I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 835 Stegosaurus appears again

Jin Dabao finally found the location of Zhenyan's tombstone and seemed very excited.

"Boss, are you okay?" But when he saw Nie Tian and found that the latter was injured, he couldn't help but scream.

"It's okay." Nie Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the tombstone pointed by Jin Dabao, and smiled lightly on his face.

He observed carefully and found that the tombstone was emitting a faint green light, and the aura of the formation was stronger than the other tombstones.

Fortunately, Jin Dabao was there, otherwise Nie Tian would have searched for the formation eye himself, and he would not have known what year and month he would have found it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!???" At this time, there were constant explosions in the air. The corpse soldiers attacked the sky-covering totem more violently, and the starlight above the totem became dimmer.

Nie Tian looked at the tombstone of Zhenyan with burning eyes. He asked Jin Dabao to get down, and then put away the Sky-Covering Totem.

Nie Tian took a look and realized that it would be very difficult to rush to the tombstone of the Formation Eye. There were hundreds of corpse soldiers of the ninth level of Tianyan standing there, but if the stalemate continued, the situation would be even more dangerous.

More corpse soldiers and corpse soldier commanders came over, and they were all immortal and could stand up even if they were broken.

The only solution now is to break the tombstone of the formation eye, and the killing formation will automatically break open.

"Han Tian, ​​rush over and smash that tombstone into pieces!" Nie Tian roared at Han Tian. Among all the people present, apart from Jin Dabao, the only one Nie Tian could trust absolutely was Han Tian.

"Yes!" Han Tian agreed, and the two petrified arms began to dance wildly. All the corpse soldiers within dozens of meters around were unable to withstand the powerful momentum of the petrified arms and were directly blown to pieces.

"Han Tian, ​​that tombstone is the formation's eye, we must smash it!" Nie Tian moved and came to Han Tian's side. He stabbed out with his sword and smashed all the corpse soldiers around him.

However, the corpse soldiers from the other side surged over, making Han Tian tired of dealing with them.

"One more person!" Nie Tian could not fight against all the corpse soldiers with his own strength, so he had to yell.

Xuanqiu was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the hundreds of corpse soldiers at the ninth level of Tianyan in front of him, he swallowed hard and took a step back.

"Come here, girl!" Yue Jin yelled, and just as she was about to go over to help, there was someone behind her who rushed over before her, it was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a member of the Demon Sect, and the purpose of this trip is to protect Yue Jin. How can he let her be put in danger?

Black wings appeared behind Lin Feng, directly sweeping the corpse soldiers within dozens of meters into the air. The strange black light reappeared, smashing all the corpse soldiers in the air.

"Okay! Let's charge forward!" When Nie Tian saw Lin Feng appear, he roared deeply and looked at the tombstones again.

Nie Tian, ​​Han Tian, ​​Lin Feng, the three of them formed horns, like sharp blades, and charged towards the tombstone of the formation.

Those corpse soldiers seemed to know that Nie Tian and others were going to destroy the formation tombstone, so they all swarmed over in an attempt to stop them.

"Get out of my way!" Han Tian roared angrily, his arms suddenly swelled again, and with one punch, he smashed four or five corpse soldiers of the ninth level of Tianyan into pieces, and the air was filled with blood.

Nie Tian and Lin Feng also took action at the same time to stop the corpse soldiers on both sides, preventing them from getting close to Han Tian.

Three figures quickly approached the formation eye tombstone, and were soon only a few meters away from the tombstone.

Arriving in front of the formation eye tombstone, the three of them took a deep breath.

The tombstone in front of me is very huge, hundreds of meters high, and it looks like a city wall, indestructible.

"Destroy it!" Nie Tian said solemnly.

"Boom!" Han Tian nodded without hesitation, and punched out. There was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the whole valley shook violently. However, the tombstone only trembled slightly, but it was intact. There are no cracks.

At the same moment, Han Tian was directly bombarded by the power of the runes of the killing array and flew backwards.

"This??????" Nie Tian took a breath. He didn't expect that this tombstone was so strong. Han Tian was made of heavenly stone and couldn't even make a crack.

"Let me do it!" At this time, Lin Feng's eyes tightened, and endless violent energy suddenly surged out of his body. The black wings behind him spun rapidly, and a huge storm vortex formed outside his body. The whole person looked like a huge black tornado.

"Wind attribute!" Nie Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. Lin Feng's strength was still beyond his expectation. The people of the Demon Sect were indeed very strong.

Nie Tian and Han Tian retreated tens of meters and looked at Lin Feng quietly, expecting the latter to smash the formation eye tombstone.

Some corpse soldiers saw Lin Feng approaching the tombstone and rushed over. However, before they got within ten meters of Lin Feng, they were swept up by the tornado and turned into flying ash.

"Jie—! Jie—!" The tombstone of Zhenyan seemed to be aware of the danger, and there were harsh sounds all around, cold and strange.

"Boom!" Lin Feng's figure rushed over directly. The huge tornado lifted up the ground, and a terrifying explosion sounded in the void.

"Bang!" However, the next moment, a muffled sound came out, and a terrifying rune power came. The wildly rotating black tornado suddenly stopped, and a figure flew out, it was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was directly penetrated by the power of the runes, and his chest was filled with blood.

Countless corpse soldiers smelled the smell of blood and became more violent, rushing towards Lin Feng like a tide.

"Han Tian, ​​protect him!" Nie Tian shouted when he saw this, and immediately moved his figure and rushed towards the formation eye tombstone.

Lin Feng's blow just now left a terrifying crack on the formation eye tombstone, which undoubtedly showed that his strength was far superior to Han Tian.

"I want to see how strong this tombstone is!" Nie Tian's eyes shot out a cold look, his body shook, and several sword intents surged out, dripping blood surged all over his body, and endless blood energy was suddenly released, bloody The violent aura surged hundreds of meters away.

"Teacher!" Han Tian helped Lin Feng stand up. Seeing Nie Tian's body covered in blood, he didn't know what he was going to do.

Nie Tian's figure stood in mid-air, his whole body wrapped in endless blood energy and sword intent.

Slowly, a bloody sword array gradually appeared around him, surrounding him in an endless stream.

"Proud Sword Art, Sword Sealing Formation!" Then, Nie Tian raised a cold smile on his lips, and the blood energy in his body became more violent. The bloody sword formation suddenly started to move, and powerful sword formation power flowed. All around Nie Tian.

Nie Tian only has one chance to take action. If he fails to succeed, it will trigger the biggest counterattack of the killing array. At that time, he will be very dangerous.

The next sword strike not only determines Nie Tian's safety, but also determines the lives of everyone else.

"The sword dragon swallows the world!" Nie Tian stood in the air, his eyes became firm, and his cold voice sounded slowly.

As his voice fell, in the sword sealing formation, the power of the sword formation instantly condensed together, and a bloody divine dragon evolved from the sword formation.

The bloody divine dragon was hundreds of meters tall, with red eyes as bright as the sun and the moon, and the dragon scales all over its body released a violent bloody aura.

The formation eye tombstone turned directly into a small toy in front of Stegosaurus.

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