Chapter 3032 Ghost Gambling Ship 111

  Huang Yuan felt cold in his eyes.

   "I thought you two were smart people."

   Regardless of whether it is Gu Yan or Lu Ye, even if it is the situation that may be marked as a hornet's nest in the next moment, it is still calm and calm.

  This time, the eyes of Greedy Wolf finally changed a lot.

  He clearly realized that Gu Ye and Lu Yan were provoking Huang Yuan!

   Greedy wolf's palms are slightly wet.

Lu Ye was still very lazy, ignoring the dozens of black muzzles facing his head, he stretched out his long legs comfortably, and then said, "Of course they are smart people, not smart people. I won’t be brought to this ship by you, right? To be honest, I like the games on this ship. After all, there are some games that you can’t play in other places. Tsk, there are too many restrictions, you know what I mean. Right?"

  This person is too calm, and the temperament of the whole body.

   Huang Yuan thought that the other party had been in a disbanded star thief group before, and he was even more convinced.

  However, he is not easy to believe in the master of man.

   Huang Yuan's eyes were focused on Lu Ye at this time.

   "I heard that you have been in the Hawkeye Star Thieves group before."

   "Yes, so what?"

   "Oh, I heard before that the boss of Hawkeye died and later lived. Since you were once his subordinates, you should know some inside stories, right?"

   Huang Yuan is testing Lu Ye.

  This kind of inside story, only the people inside the Star Pirates group will know, and some marginal people don't know it at all.

   Huang Yuan also knew from his adoptive father.

  However, this kind of inquiries is easy to use when placed on other people's, but on Lu Ye's side, it is completely useless.

  After all, Lu Ye not only really stayed at Hawkeye for a while, he also became an insider. More importantly, after Hawkeye was disbanded for a long time, Lu Ye also fought side by side with the once boss Hawkeye himself.

  Eagle Eye is the name of the Star Thieves group and the code name of the boss of the Star Thief group.

  It’s just...

Lu Ye leaned back comfortably. He slowly said, "Anyway, Hawkeye is disbanded, so it’s okay to tell you. Jonathan, yes, it was my former leader, Hawkeye. He had a period of time. , I was infatuated with a woman, that woman is the archangel of the black angel, tusk, you should know the black angel? So, Jonakon dismissed Hawkeye. Later, for a while, he fell silent, I thought he It's dead, but what I heard later was that Pandora, the archangel was dead, and Jonathan took her body and returned to live in a small town in his hometown."

  Lu Ye spread out his hands and snorted, "Women are all disasters."

  Lu Ye showed the disgusting woman so vividly that it made Gu Yan sitting next to him crying and laughing.

  Huang Yuan was very surprised after listening.

  Because this is almost exactly the same as the secret he knew! Even, what Lu Yan knew was more detailed than he knew!

  A few years ago, the black angel almost became the world's number one star thief group, but it is said that in the end, it was finally eliminated by Yin and some mysterious characters.

  In addition, this Lu Yan actually knows the real name of Yingyan, Jonacon!

  Huang Yuan had already believed 90% of it. He paused, and tentatively looked at Lu Ye, "Then you know, does Jonathan have anything to do with Yin?"

  He said these words, not temptation, but inquiries.

  Because Huang Yuan has used this ship under hidden eyelids these years, it is also a shadow of a cup bow snake.

  (End of this chapter)

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