I, The Founder Of League Of Legends!

114: Infinite Firepower And Destiny Showdown! 【3】

Although in the second expansion pack of League of Legends, what happens next has not been announced, but the heroes are obviously not dead. After all, if they die

It is impossible to appear in Summoner's Rift in the next time!

However, even though the second expansion pack has ended, summoners still have many questions in their minds, such as why Noxus invaded the other two city-states, why did Talon attack the prince, etc.?

As for these issues, Summoners can only know about them after the game conference is over and when the League of Legends officially introduces the individual personal background stories of the heroes.

However, the current summoners actually don't have time to think about this problem, because after the second expansion pack ended, Zhang Liangying's figure appeared on the stage!

With the beautiful singing voices of Zhang Liangying, JJ Lin, Zhang Jie and Xu Mengyuan, the audience not only saw more content about the new heroes, but also because of the appearance of the singers and new heroes, the entire press conference was pushed to a climax. !

But as long as summoners are familiar with League of Legends and have watched the League of Legends press conference, they will understand that this CG animation is just an appetizer for the press conference. As for the content that the press conference really wants to introduce, it will be in the second half of the press conference. Duan released, that is, when Lu Li, the founder of League of Legends, appeared on the scene!

And just when the entire performance of the third game conference was over, Lu Li's figure finally appeared on the stage!

"Hello to all the Summoner friends in the live and Riot broadcast rooms, I am the founder of League of Legends, Lu Li!"

When Lu Li walked onto the stage and introduced his name to the summoners again, the entire scene and the summoners in front of the screen were filled with joy because of this!

After all, it was this man who brought them such fun League of Legends-!

Hearing the audience's cries, Lu Li smiled and continued.

"I believe that in the expansion pack just now, all summoners have had an initial feeling of the fierce battles between the major city-states on the continent of Valoran! In the following days, they will also log in to the Summoner's Rift one after another. Fight side by side with the summoners!"

Lu Li said eloquently, making all the audience excited!

"For the Demacia camp, we will continue to launch three heroes: Night Hunter Venn, Iron Ambassador Bobby, and Radiant Lady Lux!"

"For the Noxus camp, we will launch three heroes: Darius the Hand of Noxus, Draven the Glory Executioner, and Urgot the Pride of the Leader!"

"In the Ionian camp, we will launch four heroes: Irelia, the Will of Blades, Lee Sin, Akali, the Fist of Shadow, and Shen, the Eye of Twilight!"

And with Lu Li's voice, whenever he mentions the name of a hero, his original painting will appear on the big screen of the Bird's Nest!

"On September 2, we will update the first new hero, Darius, Hand of Noxus, and at the same time, open a new version 1.6 of our League of Legends! And in the new version, we, A new entertainment model will also be launched!”

"Unlimited firepower!"

Lu Li looked at the crowded audience and said confidently!

As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, the audience both at the scene and in front of the screen were shocked!

"Unlimited firepower? What kind of entertainment mode is this?" the audience asked.

"Will it be more fun than Super Smash Bros.? If it's not as good as Super Smash Bros., I feel like no one will play it."

But the next moment, Lu Li just described it in simple words, which instantly made all the summoners' eyes widen!

"The unlimited firepower game mode is the same as the ordinary Summoner's Rift mode, but the difference is that in this mode, the skill CD time of all heroes has become 30% of the original!"

"For example, Han Bing's W skill, Thousand Arrows, used to take more than ten seconds to cool down, but now it only takes less than five seconds!"

And when Lu Li said these words, the audience's curiosity finally exploded!

Not to mention, when Lu Li personally played the video to the audience and demonstrated the video of countless skills randomly placed in the infinite fire mode, all the summoners were so excited that they almost stood up!

"Wow, this mode is really great!"

"I feel like I can play this mode all day long!"

"I like playing Galen the most! In this mode, I can spin in circles infinitely!"

The summoners at the entire scene were talking about it, so much so that when the 60,000 spectators made their voices heard in the huge Bird's Nest venue, it actually produced a deafening effect!

"It's great, it's great! Let me just say that every time League of Legends launches its game releases, some ultimate moves will be released!"

"Yes, yes, the last time we announced the start of the professional league, this time, we actually created such a fun entertainment mode!"

But if Lu Li heard this sentence, I'm afraid he would laugh out loud.

Infinite firepower is their ultimate move?

No, no, no, there are even more surprising modes, waiting for you below!

"Please be patient and patient." Lu Li said with a smile, "Because in addition to the unlimited firepower mode, we have also brought you another entertainment mode!"


What? Another entertainment mode? Launching two entertainment modes at once?!

The summoners were all shocked. After all, this unlimited firepower had already quite surprised them, and wouldn’t the next series of entertainment modes be able to surprise them even more?!

After Lu Li aroused all the interest of the summoners, he slowly announced to the summoners the second game mode he was going to launch!

A showdown of fate!

And when the Summoners heard the words "Destiny Showdown", they were all stunned!

If they could guess the gameplay of some modes from the "Infinite Firepower" just now, then this time, they can't even imagine what this "Destiny Showdown" mode is going to do!

But then, Lu Li smiled strangely, and then spoke slowly.

"I believe that all summoners should have been playing chicken every day before playing League of Legends, right? The Destiny Showdown mode is our League of Legends version of the chicken game!

Lu Li said solemnly to the summoners, and the next moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Duel of Destiny is League of Legends’ competitive mode?!

Can League of Legends still play chicken mode?!

No one could imagine this happening, but during Lu Li's subsequent video demonstration, the audience suddenly discovered that this incident turned out to be a real matchup!

League of Legends, you can also eat chicken!.

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