I, the Emperor of Heaven return

Chapter 872: Soul Splitting Attacks

In the hall, the Nilong Horn suddenly sounded, and the people of the Nilong Clan immediately fell into panic.

The Nilong Horn is an ominous symbol of the Nilong Clan, and will only be blown when facing an emergency.

"What happened?" Ni Nan reacted and screamed. Although he was extremely calm, he could not hide his panic.

"Third Elder, go and take a look!" Ni Qifeng calmed down a little and shouted to Ni Qilei beside him.

Ni Qilei agreed, and just as he was about to go out, a Ni Long clan member ran over in panic, shouting: "Clan leader, great elder, something bad has happened, crack, soul cracker is here!"

"Soul Breaker!" Ni Nan, Ni Qifeng and others were all stunned, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Soul Splitter, the nemesis of the Nilong Clan, has actually found Nilong Valley!

For hundreds of thousands of years, the reason why the Nilong Clan has been able to survive under the clutches of the Soul Splitter is because the Soul Splitter could not find the Nilong Valley.

But now, the Soul Breaker suddenly appears, which is tantamount to annihilation for the people of the Dragon Rebellion Clan.

"Ni Long Valley is extremely secretive. How could the Soul Splitter come here?" Fifth Elder Ni Qiyun was the first to calm down and said solemnly, but looked at Nie Tian with an extremely unfriendly look.

Nilong Valley has not been exposed for hundreds of thousands of years. Just three days after Nie Tian and others arrived, the Soul Breaker appeared.

No one would believe that this matter had nothing to do with Nie Tian.

Nie Tian's eyes were downcast, and he did not defend himself, but said, "Don't panic, everyone, the Soul Breaker is not that scary."

"Yes." Ni Nan nodded solemnly and said, "Inform the whole clan and prepare to fight!"

It was too late to say anything now. Even if it was really Nie Tian who had brought the Soul Breaker here, there was no point in blaming him.

"Fifth Elder, take the woman and child to the secret room first." Ni Qifeng said to Ni Qiyun beside him, then looked at Nie Tian and said, "Mr. Nie Tian, ​​let's go out and take a look."

Ni Qifeng had a vague feeling that maybe Nie Tian would become a key figure in the battle between the Dragon Clan and the Soul Splitter.

Soul Splitters have innate restraint against the Nilong Clan, but Nie Tian is not a member of the Nilong Clan, and the dragon energy in his body has great restraint on the Soul Splitting Qi. This may be the reason why the Nilong Clan has an innate ability to restrain the Soul Splitters. A twist.

Nie Tian nodded solemnly, and with a movement of his figure, he came outside the hall. The scene he saw completely shocked him.

In Nilong Valley, there were soul-splitting wolves all over the mountains and plains, rushing towards them like a tide.

Many Nilong clan members have been torn into pieces by the soul-splitting wolves, and the valley is filled with the smell of blood all day long.

"Oh my God!" At this time, the figure who was against the wind rushed out, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he howled in extreme pain.

"Seeking death!" Nie Tian ignored Ni Qifeng and raised a cold expression on his lips. His figure was like fire and he rushed towards him.

His figure was very fast, like a tiger descending from the mountain and rushing into the pack of wolves.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Nie Tian fired three swords in a row, directly killing the soul-splitting wolf in front of him on the spot.

His current strength has reached the ninth level of Tianyan. The power of 190 billion stars has been awakened in his body. His sword intention has become more pure. Coupled with the improvement of the Jiuji God of War Art, any one of them is enough to kill a soul-splitting wolf in an instant.

However, Nie Tian knew that the soul-splitting wolves in front of him were the weakest, only three or four meters long. There were also soul-splitting wolf kings, soul-splitting people, soul-splitting people commanders, and even more powerful enemies waiting for him.

"Help! Save my child!" A panicked voice sounded in the distance, a middle-aged woman wailing, running for her life in a panic with a several-month-old baby on her back.

Behind the woman, dozens of soul-splitting wolves were chasing after her, and they were about to catch up and tear her apart completely.

"Evil beast!" Seeing this scene, Nie Tian shouted coldly, and his whole body was ignited with the Fire Chitian armor. His whole body was like a burning flame, drawing a red trajectory.

"Boom!" Just when the soul-splitting wolf was about to pounce on the woman, Nie Tian slashed down with his sword. The terrifying sword intention bloomed in the air, and a hundred-meter sword shadow came like a mountain. Dozens of them were killed. The soul-splitting wolf was directly strangled by Sui's sword intent.

Nie Tian raised his hand slightly and sent the woman near the hall.

At this time, countless soul-splitting wolves rushed up, and there were hundreds or even thousands of them in a black mass.

"Whoosh whoosh..." Before Nie Tianren could move, the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air came from above his head. When he looked up, he saw a sea of ​​fire, which was the soul-piercing arrow he saw earlier!

Soul-piercing arrows are sharp arrows specially made by the Nilong Clan to deal with soul-splitting people. They are extremely lethal to soul-splitting people.

Nie Tian saw with his own eyes that the soul-piercing arrow shot the soul-splitting man into sieves.

Seeing the rockets above him pouring down like a torrential rain, Nie Tian's face suddenly became nervous and he shouted loudly: "Don't fire arrows!"

"Puff puff..." The soul-piercing arrow fell from the sky, overwhelming pressure filled the air, and countless soul-splitting wolves were turned into flesh.

The scene was bloody and the scene was extremely tragic.

Nie Tian's figure moved, he jumped up high, and shouted to Ni Qifeng: "Great Elder, don't let them shoot arrows!"

Ni Qifeng was slightly startled, a little strange, but he still obeyed Nie Tian's words and shouted loudly: "Everyone, stop shooting arrows!"

Nie Tianren breathed a sigh of relief in the air.

He did not allow the people of the Nilong Clan to use soul-piercing arrows. Of course, he did not care about the life of the soul-splitting wolf, but he felt that using the soul-piercing arrow on the soul-splitting wolf would be overkill.

The Soul-Piercing Arrows of the Nilong Clan are bound to be limited and must be used as the last resort.

Nie Tian estimated that even the soul-splitting wolf transformed by the leader of the soul-splitting man would be unable to withstand such a dense concentration of soul-piercing arrows.

Nie Tian looked around and saw countless soul-splitting wolves rushing up desperately, tens of thousands of them, like black lightning, running fiercely.

"Huh!" Nie Tian frowned, slashed with his sword, and a terrifying sword intent fell on the ground, drawing a terrifying ravine on the ground.

"Anyone who crosses this line will be killed without mercy!" The cold and ruthless roar fell, and violent sword intent surged from Nie Tian's body. Countless flowing sword shadows suddenly appeared in the void, and they fell suddenly like a rain of arrows from the sky!

"What a terrifying sword intent!" Ni Qifeng and others saw this scene outside the hall and were shocked by the strength displayed by Nie Tian.

Only now did they know that what Ni Jianming said about Nie Tian killing the leader of the Soul Breakers was absolutely true.

"Aw-, aw-, aow-,..." Sword shadows fell across the sky, and countless miserable howls rang out. All the soul-splitting wolves were severely injured, and many were even killed directly.

Nie Tian smiled slightly. He did not expect that his sword intention had become so terrifying, and its power exceeded his expectations.

"Ouch!" At this moment, a shrill wolf howl sounded, and a ten-meter black wolf appeared outside the valley in the distance. It was the Soul-Splitting Wolf King.

"You've come just in time!" Nie Tian raised the corners of his mouth coldly, releasing terrifying killing intent from his whole body, and his fighting spirit was wild!

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