Chapter 1794 Big Fortune Star

   But anyway, Xie Luan returned to Xie's house and met her relatives who had been away for a long time. She was very excited, and she spoke to Mrs. Xie for a while, and then wept again.

Xie Yun’s wife next to    said softly, “Xiaoluan, don’t cry. If you cry too much, your head will hurt.”

   "Well, I know, that is, I'm so happy," Xie Luan bit her lip, her eyes red, "I didn't expect that I could meet you in my lifetime."

  Xie Luan discovered that her first half of her life may have been shrouded in grief since she was lost.

  The conflict with Jianjun.

  And her very bad body.

   and the memories she lost.

  It can be said that there was a time when Xie Luan didn’t want to live anymore.

  Of course, at that time, her physical condition was so bad that she almost died suddenly. Fortunately, she fell into the snow that time and happened to run into her little face.

  At this point, Xie Luan’s pale life has slowly added a lot of color.

  Now the father is on the left and the mother is on the right. On the opposite side are the older brother and sister-in-law. Xie Luan talks about his experiences one by one. Although these things have actually been talked about on the phone in recent years.

  But talking on the phone is not the same as talking face-to-face.

  The family seems to want to make up for the missing time.

  After hearing these words from Xie Luan, the Xie family confirmed once again that Xiao Yan is their family’s great star.

In the end, Xie Yun saw that his father was holding back his cough, and his sister Xiaoluan was tired between her eyebrows, and said aloud, "Xiaoluan, you should go to rest first, Dad, it’s time for your lunch break. Go to rest, and when we are ready for dinner, we will call you again."

  "That's right, Xiaoluan, let me accompany you there. There is a house over there, which is specially reserved for you by parents."

  Xie Luan came in and talked to her parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law. He didn't know where his luggage was sent.

As soon as she heard of a house, she was taken aback, and then immediately waved her hand and said, "No, no, I don't want to live that far. These days, I want to spend more time with my parents, parents, let me live next door to you. , I can live anywhere, I don’t want to be too far away from you."

  Xie Luan looked at Mrs. Xie and Xie An eagerly.

  The old lady Xie actually wants to be closer to her daughter, she said softly, "Then you live next door to us, but the room over there is not too big."

   "Mom, if you don't dislike it, I want to make a floor in your room!" Xie Luan said jokingly.

   Feeling her daughter acting like a baby again, Mrs. Xie nodded slightly, and then said, “That way, let your dad go to his room, Xiao Luan, you will sleep with me tonight.”

  Xie Luan looked back at her father.

  Xie An smiled helplessly, and said, "Xiao Luan, when you come back, you will squeeze me away."

  "Xiaoluan, don't listen to your dad's nonsense!" Mrs. Xie also stared at her husband a little speechlessly.

How old is   !

  Although the two of them are in the same room now, they are sleeping in separate beds. After all, Xie An’s body still has many problems, so you should be more careful.

  Looking at his parents teasing each other, Xie Lu remembered that when he was a child, his parents were like this. They had very good feelings. They often quarreled, and they would laugh at each other.

  Although decades have passed.

  But everyone has not changed.

  Xie Luan thought.

so good.

  Xie’s house is full of joy and lively.

  Far away in the office of the chief of a certain star area of ​​the main star, Bai Jianjun was frowning at the documents in his hand.

The guard soldier next to    choked for a while, and then cautiously asked, "Sir, is there any problem with this document?"

  (End of this chapter)

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