw the figure clearly, and they were stunned. That person turned out to be Ming Lishu!

"How is it possible?" Everyone's first reaction was disbelief. Countless people stared with their eyes wide open and couldn't speak directly.

It was really surprising that a strong man like Ming Lishu was defeated by Li You.

After a moment, the turbid waves in the sky dissipated, and Li You, holding a spear in his hand, was like a giant, with a pair of eyes flashing with cold light, extremely cold and evil.

In the sky, Ming Lishu stood tall, with several bloody wounds on his body, and the whole person was in a mess. He looked at Li You with a look of fear and fear.

"Who are you?" Ming Lishu said in horror, but his throat was rolling, and he was trying his best to suppress the blood from spurting out.

He was defeated, defeated by an unknown person, and defeated in one move.

He could only swallow this shame with tears.

But he was the chief of law enforcement after all, and he had to maintain his only remaining dignity, even if he was defeated miserably, he had to stick to his dignity.

"Li You, the caretaker of the hunting ground of life and death." Li You responded coldly, but every word he said gave people a feeling of murderous intent.

"Li You, I remember this name." Ming Lishu spoke solemnly, but his body trembled. A mouthful of blood surged, but he swallowed it back before it spurted out.

Li You's eyes condensed slightly, and he had seen through everything, and said: "If you don't want to die, you'd better not talk anymore."

"You... puff!" Ming Lishu's eyes trembled, and his body trembled again. Finally, he couldn't even keep his last dignity. A mouthful of dirty blood spurted out, and his face turned as pale as paper.

Li You's face was cold, without joy or anger, just frowned slightly, then turned to Nie Tian and said: "Let's go."

"Yes." Nie Tian nodded heavily. Ruoyu Qianye was seriously injured and must be treated as soon as possible.

But just as the two turned around and wanted to leave, several terrible auras rose between the surrounding heaven and earth, and suddenly a huge oppressive aura descended, like a majestic tide, rolling from all directions.

Li You frowned, stepped sideways, and a monstrous aura was released, resisting the ten thousand feet of raging waves.

Nie Tian put Ruoyu Qianye into Jiuji, then moved and hid behind Li You.

Under the huge pressure, the crowd retreated again, and many people looked at the sky in horror, not knowing what happened.

"Young man, what a great momentum!" At this moment, a low voice sounded, with a hint of playfulness.

"Since you are here, why not show up?" Li You's eyes condensed coldly, and the long spear in his hand, Jiutian Yumo, pointed directly at the sky, and the breath of swallowing the sky suddenly burst out, forcibly sweeping away the oppression in the surrounding space.

After the excitement, a gray-clothed figure appeared, standing tall, with the demeanor of a master.

But his eyes, with a sinister murderous intent, stared at Li You.

Li You was not afraid at all, staring at the man, as if provoking.

"I didn't expect that my Angel Clan actually has such a person hidden. This trip to Blood Wing is really worthwhile." The man's mouth twitched and he spoke coldly, with the cold murderous intent in his eyes becoming even stronger.

"Ming Shangshu, the head of the Ming family, is indeed a top-notch warrior of the Angel Clan." Li You's eyes flashed and he responded solemnly.

"Ming Shangshu!" When everyone heard Li You's words, their eyes trembled and they screamed directly.

No one expected that the person who came was actually the head of the Ming family!

The head of the Ming family, that means he is Ming Yufeng's father.

It seems that this time, the matter has really gotten out of hand.

Nie Tian stared at Ming Shangshu, his eyes sank slightly, and he was shocked.

Although Ming Shangshu is the head of the Ming family, judging from his age, he should not be very old, and he is in his prime.

His aura is actually not weaker than those elders of the Angel Clan, which is really shocking.

When he was in the City of Angels, Nie Tian originally thought that the top combat power of the Angel Clan was the clan leader, several ancestors and several senior elders. It seems that he guessed wrong. In addition to the main faction of the Angel Clan, , and there are many powerful branches, which are no weaker than the main branch.

No wonder, Dean Shengguang Muxue is subject to the influence of aristocratic families such as the Ming family.

"My family leader has been in seclusion for many years. I didn't expect anyone to recognize my family leader." Ming Shangshu said calmly, but he couldn't hide the anger in his heart.

"Master Ming, others don't recognize you, but I can recognize you even when you turn into ashes." Li You's eyes suddenly flashed and he said solemnly: "Back then, I saw you with my own eyes and forced my teacher to death."

"Huh?" Ming Shangshu frowned, and then he thought of something, but he smiled and said, "I remember that you were the child who followed Li Xing back then."

"You finally remembered." Li You said with a chill at the corner of his mouth: "Back then, my teacher Li Xing was the chief law enforcer. He was upright and hated evil. Your fourth brother Ming Yuanshu was domineering in the academy and killed indiscriminately. Innocent. The teacher repeatedly tolerated him, but he repeatedly forced him to do so. In the end, the teacher personally executed him. "

"And you, the eldest brother, in order to take revenge, actually led the powerful men from the major families to threaten the academy. In order not to implicate the academy, the teacher finally chose to end it himself."

"I will never forget that scene!"

"On that day, I swear to heaven that I will kill you with my bare hands and hold your head in memory of the teacher!"

As he spoke, Li You's aura suddenly surged, his eyes turned scarlet, like a wild beast, and he roared: "Shang Shu Ming, today is the time to pay for your blood debt!"

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